Was it difficult for you not to get carried away by your feelings or were you able to remain detached and see it only as something sexual?
A great question. What you will see in the upcoming chapters is that although I have had affection for Clay during periods...he was also very difficult sometimes and his actions were, on occasion, hurtful. I know now that he was dealing with his own shit about his sexuality and he didn't mean for his actions to sometimes affect me negatively...but his actions are often selfish.

I did start getting feelings for him in the beginning but he was always clear to discourage them. I definitely learned to train myself to not get too invested emotionally. In the decade plus time that I've known him, he's put our friendship on hold several times, without really explaining why. If I had feelings for him this would have been extremely hurtful. Luckily, I've had other straight guys that I've had similar experiences sometimes when I wasn't seeing Clay, I might see Jayden (my stories about him are on this site), or Luke (I haven't even gotten to his story yet).
Definitivamente haverá mais. Leva algum tempo para voltar às minhas anotações e lembrar como as coisas aconteceram... Vou abordar o próximo capítulo em breve. Agora, para responder às suas perguntas...

1. Não, nunca houve um ângulo romântico entre Clay e eu... ele às vezes disse... 'nada de romântico'... o que eu acho que significa apenas que ele não pensa em namorar ou se apaixonar com um cara... é apenas uma saída para o sexo. Mas... quando estamos no meio da noite, ele às vezes vem até mim, cara a cara, e me olha nos olhos sem dizer uma palavra. Eu olho de volta. Não sei exatamente o que esses olhares significam... a não ser que ele esteja se conectando comigo em algum nível mais amplo. E quando ele está bem chapado ele gosta de vir até mim, me dar um abraço nu e dizer que me ama. Esses momentos realmente derretem meu coração.

2. Em termos de adicionar uma mulher... não gosto de revelar pontos da trama, pois gosto de contar a história na ordem em que aconteceu. Para aqueles que desejam fazer sexo com seus amigos heterossexuais, esta é a maneira mais fácil... encontre uma mulher que goste de vocês dois... então veja o que acontece.....

breve...Feliz Dia da Memória!
Tô passado. Chocado
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A great question. What you will see in the upcoming chapters is that although I have had affection for Clay during periods...he was also very difficult sometimes and his actions were, on occasion, hurtful. I know now that he was dealing with his own shit about his sexuality and he didn't mean for his actions to sometimes affect me negatively...but his actions are often selfish.

I did start getting feelings for him in the beginning but he was always clear to discourage them. I definitely learned to train myself to not get too invested emotionally. In the decade plus time that I've known him, he's put our friendship on hold several times, without really explaining why. If I had feelings for him this would have been extremely hurtful. Luckily, I've had other straight guys that I've had similar experiences sometimes when I wasn't seeing Clay, I might see Jayden (my stories about him are on this site), or Luke (I haven't even gotten to his story yet).
had Clay always had a thing / attraction for you ??
had Clay always had a thing / attraction for you ??
If you listen to Clay he will tell you that he never had an attraction to me. He likes what we do and how I make him feel. But he has told me a few times that he thought I was very handsome and he once called me a 'stud' and once he saw a photo of me in a tux and he said, 'Wow,". So who knows what the truth is...I just know that he is still in some degree of denial.
I was a camp counselor for two years, which I really enjoyed. The kids were alot of fun. One kids in particular, Clay was always asking questions and even though he could be mischievous, always listented to me and got the other kids to listen to me too. He had a crush on one of the girls from camp and asked me questions about what he should do to get her attention. He was probably 12 at the time.

Years and years later (6 or 7) I was out at an Indian restaurant with friends and some guy came to the table. He called me by my camp counselor name, which surprised me. It was Clay. He was tall and had turned out to be really handsome. He had a bushy head full of black hair and looked sort of like a Nolan Gould type. He was really excited to see me and told me that I had helped get him excited about camping. He asked if we could become Facebook Friends. Since I was no longer his counselor and it was years later, I saw no problem with that. He was 19 at that point and was very athletic...very fit and full of energy. For about a year we were FB friends...he posted a lot about his camping trips. He started dating a girl his age and he posted photos of the two of them doing things. I wasn't initially attracted to him because I still remembered him as a kid...but there was no denying that he had grown up into a handsome guy. I was openly gay and posted photos on my FB with the guy I was seeing. Clay 'liked' many of those posts so I assumed that he was so many kids his age were. I am about 15 years old than him.

It went on like that for awhile. We posted about things we were doing and commented on each other's posts. He embarked on a bike ride across the country. He started training for it and the photos he posted showed that he had lost the last bit of his baby fat..he was now lean and seriously handsome. He was 21 now, but I stayed very respectful in my responses to him. I had taken massage classes and had started doing it as a 'B' job while I was working to get ahead with my career. One weekend, a friend hired me to come to the Bay Area to work on her and her parents before her wedding. She put me up in a friend's house who was traveling, so I had an entire place to myself. I invited the guy I was dating to come up and spend time with me. There was a crazy convergence of bizarre occurrences....if all of these things hadn't happened, then Clay and I probably would have just stayed FB buddies. First, the guy I was dating broke up with me. It sucked because I was looking forward to sharing this home with him--it had a pool and a jacuzzi and a room with vintage pinball machines. Then, my friend's parents both got sick and the wedding was postponed. But I was still there, in this Bay Area home for a few days. I saw that Clay was biking through Nothern California and I decided to write to him. I told him about my situation and he suggested that we hang out. I invited him over for some take-out Indian Food (both of our favorites)....and honestly, I wasn't thinking that anything could happen. In fact, he brought over a buddy that he had met on the road and was biking with. So the three of us had dinner. When I saw Clay that night I was bowled over...he was really beautiful...long-limbed, beautiful sly smile...he was so good natured, fun, easy going. He said he went on this trip looking for adventures. At the dinner, he told me that his girlfriend had broken up with him, but that he had gotten over it on the trip. He also noticed the massage table that I had up in another room, where I was going to work on my friend's parents. He told me that he had never gotten a real massage before and said he'd like to try some time. But he wasn't going to be back home for a few months, so I didn't take it seriously. After dinner the 3 of us went into the jacuzzi...he went in just in his underwear. When he got out of the water I was amazed to see how the water clung to his underwear..showing off a full, athletic ass. I was absolutely turned on.

