Top songs of the 50's!!

Wellers Hill was bush when I was growing up.....then they built a Reservoir on it back in the seventies......I was as a kid lucky to see the inside before they filled it............Reminded me of the ancient columns they once did in ancient times. Very eerie when the sunlight came through and captured the dust in the sunlight.

These are modern photos when they recently renovated it if one wants an idea of what holds up the all those concrete slabs in a water Resivois... Things have not changed much in 4,000 years. Cept for technology. Humans still need water to survive. Thank goodness for ancient Roman principles, their aqua-duct technology of 2,000 years ago.


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If you are going to look up a song, at least take the time to look up the original recording......can't hack laziness and no imagination to go that little bit more. Says much about how people do all other things in their lives.

If you are going to look up a song, at least take the time to look up the original recording......can't hack laziness and no imagination to go that little bit more. Says much about how people do all other things in their lives.

LOL forgive me my Lord all mighty...............