Today's mood

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Bit peaved at a second lockdown in the least infected part of the uk ? No firework dispay this year then. No visiting the kids in England, house delayed and second date sex postponed. Meh
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Wednesday,not Friday

re above post
starting to wonder
re humanities perhaps going overboard in some matters
fear,well ...
think,humanity's entitled to skepticism,cynicism,at times

most/many feel safer when it appears others are doing it rihght,no doubt
nothings ever right tho,damn
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weekend project
Weekend Project: How To Make the Most Out of Your Food Scraps
By Jessica Sulima

There’s something extremely satisfying about finding new life for a food item that you would have otherwise thrown out. And, sometimes, it can even be thrilling. But beyond the excitement of it all, zero waste cooking can help us pivot to more sustainable lifestyles.

To help me devise a list of innovative ways to make use of food scraps, I also tapped Barrie Cohen, herbalist and artist. Cohen spent a few years working on organic fruit and vegetable farms before founding Anthemia, a Brooklyn-based fashion line that features fabrics dyed from food sources. She taught me how to dye fabric from avocado pits, which you can read about below, among other fun ways to curb waste.

Be Resourceful

eating them next year, cool
we have all worked damn hard at it
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Sunday NZT arvo
trying,to get pissed
before China slow cooker indigenous warmup,

x warmediup 3 times,havent the heart to throw it out duh

food specialist perfectionists,will be crying 'unhealthy foul' after x1 warmup FFS
white sensible power huh duh2
lost there common sense,where taste lies
i said

additt hint
pull finger's OUT of your arse/ass USA
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its only 8-30 am NZT
and here i was thinking i am/was a hero,giving myself an extra hour,before i got out of bed

dont let poor eyesight get the better of you,if you can do anything about it

change your clock,re dauylight saving
@ the appropriate time

love,the roses bill
like,a couple of weeks ago,for me duh
sorry,flowers,knew i wou8ld fool a few huh
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Its been an interesting day. Had some bad news, some good news, had that awkward moment when your exe walks past and you both see each other but instead of feeling upset or angry i felt nothing/impartial. So that was good. Then i saw she was back on the dating app guess her back up plan/man didnt work out, oh well still nothing/impartial. My value, her loss. Had a lovely/easy phone convo with a friend, watched some tv/ ate loads of crap so i guess todays mood is medium to good :cool: