Tom Cruise...Is He Really?

I've heard from a reliable friend in Big Sur that he's been seen with and is dating none other than Queen F'n Latifah!
I don't know why I am replying since these days I find him a complete turn-off..
Years ago I liked him, but now....I find him an egotistical bore...and his acting has become even more so...I could not care less if he is or isn't......that's just my opinion, anyway..
Tom was always hot as hell as super agent Ethan Hunt and i think at one point during his 'career high' was voted as having the best/most pert male ass in Hollywood (shared this honour with Sarah Michelle Gellar at the time for best female ass).... would be awesome to tap that....regardless of his lunacy and maniacal smile/laugh combo!!! Zenu says "gimme some 'o that TC ass"

"i love sam_solo26" who is way cooler than Tom...
Andrew Morton, author of Tom Cruise: An Unauthorized Biography, says that Cruise is straight. Found women throughout Cruise's life, and no sign of involvement with men, though any material of that type would have interested any biographer.
Wouldn't it be interesting though to find that Andrew Morton might be on the Scientology pay-roll... or even an active member of the church....hmmmmmm.... google searches anyone? ;)
Wouldn't it be interesting though to find that Andrew Morton might be on the Scientology pay-roll... or even an active member of the church....hmmmmmm.... google searches anyone? ;)
It's a good suggestion, but very unlikely, ct.
He's written a number of biographies, including ones on Princess Diana and Monica Lewinsky.
His biography of Cruise is frankly not very flattering, from what I've read ... and he doesn't cast Scientology in a good light.
A New York Times review by Ada Calhoun said:

However shady Scientology may be, Morton’s language in “Tom Cruise: An Unauthorized Biography” is extreme. He and his sources compare the church and its leadership to fascists, the Roman Empire, storm troopers, Machiavelli, Orwell’s “Animal Farm,” Napoleon, Stalinists and North Korea. He also repeatedly invokes Nazism, and quotes without censure the German Protestant Church’s comparison of Cruise to Joseph Goebbels.[ source ]
Some excerpts from sensationalist biographer Andrew Morton's book:

Page 65: Tom tried to impress Nancy by taking her to the Broadway musical La Cage aux Folles, but he "was unaware of the story line—about two gay men living together in St. Tropez." According to Nancy, "he couldn't handle it. We had to leave before the intermission. It really bothered him. He was definitely homophobic."

Page 195: Morton claims that "Tom was uncomfortable around gay men. Those who saw him in the company of some of Nicole [Kidman's] gay friends, who included designer John Galliano, noticed that he was awkward and ill at ease, much preferring the company of jocks who talked about football rather than fashion."

Page 171-172: By 1993, Morton says Tom "progressed to what Scientologists call 'the Wall of Fire,' or Operating Thetan III, where the secrets of the universe according to Hubbard [are] revealed." Allegedly, "Tom found the knowledge he had just received disturbing and alarming, as he struggled to reconcile the creationist myth with the more practical teachings contained in the lower levels of Scientology. … It was recalled that around this time relations became 'ugly' between David Miscavige and the Hollywood actor, Tom complaining that he had studied all these years and the whole faith was about space aliens."

Page 290-291: Morton repeats the sketchy tabloid rumors that Tom "bought a fetus learning system that was strapped to Katie's stomach" and that he "fitted Katie's cell phone with a tracking device so that he would know where she was day and night."

Page 289: Without naming his sources, Morton spins the following yarn: "Some [Scientology] sect members sincerely believed that Katie Holmes was carrying the baby who would be the vessel for L. Ron Hubbard's spirit when he returned from his trip around the galaxy. True believers were convinced that Tom's spawn would be the reincarnation of L. Ron Hubbard. Some Sea Org fanatics even wondered if the actress had been impregnated with Hubbard's frozen sperm." How'd Katie feel about all this? Morton puts his intuitive powers to the test to produce this gem: "Katie might have felt as if she were in the middle of a real-life version of the horror movie Rosemary's Baby, in which an unsuspecting young woman is impregnated with the Devil's child."

The Condensed Tom Cruise Bio: Slate < (Lots more juicy stuff in here.)

Q: Is Tom gay? — Angie B, Glens Falls, N.Y.

A: — Andrew Morton: "There are something like two million Internet sites related in some way to this question. It is one of the first questions I was asked during my research. Quite frankly, I found that rather than being gay, he has never been without a woman by his side. His first “marriage” was at age 11 in the school playground in Ottawa, and he has an enviable record as a ladies’ man. More intriguing is locating where the gay rumors come from — possibly the homoerotic themes in “Top Gun,” or his first wife, Mimi Rogers, saying that he wanted to be a monk and was sexually abstinent during their brief marriage. Or it could be because of the pictures of Tom as a young man that reportedly found their way into a New Jersey gay magazine. Then, of course, there is the fact that, unlike other stars who shrug off gay rumors, he takes vigorous action [to deny such rumors], which leads people to suspect that he has something to hide. The irony of his life is that he never wants to be alone; he always wants a warm body in the house and is invariably always with a woman."