The next day, he hit me up on FB, saying that his friend had gotten weird and he was on his own again. We chatted. He asked me what I was doing that night. He asked about that massage. I told him I was free and tried not to get too excited about it. He came over that night with fruit that he had picked from various neighbor's trees on his way over. He also brought weed and a bottle of wine he had gotten from a family member that lived in the Bay Area. I told him that I felt a little odd smoking weed with him since I had been his camp counselor...he told me that he was an adult now and that hopefully I could let that go and we could be friends. So we smoked weed and had the wine and finally, he asked about the massage. I had been too nervous to bring it up again and didn't want to let my eagerness show. He said he had been thinking about what music to play...and he had come up with a playlist of his favorites. We talked about the massage for a bit before we finally pulled the table out to the living room. He put on his music, stripped down to his underwear and got on the table.

What can I say...the minute I touched him, it was magic. He moaned. He loved it from the very first stroke. And I loved working on him. He was incredibly beautiful...he had a hairless chest with soft, pink nipples. His dark wavy hair was breathtaking. He had some scrapes and bruises from living such an active lifestyle. He kept moaning and said, 'Oh, where have you been my whole life?' We laughed. The mood, with the help of the weed and the wine and the music, was absolutely intoxicating. I turned him over and was again, thrilled by his big ass. I wanted to see it so badly, but I was nervous about getting too turned on. When I got to his waist he asked me if I wanted him to slip his shorts off. I think I lost my breath. He said that it might be easier to get to all the spots. And before I could answer, he started pulling his shorts off...but because he was lying flat, he had a hard time getting them off so he asked me to take them off for him. I coudn't believe it when I moved the shorts down and exposed his perfect, round, almost hairless ass. I started working on his ass...he moaned and asked me why it felt so good. I did deep tissue work on him and he loved it. Finally, it was time to turn him over but he said he wanted to take a break. I gave him a fur to cover himself with. He sat up and talked about how much he loved the massage. He wanted more weed. So we smoked more. He asked me questions about massage...who did I work on...were they always naked...did whether guys ever get turned on....he asked me if it was sometimes hard on me..."You're gay, right?" he said. I knew that he already knew the answer from my FB posts. I was so turned on but I knew that I had to be cautious here. I had to work within his comfortability. I asked him how he was so comfortable having a gay guy work on him. I'll never forget what he said..."I'm young, but legal. I'm still figuring stuff out". He went to pee and when he returned he got back on the table. He was on his back and had the fur covering him. I still hadn't seen his dick and I hoped that I would get to.

I continued working on him with the fur on. By this time, his body was all oiled glistened. I did some long strokes...I was standing behind his head and I reached down and did strokes down his chest...following down to this belly and stopped where the fur covered his crotch. He moved around a bit and the fur shifted. I ignored it. He squirmed a bit and the fur fell off a bit more....finally, it fell off of him, leaving him completely naked. I didnt immediately look at his dick...but when I did, I was surprised. It was a bit smaller than I had expected. But he had a huge amount of dark pubes and long, pink balls. I continued working on his legs and moved up towards his groin. He moaned when I got to the area near his balls. He said that no one had ever touched him there...not even his girlfriend...but it felt so good. He was getting turned on and his dick started getting fuller. I was getting turned on too...but I couldn't cross a boundary without his permission. I avoided grazing his dick, even though I wanted to. Finally, he opened his eyes and asked for water. I brought him some water and he looked at me...his face was flush from moving all this energy around. He said..."Is it crazy that this is getting me aroused?" I got flustered and I went into a scientific explanation...but he stopped me. Again he said..."I'm enjoying this and I want to take this further, if you do". I asked him what he meant and he told me that he wanted to explore what it felt like to be touched by a man. I noticed that his dick was getting fuller. He changed the music to something more sweeping and lush...completely instrumental....and I sprayed more oil on him and I went over his crotch, grazing his dick. He moaned. He told me to keep doing that. So I did. He started to get hard. I kept massaging him, more sensually with the oil...everywhere. I turned him over and really rubbed the big cheeks of his ass. He moaned loudly. He turrned over and was fully hard. His dick was a good size...long...not too veiny....a really beautiful cock. I started stroking his cock and he kept moaning louder and louder. It got really long and I stroked the tip of his cock. Clay started breathing deeply...and soon, he climaxed...he came so much that it shot over my shoulder. He kept cumming. Afterwards he started laughing. "Well, that's a first, he said".

He left to wash up and I was pretty sure that he would just take off...but he walked back out, still naked and started smoking more weed. He asked me if I had ever fooled around with someone on the table before and I was honest...I hadn't. He said that he had experimented with a friend a few years back in middle school but when it stopped, he never looked for it again. He apologized for not reciprocating....saying that he wasn't attracted to guys...but he did understand how I would find him very attractive (yes, he had a big ego about his handsome looks). We hung out more and then he took off. He wasn't going to be back home for a few weeks but he said that maybe we would hang out again.

I couldn't believe that this had happened....he was so open and fun..and he experienced so much pleasure from being touched. It was such a turn-on. But I was pretty sure that it would never happen again.

I was wrong about that. Little did I know that this was the beginning of a decades-long series of experiences with Clay....that would continue on while he had girlfriends....that we would travel together....that there would be some difficult times where we would go for a year or two without speaking--that he would eventually become my bottom, learning a little bit at a time, how to get pleasure from being fucked by me. There were baby steps over the years. And that he would also introduce me to his friends. Out of his five close straight friends, 4 of them ended up asking me for a sexual experience. For readers of my other story...this is how I met Jayden...who was a friend of Clay's.

Oh, and the next day on Clay's Facebook...he wrote, "Biking across the country has given me lots of surprises and lots of chances for new adventures. When you are open to new experiences, some of the most amazing things can happen. I love life and all the crazy things that it can offer.

If you guys show an interest, I will write more about my continuing experiences with Clay. Which continues to this day. I might even be seeing him for a massage night in a few weeks.
Very hot story
Thanks for being patient...I hope people are still interested. Here is what happened next.


That is the message I woke up to. I was housesitting in a gorgeous house in the Beverly Hills area. A friend of mine and his husband were traveling and asked me if I wanted to house-sit for the summer and watch their dogs. Why wouldn't I? It was 3 stories and had a gorgeous swimming pool in the back. It was secluded with trees and plants surrounding the parameters. This was going to be my summer to kick back and relax. I hadn't seen Clay since our last hang out, though he would send me photos of rainbows and sunsets. I saw on his social media that he was still looking adorable--big black bushy hair, and a nice thick ass. He was looking boyishly delicious.

