Tom Cruise...Is He Really?

the only movie I ever watched with him in it was Interview with the vampire and it was for the most part enjoyable and other than that...I could careless about him and I do not find attractive at all...he reminds me of Jeff Stryker in some ways....Arrogrant and not that attractive at all.
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Oh,Tom Cruise,i used to be in love with him,but then there was the couch-jumping,the Scientology ranting,and it's never been the same again,how i miss the way he was lol.
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Why does this question continue to come up, over and over? He's as gay as the day is long. Period. Closeted and crazy. In his divorce decrees there are stipulations that previous wives are not allowed to discuss their "private life" while married to Ms. Cruise - now, that's too odd. He didn't adopt children to be fashionable (as is the trend today with so many actors), he simply married some, possibly unsuspecting women, didn't have sex with them (or had very little), and then adopted children. I wouldn't doubt it if the current robot wife was artificially inseminated. Scientology didn't ruin this poor excuse for a man/actor; Scientology was a refuge for him. It is no big secret that the "church" of Scientology, will for their very high profile members who happen to be gay, and closeted, will arrange marriages for them in exchange for very large cash donations. Cruise, Travolta, Kirstie Alley, (she married that Hardy Boy, Parker Stevenson who a friend of mine can attest to his homosexuality - he slept with the Hardy Boy actor repeatedly while he was married to Kirstie Alley). They are all Scientologists, they are all gay, or at the very least, bi, and have had "marriages" arranged through their so called "church." These arranged marriages may sound far fetched, but nothing is far fetched when it comes to that cult of a "religion," Scientology.
I have never found Tom Cruise to be attractive (pre or post Scientology), that horrible toothy grin, that holier than thou personality and attitude (what a crock of shit), and finally, he is one bad actor. He is Tom Cruise in every movie he's in - there's no attempt at creating a character, no nuances to his "acting" style (as compared to actual actors - e.g., Robert De Niro, Philip Seymour Hoffman, Robert Duvall). He sucks at acting and he sucks cock - end of subject, once and for all. No, one more thing, I suspect Ms. Cruise is as bad at sucking cock as he is at acting - far too self-centered and self absorbed to be bothered with making sure his partner has an equally good time. Now, end of subject, once and for all. Please, please, please, let us not hear anymore about Ms. Cruise, and the question of his homosexuality.
^ Okay then, end of subject I guess. [I could dispel one of your hypotheses, but I won't.]

there has been consistent talk, some of it coming from the crew of the film, of a fling with Paul Newman on the set of "The Color of Money"
On the set? Holy crap! Did anybody film it? :eek:
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In an interview Bronson Pinchot who was in Risky Business with Tom said Cruise used to say the strangest and stupid comments. Like "Im so glad there's no homosexuals around here". Stuff like that. Very strange guy.
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Ok while ill be the first to admit its only gossip,

a friend of mine who used to work in the entertainment industry said that the marriage contract between tome and nicole was exactly that... a contract stating what nicole was entitled to certain things but not other things and that they would be married for an alotted amount of time and after said amount of time they would seperate.

I personally think that he's probably gay although i really hope that he's not and that maybe he has some other problem becuase the last thing we need is some-one like him in our base
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Oh,Tom Cruise,i used to be in love with him,but then there was the couch-jumping,the Scientology ranting,and it's never been the same again,how i miss the way he was lol.

That changed my opinion too. He's just weird these days wearing shoes with 'lifts' in them to make himself appear taller than Katie.
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Vaguely off topic, but kind of on topic, I think this site demonstrates that sexuality is a sliding scale with its percentages of "gay" and "straight" bit of man-on-man action does not make a guy gay, no more than one bit of guy-on-girl action would make me straight. :)