Q: Tom’s ex-wife Nicole Kidman recently got pregnant — so clearly she is capable of conceiving. So why did the couple decide to adopt when they were married instead of having their own children? — Angie B, Glens Falls, N.Y.

A: — Andrew Morton: As I say in the book, early in their marriage, Tom and Nicole were desperate to have children. Nicole’s mother had found it difficult to conceive and so it seemed like lightning tragically striking twice when Nicole had a miscarriage because of a dangerous ectopic pregnancy. Doctors worried that it might happen again, so the couple decided to adopt rather than risk it. This also gave rise to rumors about Tom’s sexuality.

Andrew Morton: 'He breathes his religion' - MSNBC

Morton hired Paul Baressi a former gay porn star presently involved in private eye investigations to search Cruise's life. The 58 year old Baressi settled in L.A left behind a career that includes more than 25 movies and currently stirs the waters around the future Morton biography by declaring he has provided the author with proof of the star being involved in a gay sexual encounter while shooting Eyes Wide Shut in London.

Cruise will sue Morton and the New York publishing house St Martin's Press if a letter he wrote to Morton is to be published. Bert Fields, the star's lawyer spoke in the name of his client: "I wrote a letter to Mr Morton back in November and said he obviously was entitled to write the book, but make sure you check your facts. If he tries to use my letter to create the impression that Mr Cruise did have a gay affair, we will certainly sue ... because the story is false. Mr Cruise is not gay."

Tom Cruise Threatens to Sue Andrew Morton

L. Ron Hubbard and Scientology consider homosexuality to be a perversion which falls at 1.1 on the tone scale, between fear and anger:
"People on this level on the second dynamic are intensely dangerous in the society, since aberration is contagious. A society which reaches this level is on its way out of history, as went the Greeks, as went the Romans, as goes modern European and American culture. Here is a flaming danger signal which must be heeded if a race is to go forward."

"No social order which desires to survive dates overlook its stratum 1.1's. No social order will survive which does not remove these people from its midst."

"Such people should be taken from the society as rapidly as possible and uniformly institutionalized; for here is the level of the contagion of immorality, and the destruction of ethics;"

"The only answers would seem to be the permanent quarantine of such persons from society to avoid the contagion of their insanities and the general turbulence which they bring to any order, thus forcing it lower on the scale, or processing such persons until they have attained a level on the tone scale which gives them value."

Above quotes taken from L. Ron Hubbard's writings.
Max sez, you know, it's possible that Mr. Cruise could be seeking to overcome certain 'base desires', and/or he could be overcompensating for something. It's also possible that if he has had M/M dalliances, that he has been extremely discreet, and that wise persons may have any number of reasons not to discuss it openly or publish it, even if they have firsthand (if unproveable) knowledge. Not the least among those reasons being that he is the most aggressively litigious actor in Hollywood. I know I wouldn't be so foolish. Perhaps they also respect the private lives of public people, even after they have gone off the deep end. Or they have nothing particular to gain and potentially something to lose if they spoke up. Or they don't want to call attention to themselves. But then, what do I know?
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OK, I've just read this thread from the beginning, and I've come to the conclusion that I have no idea whether Tom Cruise is gay, straight or somewhere in between.

But, here's a scene from his greatest contribution to film by many, many a mile:

And I've heard he refuses to even acknowledge the existence of this film or his performance in it, which makes him one sexually ambiguous asshole as far as I'm concerned.
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First, I'm hardly afraid of being sued by Tom Cruise.

Second, I was told that he hung out in gay bars in Hollywood during the early-to-mid-1980s, before his superstar days.

Frankly, I could care less if he's gay, straight, bisexual, asexual, pansexual, transgender, whatever. I lost interest in him after Cocktail. I was posting what I was told. Do with it what you will, which apparently is make fun of it. More power to you.

Oh jeez.

First, "allegedly" won't automatically get you out of a libel suit.

Second, hiding in gay bars? Really! I think most people on here just wonder if he might get it on with guys occasionally; I don't think many would imagine he actively participates in the gay scene.
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Some excerpts from sensationalist biographer Andrew Morton's book:

Page 65: Tom tried to impress Nancy by taking her to the Broadway musical La Cage aux Folles, but he "was unaware of the story line—about two gay men living together in St. Tropez." According to Nancy, "he couldn't handle it. We had to leave before the intermission. It really bothered him. He was definitely homophobic."

Page 195: Morton claims that "Tom was uncomfortable around gay men. Those who saw him in the company of some of Nicole [Kidman's] gay friends, who included designer John Galliano, noticed that he was awkward and ill at ease, much preferring the company of jocks who talked about football rather than fashion."

Page 171-172: By 1993, Morton says Tom "progressed to what Scientologists call 'the Wall of Fire,' or Operating Thetan III, where the secrets of the universe according to Hubbard [are] revealed." Allegedly, "Tom found the knowledge he had just received disturbing and alarming, as he struggled to reconcile the creationist myth with the more practical teachings contained in the lower levels of Scientology. … It was recalled that around this time relations became 'ugly' between David Miscavige and the Hollywood actor, Tom complaining that he had studied all these years and the whole faith was about space aliens."