I had mixed feelings about his text. After all, he had been cheating on her as well...with me. And they were still pretty young...the kind of young couple that still was navigating how to be in a relationship. They argued a lot and they were both selfish and hurt each other. It was only a matter of time until it imploded.

I called him and we caught up. He was so angry and distraught. He was definitely breaking up with her. There was this slightly older guy...late 20's, who had befriended both of them--Josh--Josh was more of an Type A Personality--very full of himself--a commanding presence--and he was rumored to have a thick 8 inch cock. He was much more experienced in sex and life than Clay.

Of course i invited Clay over and told him about where I was staying. It took him a few hours but I swear he dressed in a sexy manner just to get to me--he wore cut off jeans that were so tightly hugging his ass...and a tank top that showed off his somewhat hairless chest but hairy pits. As usual, Clay didn't bring over any food or drinks...he just brought over his bag of party favors. He said that he felt he deserved a blow out night.

He walked around the house and was astonished--Clay grew up in a decent home but not in any type of wealth. He loved the dogs and immediately fell to the ground to play with them. At some point he looked up at me with a sad grin and said, "I'm hoping that you can cheer me up tonight".

I went to the kitchen and made a great pasta with all of the odds and ends I had in the kitchen. Clay loved when people cooked for him and I made a really great dinner. Before it was all ready he said he wanted to go for a swim in the pool. It was getting close to sunset at this point. He stripped off all his clothes and dove into the pool naked. Of course I joined him. I couldn't tell where this night would go--I was ready just to hear his story and comfort him. I was ALWAYS horny for my straight friend but I wanted to be mindful of how sad he might be feeling. He swam underwater and was playful..he swam between my legs, graving my crotch with his head. I wanted to grab him and hold him but he was never down for anything romantic. I just wanted to hold him and make Clay feel better. "You're so young," I told him, "You are going to have so many other partners."

We ate dinner on the terrace with the sunset and the bottle of wine that my hosts had left for me. i asked Clay what he wanted to do tonight. He got out his backpack and started pulling things out of it. "We could do acid, or mushrooms or Molly or DMT". I asked him if it was wise doing any drug since he was on this emotional roller coaster. He said he wanted to get his mind off of things. So we started with acid. It kicked in just as I was doing dishes--and i started to make a mess in the kitchen, spilling pasta between the grates on the stove--it came on strong. Clay was lounging on the bottom floor. The way the house was set up, you could look down and see what was going on at each floor. He got up and started playing the piano...a skill I didn't even know that he had. It was beautiful but also melancholy. If it were up to me we would have played, 'Ding Dong the Witch Is Dead', but I didn't want to seem petty.

I came downstairs and we realized we had a lot of electric energy from the acid. I don't remember who jumped on top of who first..but we started wrestling. I am bigger than he is but he had a lot of fun, playful energy. I got on top of him and held him down. I pressed down on him and he laughed. I was able to feel his dick through his shorts but he wasnt hard.As I've mentioned, his dick is on the smaller side when its flaccid. But it is still a very cute dick. We wrestled for a while and we put on some music and just lay on the floor in silence.

"The hardest thing is that I feel like a failure with her," he told me. "She didn't seem that into me...sometimes she'd say that she didn't find me attractive. And I also hardly ever got her to cum when we fucked. It really messed with my head." I told him that younger women don't often have O's through intercourse when they are younger. But he said that she had enjoyed orgasms with her previous boyfriend. And he was fucking sure that Josh was giving her a big old orgasm right now. He also told me that this gay stuff had fucked with his head a bit. I told him that he was extremely attractive....a 9...and that its possible that they just weren't sexually compatible.

It was getting later and I asked him what he wanted to do. There was a girl that he had been flirty with while he was with Obstacle. She had invited him over. But he wasn't sure if he was that into her. I told him that I had the massage table and I had nothing planned for the next day. He said that he wasn't sure he wanted to roll...he wasnt' sure if he was looking for that energy right now. I told Clay it was fine...we could just hang out. I went upstairs and he called up and asked me to bring him his backpack. When I brought it down he pulled out the Molly. "Fuck her," he said. "I'm going to have some fun and not feel guilty about it at all."

45 minutes later the room started to move around a bit. I had the flutters. I found some Christmas lights in a box in a closet and spread them around the room. I took out the massage table. I went upstairs to get us some water and when I looked down I saw Clay--so fucking adorable--having no idea at all how handsome he was--and he was grinding on a shag carpet. He didn't think that I could see....but I did...and seeing him being sexually playful with himself was such a turn on.

i put him on the massage table and he didn't get naked right away. But I'm feeling good and I start touching Clay--I spread oil all over his body. Then, I make a mistake and try to talk to him about sex. I told him that now that Obstacle was gone, we could be a little more open with each other and go further than we usually do. The sex could be even hotter. He sits up and says, "I don't want to be sexualized. I don't know that I want anything to happen--it's all confusing to me. I don't know what I want." I tell him that we will go according to his level of comfort, as always....I won't take advantage of him and if nothing happens..that's fine. I've learned that I have to take this at his pace, always. He pauses then he says that he baically agrees with me but he can't think about that now. So I just start massaging him. This calms him down and pretty soon he's in his happy place. Clay has great nipples...thick and pink and he loves having them touched and played with. I do it for a moment and when I stop, he tells me to keep doing it. His nipples get really hard. I flick them and it makes him laugh. He thanks me--and tells me that he's needed to have some fun. He feels like such a loser because of Obstacle not being into him.

At some point he wants to take a break. He gets up from the massage table and does some naked stretching. He just walks around the big house completely naked...I follow him because I like to watch his meaty ass when he walks. He does another line of molly and he puts me on the massage table for a bit. He puts on some music from a concert that we had seen together and I remember that even though he can get annoying, he has a sweet center. He climbs on the table, naked and sits on top of me. I know that its too early for sex--I'm not hard yet...but he sits on my dick and does some massage strokes on my chest and it feels so good. Things are getting more sensual.

