Today's mood

spoilt mood feeling,aged incl
no fn bs masks
how come the entire world gave up on the paoanoia,huh

[kls\us x3 plain
and hot cuppa t/no bs mik huh

oh 2am nzf
and bill's gloeioos am flower,or messae
tmi butt usa mmmmm wtf haha
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friwnd pfoni4 plain
x1 chocolate mallowpoof
and cuppa hot t

hope ot///that help's duh hang bi-weekly tday sunday bzt
been almost 30 years worth
tmi but wtf
its life/mood haha

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yt oeigibal i am woman - Google Search

very eaningful mood,at te time
thanks aussie helen
womabx lineratin days
damn stubborn aussie mases,at the time

recall now
cahe out when wotld famous woomabs libber/ab aussyewoman,now living in london
she came tov stuffy od x pommie maes,from eglasnd

said 'bullshit/in public
was arrested/;pced up
cqan you believe hrrrr

my first prorwstbha
iougster then ga
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naaah its reall this mood

asfyer a traumatic week
offailed lies and deciet
boo hoo

have achieved maintasining nery high food asnd utilityprices tho
dony forget the worlkd famous 6.1 billion gibeh to x3 for ongoing/continuance of ... etcetc

taxpayer dollars are not to make your life comfortable geeesh
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