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Sweetie I’ve seen shorter videos that have made me happy lol it’s no issue
Don't ruin it you horny gaysI wanna see it pls....
further part of the story?Part two....Stepping Stones
It took a while for Clay and I to reconnect..he was still biking around cities and I started dating someone new who I liked, but it wasn't really working out. Finally, he was back in town and we texted about hanging out. Of course I suggested another massage night but he had another idea..he wanted to go camping. Him and a friend were looking for someplace to go and I knew the perfect place. There was a secluded camping spot that you have to take a long hike to get to...and once you are there, there is a beautiful lake that you can swim in. He had never been there and was excited. I was hesitant going with him and one of his friends--also his age--but the spot was notorious for being clothing optional, so at least I might get to hang out with two cute naked guys. Clay showed up at my place the morning of the trip--his friend had cancelled so it was just us. He asked if we could just use my tent because his was kind of heavy to carry down.
We caught up on the car ride there. When we finally started talking about the massage, he said that it had been an amazing life experience and he really valued getting to share that with me. But, he felt that it was a one-time thing. He's straight. He hoped we could be good friends. I was disappointed, but not surprised. Clay was still fun to be around--so upbeat, cheerful and so easy on the eyes. I wondered if I'd get to see him naked again.
We got to the camping site and after the my amazement, we were the only people there. I'd been there a number of times and there were always at least 3 or 4 other people...sometimes even groups of ten or more. But we were alone in paradise. The moment we finished putting up the tent, Clay stripped completely naked and jumped into the lake. I got naked too and we swam together. His body looked as delicious as before--tall, lean, a big muscle bubble butt....he was not shy at all. His dick was still on the smaller side but it was cute and I had memories of playing with it. This was having this place to ourselves but not having sex. I can tell that he was thinking the same thing. At one point I was sitting in a shallow area of water and he came up to me. He said he wanted to he squeezed between my legs so that I was sitting behind him. He leaned back into me and I felt his body against mine. But, I wasn't going to do a thing, especially since he had stated his limits pretty clearly. But the power of the moment was strong--I put my arms on his chest and touched it--I asked him if that was ok--he said it felt great. I closed my eyes and just hung out with him. But I felt a bit of motion. I opened my eyes and saw that he was touching his dick. Not stroking it. Just lightly touching it. And it was getting a little harder. I didn't say anything or do anything--I just stayed up against him. He continued touching his dick until it got hard. I started moving my hands around his chest and came upon one of his nipples. I put my finger around his nipple. I looked down and saw that this made him harder. Still, I wasn't going to touch his dick without an invitation. He continued jacking himself off..his breathing got faster. I had one hand on his chest and put my other hand on his head--I loved his mop full of dark wavy hair. This seemed to turn him on more. I started breathing with him. I was hard and pressed up against his chest. He had asked for more to happen last I knew that he could ask for sex if he wanted it. But he didn't ask. So I just allowed us to stay in this position. Finally, he moaned and I saw him ejaculate--and his stream of cum slowly floated away into the water. We stayed like that for a while before he said he was getting hungry. He got up and left. Once he was out of sight I jacked myself off...then joined him at the tent. He had shorts on and we had a nice lunch but didn't discuss what had happened at all.
Nothing else sexual happened on the trip...although when I woke up in the tent that morning I saw that he was out of his sleeping bag, completely naked...face down. His ass looked amazing. I had a camera and took a short video. On the ride home I showed him my photos..and the video. I asked him if he wanted me to erase it and he said that he liked all my photos and that I shouldn't delete any of them.
Before we parted ways, he said that we should have another massage night, that his body was sore from all the bike riding. I agreed and we set a date.
I take a lot of time and care to write these entries...even going back to my journals to refresh my posts will be sporadic. I'll continue to share this story with people as long as there seems to be interest (I love hearing people's reactions....that is the best reason for me to be sharing my story with you). I'll also continue as long as people are polite and patient.further part of the story?
Love hearing stuff like that, makes my cock rock hard hearing straight guys suck cock loving their asses eatenThanks. I am purposely being vague about Clay's age in case him or one of his friends reads this post. But yes, that kind of touch definitely opens minds up. I'd ve curious to hear about your experiences.
I can relate. I have found that you have to be really patient with straight takes them a while to get comfortable with you...I mean, they keep coming back and at some point, they allow themselves to get turned on. A handful of Clays' friends heard about the massage and each of them contacted me privately asking for a massage. Something sexual happened between me and 4 of them. At one point when Clay and I were having some conflict, one of his straight friends approached me and said...'You know, I think Clay has a really good deal with you and I don't think he appreciates it. I would appreciate a situation like this much more." I was on the floor. I couldn't believe it.This story reminds me of one of my straight friends. I don’t know how we got into massaging each other but he loved it and would make me do his friends. They knew I was gay but nothing ever happened. Bisggest blue balls ever. It got to a point where I told them I don’t do free massages anymore lol
Really enjoy the story. I know at least three of my ‘straight’ high school friends who would definitely/likely have messed around together. I regret my generation was not as open to exploring sexuality (high school late 80s/early 90s). I later messed w one guy for only a few minutes (JO). He whispered in my ear the next day and said ‘that was the hardest I have ever been and want to do it again’. We never did unfortunately…close one other time, but drunk friends at a house all together got in they way. I still wish I could meet him and explore each other unconstrained.I can relate. I have found that you have to be really patient with straight takes them a while to get comfortable with you...I mean, they keep coming back and at some point, they allow themselves to get turned on. A handful of Clays' friends heard about the massage and each of them contacted me privately asking for a massage. Something sexual happened between me and 4 of them. At one point when Clay and I were having some conflict, one of his straight friends approached me and said...'You know, I think Clay has a really good deal with you and I don't think he appreciates it. I would appreciate a situation like this much more." I was on the floor. I couldn't believe it.