After another break he gets back on the table. He is face down and his hot ass is just laying there. He asks me what I would rate his ass on a 1-10 scale (several straight guys have actually asked me the same question...they really want to know!). I tell him that it is a 9...really thick, just how I like them. He says he's never really seen his own ass, so I get my camera and take a few photos. I bring the camera to his face and show him the photos and he seems impressed. "Damn, that is a nice ass. I'd totally fuck myself," he laughs. Then I start moving with the music and I play bongos on his ass...I go off like Ricky Ricardo...and he's loving it. When I finish I put my hands on his ass and just keep them there. I feel a gravitational pull...he wants me to move my hands lower and lower--he spreads his legs open and I put out my thumb and reach down and put it inside of him. It glides in easily. He makes a it kind of hurts but kind of doesn't. I push my thumb in deeper and start fingering this straight boy ass. I ask him if anyone else has been in there--"Not yet," he says, "But I have been thinking about it more." I keep fingering him...adding another finger. He breathes and allows me in deeper. I just keep doing this for a while and I can tell Clay is getting turned on. He lets out an elongated, "Fuuuuuuuuuck". His voice is shaking . I put another finger inside of him and he just gobbles it up...they go way in him and he starts riding them. His moans are filled with a mix of pain and pleasure. In a low moan he whispered..."Why does it have to feel so good?" After a bit he asked for a break. He needed to stand up and stretch and get some water and hit a joint. It was so hot seeing my straight friend wondering around my living room completely, unabashedly naked. He seemed energized. He talked about how breaking up with (Obstacle) was the best thing ever for him--how much fun he was going to have without her--he approached me and I thought he was going to kiss me, but he didn't. He just stared into my eyes (something he does from time to time)....and he said, "Thank you for making me feel in my body again. Thanks for making me feel desirable. I'm just sorry that I can't return that to you in the same way." Hearing him say that was sort of a kick in the gut. But he seemed sincere and sorry about it--so that helped a little. But there was also the way that he was responding...he seemed to be getting into it much more than he could admit. I t old him that I was getting something out of this as well...I had been connecting to my more dominant side..and there was something about taking charge of him really helped me make that connection. He said that he had noticed and that he liked it.

He got back on the table, face down again. I started massaging his back, slowly, moving slowly towards his big ass. As I moved inward, I pressed my crotch against the back of his head. He didn't respond but I kept doing it while I was doing these completely luxurious strokes. I could start feeling him respond--moving his head towards my crotch and I pushed in towards him. I started getting hard and my hard on was pushing into his neck. He put one of his hands on my leg and rubbed it..tenatively at first...then he moved his hand slowly and into the bottom of my underwear. He reached into my underwear and grabbed hold of my hard cock. He kept rubbing it, harder and harder. I moved to his side and he lifted his head up and put my cock in his mouth. He prompted me to face fuck him. He got so greedy with my cock...he was just gulping it and going crazy with it.

I turned him onto his back, I got onto the massage table and I lifted his legs in the air. He seemed surprised by my aggressiveness. All I can say is that I was feeling courage to really go there with really show him what it can be like. To show him all my passion. So he was on his back, ready to get fucked and I just put the tip of my hard cock against his hole. But I didn't go inside. I hovered, teasing him. He told me to go ahead. But I told him that he had to agree to a few things first. He laughed nervously. I told him that I wanted him to be verbal...for us to be verbal during sex. He said he wasn't good at that, but he'd try. So I got my cock right up against my hole and I waited..."Do you want me to fuck you, Clay?" His reply was so quiet I wasn't even sure he said anything. "Do you want me to fuck you with my hard cock?" He said YES loudly. "Please fuck me with that hard cock of yours." "Do you like my cock?" "I fucking love your cock. Please put it in me." I went fully into him and he gasped. I slowed down but his ass was completely pulling me in. I started fucking him harder. He started moving with me..allowing me to thrust harder. "Are you my little cock slut?" I asked. He laughed. "That might be too much," he moaned. He waited a moment then said..."But yeah...I guess I am that for you." My aggressiveness was really in gear and I told him that I wanted to fuck him all over this house. "Just tell me where." I took him off of the massage table and put him on the shag carpet on the floor and fucked Clay on his all 4's as he went wild. I leaned him up against the pool table that he used to brace himself from my body pressure. I pulled his black bushy hair back and he moaned again. I was totally in charge of him--he had given himself over to me--other than kissing-.

The sun was coming up...we were both almost spent. Clay wanted to finish fucking outside by the pool with a view of sunrise. We set up some towels and brought out lube and I got him on his side and fucked him from behind...holding his chest. He was also jacking himself off. We got into perfect rhythm...and then, I heard something from a short distance. The Gardener came at this time on this day of the week. I had totally forgotten. I was sure that the Gardner saw what was happening. I told Clay to go inside the house. I put on a towel and went over to the Gardner and apologized, saying that I forgot about the time but he could go ahead and do his work. The Gardner didn't betray any look that told me he had seen anything or not. But at least he was willing to keep it cool for now, although he'd probably tell my friends when they returned.

I went back inside and Clay was on the massage table, face up. I get up on the table, lift his legs and go back inside of him. He instantly gets right back to the place he was before....he thrusts me in further and I fuck him while he furiously jacks his hard cock off. "I'm your little cock whore' he says loudly as he pushes me in deeper, faster. Finally, he starts cumming...he shoots his load up to his neck and onto his head. He cums a lot. His body is shaking. He was having a double--maybe triple orgasam. He just let the feelings run through him and he squirmed around a bit. I went over and licked up some of my straight friend's cum off his body. We were both done and he gave me a big hug and we both went to bed in different rooms of the house.

When I got up in the morning, with an MDMA hangover, I walked to the kitchen and found Clay sitting there, in just his underwear. He had a far off look...he was calm and maybe at peace with something. I hadn't seen him look this 'light' for a while. He was sipping coffee that he made. He got up, poured me some and handed me the mug. We sat together in silence. I was worried how we would feel about our crazy night....he had really put himself out there with me. I wondered if he had ever let himself go to this degree with any woman. Nothing was said for a while. I broke the silence and asked him how he was. "A little sore in some interesting places...but otherwise I feel great." "And how are you doing about what happened last night?" He paused. "I don't know how I feel about it yet. It's probably going to take me a while to process it. I'm not mad that I did it. I just don't know if it's me. I can't promise that will ever happen again. But I'll never forget it."

I had to accept the uncertainty. I knew that this must of been some of the best sex he'd ever had in his life--it certainly was for me. I knew that everything had to happen in Clay's time frame and that I'd just have to wait to hear from him again.

Thanks for being patient...I hope people are still interested. Here is what happened next.