Page 290-291: Morton repeats the sketchy tabloid rumors that Tom "bought a fetus learning system that was strapped to Katie's stomach" and that he "fitted Katie's cell phone with a tracking device so that he would know where she was day and night."

Page 289: Without naming his sources, Morton spins the following yarn: "Some [Scientology] sect members sincerely believed that Katie Holmes was carrying the baby who would be the vessel for L. Ron Hubbard's spirit when he returned from his trip around the galaxy. True believers were convinced that Tom's spawn would be the reincarnation of L. Ron Hubbard. Some Sea Org fanatics even wondered if the actress had been impregnated with Hubbard's frozen sperm." How'd Katie feel about all this? Morton puts his intuitive powers to the test to produce this gem: "Katie might have felt as if she were in the middle of a real-life version of the horror movie Rosemary's Baby, in which an unsuspecting young woman is impregnated with the Devil's child."

The Condensed Tom Cruise Bio: Slate < (Lots more juicy stuff in here.)

Q: Is Tom gay? — Angie B, Glens Falls, N.Y.

A: — Andrew Morton: "There are something like two million Internet sites related in some way to this question. It is one of the first questions I was asked during my research. Quite frankly, I found that rather than being gay, he has never been without a woman by his side. His first “marriage” was at age 11 in the school playground in Ottawa, and he has an enviable record as a ladies’ man. More intriguing is locating where the gay rumors come from — possibly the homoerotic themes in “Top Gun,” or his first wife, Mimi Rogers, saying that he wanted to be a monk and was sexually abstinent during their brief marriage. Or it could be because of the pictures of Tom as a young man that reportedly found their way into a New Jersey gay magazine. Then, of course, there is the fact that, unlike other stars who shrug off gay rumors, he takes vigorous action [to deny such rumors], which leads people to suspect that he has something to hide. The irony of his life is that he never wants to be alone; he always wants a warm body in the house and is invariably always with a woman."

Q: Tom’s ex-wife Nicole Kidman recently got pregnant — so clearly she is capable of conceiving. So why did the couple decide to adopt when they were married instead of having their own children? — Angie B, Glens Falls, N.Y.

A: — Andrew Morton: As I say in the book, early in their marriage, Tom and Nicole were desperate to have children. Nicole’s mother had found it difficult to conceive and so it seemed like lightning tragically striking twice when Nicole had a miscarriage because of a dangerous ectopic pregnancy. Doctors worried that it might happen again, so the couple decided to adopt rather than risk it. This also gave rise to rumors about Tom’s sexuality.

Andrew Morton: 'He breathes his religion' - MSNBC

Morton hired Paul Baressi a former gay porn star presently involved in private eye investigations to search Cruise's life. The 58 year old Baressi settled in L.A left behind a career that includes more than 25 movies and currently stirs the waters around the future Morton biography by declaring he has provided the author with proof of the star being involved in a gay sexual encounter while shooting Eyes Wide Shut in London.

Cruise will sue Morton and the New York publishing house St Martin's Press if a letter he wrote to Morton is to be published. Bert Fields, the star's lawyer spoke in the name of his client: "I wrote a letter to Mr Morton back in November and said he obviously was entitled to write the book, but make sure you check your facts. If he tries to use my letter to create the impression that Mr Cruise did have a gay affair, we will certainly sue ... because the story is false. Mr Cruise is not gay."

Tom Cruise Threatens to Sue Andrew Morton

L. Ron Hubbard and Scientology consider homosexuality to be a perversion which falls at 1.1 on the tone scale, between fear and anger:
"People on this level on the second dynamic are intensely dangerous in the society, since aberration is contagious. A society which reaches this level is on its way out of history, as went the Greeks, as went the Romans, as goes modern European and American culture. Here is a flaming danger signal which must be heeded if a race is to go forward."

"No social order which desires to survive dates overlook its stratum 1.1's. No social order will survive which does not remove these people from its midst."

"Such people should be taken from the society as rapidly as possible and uniformly institutionalized; for here is the level of the contagion of immorality, and the destruction of ethics;"

"The only answers would seem to be the permanent quarantine of such persons from society to avoid the contagion of their insanities and the general turbulence which they bring to any order, thus forcing it lower on the scale, or processing such persons until they have attained a level on the tone scale which gives them value."

Above quotes taken from L. Ron Hubbard's writings.
Max sez, you know, it's possible that Mr. Cruise could be seeking to overcome certain 'base desires', and/or he could be overcompensating for something. It's also possible that if he has had M/M dalliances, that he has been extremely discreet, and that wise persons may have any number of reasons not to discuss it openly or publish it, even if they have firsthand (if unproveable) knowledge. Not the least among those reasons being that he is the most aggressively litigious actor in Hollywood. I know I wouldn't be so foolish. Perhaps they also respect the private lives of public people, even after they have gone off the deep end. Or they have nothing particular to gain and potentially something to lose if they spoke up. Or they don't want to call attention to themselves. But then, what do I know?
Gosh, Macks, no one has evuh nailed a point of miiine so welllllll.:cool:
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