look, bruh, I dunno what your angle is.
YOU made a frankly comical statement that people SHOULD enjoy breeding. It's as inane as saying a person SHOULD enjoy blowjobs. or any other sexual act.
You then bitched at me.
But then apparently, you like to snake and worm around and get annoyed at my view.
and paint ME as the villain here.
I'll leave you to think that you've "won" here, when you communicate like a chimp, snake around points and people, and then want this faux "dominance".
I'm smart enough to merely voice an opinion, which triggers you to your core, and then respond to your idicoy about "imagination".
I think your buff body affects your thinking and personality, it's why you are this forward and manipulative, and arrogant. most buff young guys have that character tbh.
I'm glad my opinion on the OP and your point of imagination triggered you. Since I'm a human and YOU say "everybody can have an opinion!!" i guess buff guys never went to school and learnt what "everybody" means.
Intelligent people don't ram home discourse and think they "own" it loooool. as you are doing. but cool, i said I'll leave you to win.