That is the message I woke up to. I was housesitting in a gorgeous house in the Beverly Hills area. A friend of mine and his husband were traveling and asked me if I wanted to house-sit for the summer and watch their dogs. Why wouldn't I? It was 3 stories and had a gorgeous swimming pool in the back. It was secluded with trees and plants surrounding the parameters. This was going to be my summer to kick back and relax. I hadn't seen Clay since our last hang out, though he would send me photos of rainbows and sunsets. I saw on his social media that he was still looking adorable--big black bushy hair, and a nice thick ass. He was looking boyishly delicious.

I had mixed feelings about his text. After all, he had been cheating on her as well...with me. And they were still pretty young...the kind of young couple that still was navigating how to be in a relationship. They argued a lot and they were both selfish and hurt each other. It was only a matter of time until it imploded.

I called him and we caught up. He was so angry and distraught. He was definitely breaking up with her. There was this slightly older guy...late 20's, who had befriended both of them--Josh--Josh was more of an Type A Personality--very full of himself--a commanding presence--and he was rumored to have a thick 8 inch cock. He was much more experienced in sex and life than Clay.

Of course i invited Clay over and told him about where I was staying. It took him a few hours but I swear he dressed in a sexy manner just to get to me--he wore cut off jeans that were so tightly hugging his ass...and a tank top that showed off his somewhat hairless chest but hairy pits. As usual, Clay didn't bring over any food or drinks...he just brought over his bag of party favors. He said that he felt he deserved a blow out night.

He walked around the house and was astonished--Clay grew up in a decent home but not in any type of wealth. He loved the dogs and immediately fell to the ground to play with them. At some point he looked up at me with a sad grin and said, "I'm hoping that you can cheer me up tonight".

I went to the kitchen and made a great pasta with all of the odds and ends I had in the kitchen. Clay loved when people cooked for him and I made a really great dinner. Before it was all ready he said he wanted to go for a swim in the pool. It was getting close to sunset at this point. He stripped off all his clothes and dove into the pool naked. Of course I joined him. I couldn't tell where this night would go--I was ready just to hear his story and comfort him. I was ALWAYS horny for my straight friend but I wanted to be mindful of how sad he might be feeling. He swam underwater and was playful..he swam between my legs, graving my crotch with his head. I wanted to grab him and hold him but he was never down for anything romantic. I just wanted to hold him and make Clay feel better. "You're so young," I told him, "You are going to have so many other partners."

We ate dinner on the terrace with the sunset and the bottle of wine that my hosts had left for me. i asked Clay what he wanted to do tonight. He got out his backpack and started pulling things out of it. "We could do acid, or mushrooms or Molly or DMT". I asked him if it was wise doing any drug since he was on this emotional roller coaster. He said he wanted to get his mind off of things. So we started with acid. It kicked in just as I was doing dishes--and i started to make a mess in the kitchen, spilling pasta between the grates on the stove--it came on strong. Clay was lounging on the bottom floor. The way the house was set up, you could look down and see what was going on at each floor. He got up and started playing the piano...a skill I didn't even know that he had. It was beautiful but also melancholy. If it were up to me we would have played, 'Ding Dong the Witch Is Dead', but I didn't want to seem petty.

I came downstairs and we realized we had a lot of electric energy from the acid. I don't remember who jumped on top of who first..but we started wrestling. I am bigger than he is but he had a lot of fun, playful energy. I got on top of him and held him down. I pressed down on him and he laughed. I was able to feel his dick through his shorts but he wasnt hard.As I've mentioned, his dick is on the smaller side when its flaccid. But it is still a very cute dick. We wrestled for a while and we put on some music and just lay on the floor in silence.

"The hardest thing is that I feel like a failure with her," he told me. "She didn't seem that into me...sometimes she'd say that she didn't find me attractive. And I also hardly ever got her to cum when we fucked. It really messed with my head." I told him that younger women don't often have O's through intercourse when they are younger. But he said that she had enjoyed orgasms with her previous boyfriend. And he was fucking sure that Josh was giving her a big old orgasm right now. He also told me that this gay stuff had fucked with his head a bit. I told him that he was extremely attractive....a 9...and that its possible that they just weren't sexually compatible.

It was getting later and I asked him what he wanted to do. There was a girl that he had been flirty with while he was with Obstacle. She had invited him over. But he wasn't sure if he was that into her. I told him that I had the massage table and I had nothing planned for the next day. He said that he wasn't sure he wanted to roll...he wasnt' sure if he was looking for that energy right now. I told Clay it was fine...we could just hang out. I went upstairs and he called up and asked me to bring him his backpack. When I brought it down he pulled out the Molly. "Fuck her," he said. "I'm going to have some fun and not feel guilty about it at all."

45 minutes later the room started to move around a bit. I had the flutters. I found some Christmas lights in a box in a closet and spread them around the room. I took out the massage table. I went upstairs to get us some water and when I looked down I saw Clay--so fucking adorable--having no idea at all how handsome he was--and he was grinding on a shag carpet. He didn't think that I could see....but I did...and seeing him being sexually playful with himself was such a turn on.

i put him on the massage table and he didn't get naked right away. But I'm feeling good and I start touching Clay--I spread oil all over his body. Then, I make a mistake and try to talk to him about sex. I told him that now that Obstacle was gone, we could be a little more open with each other and go further than we usually do. The sex could be even hotter. He sits up and says, "I don't want to be sexualized. I don't know that I want anything to happen--it's all confusing to me. I don't know what I want." I tell him that we will go according to his level of comfort, as always....I won't take advantage of him and if nothing happens..that's fine. I've learned that I have to take this at his pace, always. He pauses then he says that he baically agrees with me but he can't think about that now. So I just start massaging him. This calms him down and pretty soon he's in his happy place. Clay has great nipples...thick and pink and he loves having them touched and played with. I do it for a moment and when I stop, he tells me to keep doing it. His nipples get really hard. I flick them and it makes him laugh. He thanks me--and tells me that he's needed to have some fun. He feels like such a loser because of Obstacle not being into him.

At some point he wants to take a break. He gets up from the massage table and does some naked stretching. He just walks around the big house completely naked...I follow him because I like to watch his meaty ass when he walks. He does another line of molly and he puts me on the massage table for a bit. He puts on some music from a concert that we had seen together and I remember that even though he can get annoying, he has a sweet center. He climbs on the table, naked and sits on top of me. I know that its too early for sex--I'm not hard yet...but he sits on my dick and does some massage strokes on my chest and it feels so good. Things are getting more sensual.

After another break he gets back on the table. He is face down and his hot ass is just laying there. He asks me what I would rate his ass on a 1-10 scale (several straight guys have actually asked me the same question...they really want to know!). I tell him that it is a 9...really thick, just how I like them. He says he's never really seen his own ass, so I get my camera and take a few photos. I bring the camera to his face and show him the photos and he seems impressed. "Damn, that is a nice ass. I'd totally fuck myself," he laughs. Then I start moving with the music and I play bongos on his ass...I go off like Ricky Ricardo...and he's loving it. When I finish I put my hands on his ass and just keep them there. I feel a gravitational pull...he wants me to move my hands lower and lower--he spreads his legs open and I put out my thumb and reach down and put it inside of him. It glides in easily. He makes a it kind of hurts but kind of doesn't. I push my thumb in deeper and start fingering this straight boy ass. I ask him if anyone else has been in there--"Not yet," he says, "But I have been thinking about it more." I keep fingering him...adding another finger. He breathes and allows me in deeper. I just keep doing this for a while and I can tell Clay is getting turned on. He lets out an elongated, "Fuuuuuuuuuck". His voice is shaking . I put another finger inside of him and he just gobbles it up...they go way in him and he starts riding them. His moans are filled with a mix of pain and pleasure. In a low moan he whispered..."Why does it have to feel so good?" After a bit he asked for a break. He needed to stand up and stretch and get some water and hit a joint. It was so hot seeing my straight friend wondering around my living room completely, unabashedly naked. He seemed energized. He talked about how breaking up with (Obstacle) was the best thing ever for him--how much fun he was going to have without her--he approached me and I thought he was going to kiss me, but he didn't. He just stared into my eyes (something he does from time to time)....and he said, "Thank you for making me feel in my body again. Thanks for making me feel desirable. I'm just sorry that I can't return that to you in the same way." Hearing him say that was sort of a kick in the gut. But he seemed sincere and sorry about it--so that helped a little. But there was also the way that he was responding...he seemed to be getting into it much more than he could admit. I t old him that I was getting something out of this as well...I had been connecting to my more dominant side..and there was something about taking charge of him really helped me make that connection. He said that he had noticed and that he liked it.

He got back on the table, face down again. I started massaging his back, slowly, moving slowly towards his big ass. As I moved inward, I pressed my crotch against the back of his head. He didn't respond but I kept doing it while I was doing these completely luxurious strokes. I could start feeling him respond--moving his head towards my crotch and I pushed in towards him. I started getting hard and my hard on was pushing into his neck. He put one of his hands on my leg and rubbed it..tenatively at first...then he moved his hand slowly and into the bottom of my underwear. He reached into my underwear and grabbed hold of my hard cock. He kept rubbing it, harder and harder. I moved to his side and he lifted his head up and put my cock in his mouth. He prompted me to face fuck him. He got so greedy with my cock...he was just gulping it and going crazy with it.

I turned him onto his back, I got onto the massage table and I lifted his legs in the air. He seemed surprised by my aggressiveness. All I can say is that I was feeling courage to really go there with really show him what it can be like. To show him all my passion. So he was on his back, ready to get fucked and I just put the tip of my hard cock against his hole. But I didn't go inside. I hovered, teasing him. He told me to go ahead. But I told him that he had to agree to a few things first. He laughed nervously. I told him that I wanted him to be verbal...for us to be verbal during sex. He said he wasn't good at that, but he'd try. So I got my cock right up against my hole and I waited..."Do you want me to fuck you, Clay?" His reply was so quiet I wasn't even sure he said anything. "Do you want me to fuck you with my hard cock?" He said YES loudly. "Please fuck me with that hard cock of yours." "Do you like my cock?" "I fucking love your cock. Please put it in me." I went fully into him and he gasped. I slowed down but his ass was completely pulling me in. I started fucking him harder. He started moving with me..allowing me to thrust harder. "Are you my little cock slut?" I asked. He laughed. "That might be too much," he moaned. He waited a moment then said..."But yeah...I guess I am that for you." My aggressiveness was really in gear and I told him that I wanted to fuck him all over this house. "Just tell me where." I took him off of the massage table and put him on the shag carpet on the floor and fucked Clay on his all 4's as he went wild. I leaned him up against the pool table that he used to brace himself from my body pressure. I pulled his black bushy hair back and he moaned again. I was totally in charge of him--he had given himself over to me--other than kissing-.

The sun was coming up...we were both almost spent. Clay wanted to finish fucking outside by the pool with a view of sunrise. We set up some towels and brought out lube and I got him on his side and fucked him from behind...holding his chest. He was also jacking himself off. We got into perfect rhythm...and then, I heard something from a short distance. The Gardener came at this time on this day of the week. I had totally forgotten. I was sure that the Gardner saw what was happening. I told Clay to go inside the house. I put on a towel and went over to the Gardner and apologized, saying that I forgot about the time but he could go ahead and do his work. The Gardner didn't betray any look that told me he had seen anything or not. But at least he was willing to keep it cool for now, although he'd probably tell my friends when they returned.

I went back inside and Clay was on the massage table, face up. I get up on the table, lift his legs and go back inside of him. He instantly gets right back to the place he was before....he thrusts me in further and I fuck him while he furiously jacks his hard cock off. "I'm your little cock whore' he says loudly as he pushes me in deeper, faster. Finally, he starts cumming...he shoots his load up to his neck and onto his head. He cums a lot. His body is shaking. He was having a double--maybe triple orgasam. He just let the feelings run through him and he squirmed around a bit. I went over and licked up some of my straight friend's cum off his body. We were both done and he gave me a big hug and we both went to bed in different rooms of the house.

When I got up in the morning, with an MDMA hangover, I walked to the kitchen and found Clay sitting there, in just his underwear. He had a far off look...he was calm and maybe at peace with something. I hadn't seen him look this 'light' for a while. He was sipping coffee that he made. He got up, poured me some and handed me the mug. We sat together in silence. I was worried how we would feel about our crazy night....he had really put himself out there with me. I wondered if he had ever let himself go to this degree with any woman. Nothing was said for a while. I broke the silence and asked him how he was. "A little sore in some interesting places...but otherwise I feel great." "And how are you doing about what happened last night?" He paused. "I don't know how I feel about it yet. It's probably going to take me a while to process it. I'm not mad that I did it. I just don't know if it's me. I can't promise that will ever happen again. But I'll never forget it."

I had to accept the uncertainty. I knew that this must of been some of the best sex he'd ever had in his life--it certainly was for me. I knew that everything had to happen in Clay's time frame and that I'd just have to wait to hear from him again.

Wow! I had a similar experience, and this story brings back such great memories. My experience with straight men isbto be patient. Let them process the experience at their own pace, don't rush them, but know that you've opened doors.
Thanks for being patient...I hope people are still interested. Here is what happened next.


That is the message I woke up to. I was housesitting in a gorgeous house in the Beverly Hills area. A friend of mine and his husband were traveling and asked me if I wanted to house-sit for the summer and watch their dogs. Why wouldn't I? It was 3 stories and had a gorgeous swimming pool in the back. It was secluded with trees and plants surrounding the parameters. This was going to be my summer to kick back and relax. I hadn't seen Clay since our last hang out, though he would send me photos of rainbows and sunsets. I saw on his social media that he was still looking adorable--big black bushy hair, and a nice thick ass. He was looking boyishly delicious.

I had mixed feelings about his text. After all, he had been cheating on her as well...with me. And they were still pretty young...the kind of young couple that still was navigating how to be in a relationship. They argued a lot and they were both selfish and hurt each other. It was only a matter of time until it imploded.

I called him and we caught up. He was so angry and distraught. He was definitely breaking up with her. There was this slightly older guy...late 20's, who had befriended both of them--Josh--Josh was more of an Type A Personality--very full of himself--a commanding presence--and he was rumored to have a thick 8 inch cock. He was much more experienced in sex and life than Clay.

Of course i invited Clay over and told him about where I was staying. It took him a few hours but I swear he dressed in a sexy manner just to get to me--he wore cut off jeans that were so tightly hugging his ass...and a tank top that showed off his somewhat hairless chest but hairy pits. As usual, Clay didn't bring over any food or drinks...he just brought over his bag of party favors. He said that he felt he deserved a blow out night.

He walked around the house and was astonished--Clay grew up in a decent home but not in any type of wealth. He loved the dogs and immediately fell to the ground to play with them. At some point he looked up at me with a sad grin and said, "I'm hoping that you can cheer me up tonight".

I went to the kitchen and made a great pasta with all of the odds and ends I had in the kitchen. Clay loved when people cooked for him and I made a really great dinner. Before it was all ready he said he wanted to go for a swim in the pool. It was getting close to sunset at this point. He stripped off all his clothes and dove into the pool naked. Of course I joined him. I couldn't tell where this night would go--I was ready just to hear his story and comfort him. I was ALWAYS horny for my straight friend but I wanted to be mindful of how sad he might be feeling. He swam underwater and was playful..he swam between my legs, graving my crotch with his head. I wanted to grab him and hold him but he was never down for anything romantic. I just wanted to hold him and make Clay feel better. "You're so young," I told him, "You are going to have so many other partners."

We ate dinner on the terrace with the sunset and the bottle of wine that my hosts had left for me. i asked Clay what he wanted to do tonight. He got out his backpack and started pulling things out of it. "We could do acid, or mushrooms or Molly or DMT". I asked him if it was wise doing any drug since he was on this emotional roller coaster. He said he wanted to get his mind off of things. So we started with acid. It kicked in just as I was doing dishes--and i started to make a mess in the kitchen, spilling pasta between the grates on the stove--it came on strong. Clay was lounging on the bottom floor. The way the house was set up, you could look down and see what was going on at each floor. He got up and started playing the piano...a skill I didn't even know that he had. It was beautiful but also melancholy. If it were up to me we would have played, 'Ding Dong the Witch Is Dead', but I didn't want to seem petty.

I came downstairs and we realized we had a lot of electric energy from the acid. I don't remember who jumped on top of who first..but we started wrestling. I am bigger than he is but he had a lot of fun, playful energy. I got on top of him and held him down. I pressed down on him and he laughed. I was able to feel his dick through his shorts but he wasnt hard.As I've mentioned, his dick is on the smaller side when its flaccid. But it is still a very cute dick. We wrestled for a while and we put on some music and just lay on the floor in silence.

"The hardest thing is that I feel like a failure with her," he told me. "She didn't seem that into me...sometimes she'd say that she didn't find me attractive. And I also hardly ever got her to cum when we fucked. It really messed with my head." I told him that younger women don't often have O's through intercourse when they are younger. But he said that she had enjoyed orgasms with her previous boyfriend. And he was fucking sure that Josh was giving her a big old orgasm right now. He also told me that this gay stuff had fucked with his head a bit. I told him that he was extremely attractive....a 9...and that its possible that they just weren't sexually compatible.

It was getting later and I asked him what he wanted to do. There was a girl that he had been flirty with while he was with Obstacle. She had invited him over. But he wasn't sure if he was that into her. I told him that I had the massage table and I had nothing planned for the next day. He said that he wasn't sure he wanted to roll...he wasnt' sure if he was looking for that energy right now. I told Clay it was fine...we could just hang out. I went upstairs and he called up and asked me to bring him his backpack. When I brought it down he pulled out the Molly. "Fuck her," he said. "I'm going to have some fun and not feel guilty about it at all."

45 minutes later the room started to move around a bit. I had the flutters. I found some Christmas lights in a box in a closet and spread them around the room. I took out the massage table. I went upstairs to get us some water and when I looked down I saw Clay--so fucking adorable--having no idea at all how handsome he was--and he was grinding on a shag carpet. He didn't think that I could see....but I did...and seeing him being sexually playful with himself was such a turn on.

i put him on the massage table and he didn't get naked right away. But I'm feeling good and I start touching Clay--I spread oil all over his body. Then, I make a mistake and try to talk to him about sex. I told him that now that Obstacle was gone, we could be a little more open with each other and go further than we usually do. The sex could be even hotter. He sits up and says, "I don't want to be sexualized. I don't know that I want anything to happen--it's all confusing to me. I don't know what I want." I tell him that we will go according to his level of comfort, as always....I won't take advantage of him and if nothing happens..that's fine. I've learned that I have to take this at his pace, always. He pauses then he says that he baically agrees with me but he can't think about that now. So I just start massaging him. This calms him down and pretty soon he's in his happy place. Clay has great nipples...thick and pink and he loves having them touched and played with. I do it for a moment and when I stop, he tells me to keep doing it. His nipples get really hard. I flick them and it makes him laugh. He thanks me--and tells me that he's needed to have some fun. He feels like such a loser because of Obstacle not being into him.

At some point he wants to take a break. He gets up from the massage table and does some naked stretching. He just walks around the big house completely naked...I follow him because I like to watch his meaty ass when he walks. He does another line of molly and he puts me on the massage table for a bit. He puts on some music from a concert that we had seen together and I remember that even though he can get annoying, he has a sweet center. He climbs on the table, naked and sits on top of me. I know that its too early for sex--I'm not hard yet...but he sits on my dick and does some massage strokes on my chest and it feels so good. Things are getting more sensual.

After another break he gets back on the table. He is face down and his hot ass is just laying there. He asks me what I would rate his ass on a 1-10 scale (several straight guys have actually asked me the same question...they really want to know!). I tell him that it is a 9...really thick, just how I like them. He says he's never really seen his own ass, so I get my camera and take a few photos. I bring the camera to his face and show him the photos and he seems impressed. "Damn, that is a nice ass. I'd totally fuck myself," he laughs. Then I start moving with the music and I play bongos on his ass...I go off like Ricky Ricardo...and he's loving it. When I finish I put my hands on his ass and just keep them there. I feel a gravitational pull...he wants me to move my hands lower and lower--he spreads his legs open and I put out my thumb and reach down and put it inside of him. It glides in easily. He makes a it kind of hurts but kind of doesn't. I push my thumb in deeper and start fingering this straight boy ass. I ask him if anyone else has been in there--"Not yet," he says, "But I have been thinking about it more." I keep fingering him...adding another finger. He breathes and allows me in deeper. I just keep doing this for a while and I can tell Clay is getting turned on. He lets out an elongated, "Fuuuuuuuuuck". His voice is shaking . I put another finger inside of him and he just gobbles it up...they go way in him and he starts riding them. His moans are filled with a mix of pain and pleasure. In a low moan he whispered..."Why does it have to feel so good?" After a bit he asked for a break. He needed to stand up and stretch and get some water and hit a joint. It was so hot seeing my straight friend wondering around my living room completely, unabashedly naked. He seemed energized. He talked about how breaking up with (Obstacle) was the best thing ever for him--how much fun he was going to have without her--he approached me and I thought he was going to kiss me, but he didn't. He just stared into my eyes (something he does from time to time)....and he said, "Thank you for making me feel in my body again. Thanks for making me feel desirable. I'm just sorry that I can't return that to you in the same way." Hearing him say that was sort of a kick in the gut. But he seemed sincere and sorry about it--so that helped a little. But there was also the way that he was responding...he seemed to be getting into it much more than he could admit. I t old him that I was getting something out of this as well...I had been connecting to my more dominant side..and there was something about taking charge of him really helped me make that connection. He said that he had noticed and that he liked it.

He got back on the table, face down again. I started massaging his back, slowly, moving slowly towards his big ass. As I moved inward, I pressed my crotch against the back of his head. He didn't respond but I kept doing it while I was doing these completely luxurious strokes. I could start feeling him respond--moving his head towards my crotch and I pushed in towards him. I started getting hard and my hard on was pushing into his neck. He put one of his hands on my leg and rubbed it..tenatively at first...then he moved his hand slowly and into the bottom of my underwear. He reached into my underwear and grabbed hold of my hard cock. He kept rubbing it, harder and harder. I moved to his side and he lifted his head up and put my cock in his mouth. He prompted me to face fuck him. He got so greedy with my cock...he was just gulping it and going crazy with it.

I turned him onto his back, I got onto the massage table and I lifted his legs in the air. He seemed surprised by my aggressiveness. All I can say is that I was feeling courage to really go there with really show him what it can be like. To show him all my passion. So he was on his back, ready to get fucked and I just put the tip of my hard cock against his hole. But I didn't go inside. I hovered, teasing him. He told me to go ahead. But I told him that he had to agree to a few things first. He laughed nervously. I told him that I wanted him to be verbal...for us to be verbal during sex. He said he wasn't good at that, but he'd try. So I got my cock right up against my hole and I waited..."Do you want me to fuck you, Clay?" His reply was so quiet I wasn't even sure he said anything. "Do you want me to fuck you with my hard cock?" He said YES loudly. "Please fuck me with that hard cock of yours." "Do you like my cock?" "I fucking love your cock. Please put it in me." I went fully into him and he gasped. I slowed down but his ass was completely pulling me in. I started fucking him harder. He started moving with me..allowing me to thrust harder. "Are you my little cock slut?" I asked. He laughed. "That might be too much," he moaned. He waited a moment then said..."But yeah...I guess I am that for you." My aggressiveness was really in gear and I told him that I wanted to fuck him all over this house. "Just tell me where." I took him off of the massage table and put him on the shag carpet on the floor and fucked Clay on his all 4's as he went wild. I leaned him up against the pool table that he used to brace himself from my body pressure. I pulled his black bushy hair back and he moaned again. I was totally in charge of him--he had given himself over to me--other than kissing-.

The sun was coming up...we were both almost spent. Clay wanted to finish fucking outside by the pool with a view of sunrise. We set up some towels and brought out lube and I got him on his side and fucked him from behind...holding his chest. He was also jacking himself off. We got into perfect rhythm...and then, I heard something from a short distance. The Gardener came at this time on this day of the week. I had totally forgotten. I was sure that the Gardner saw what was happening. I told Clay to go inside the house. I put on a towel and went over to the Gardner and apologized, saying that I forgot about the time but he could go ahead and do his work. The Gardner didn't betray any look that told me he had seen anything or not. But at least he was willing to keep it cool for now, although he'd probably tell my friends when they returned.

I went back inside and Clay was on the massage table, face up. I get up on the table, lift his legs and go back inside of him. He instantly gets right back to the place he was before....he thrusts me in further and I fuck him while he furiously jacks his hard cock off. "I'm your little cock whore' he says loudly as he pushes me in deeper, faster. Finally, he starts cumming...he shoots his load up to his neck and onto his head. He cums a lot. His body is shaking. He was having a double--maybe triple orgasam. He just let the feelings run through him and he squirmed around a bit. I went over and licked up some of my straight friend's cum off his body. We were both done and he gave me a big hug and we both went to bed in different rooms of the house.

When I got up in the morning, with an MDMA hangover, I walked to the kitchen and found Clay sitting there, in just his underwear. He had a far off look...he was calm and maybe at peace with something. I hadn't seen him look this 'light' for a while. He was sipping coffee that he made. He got up, poured me some and handed me the mug. We sat together in silence. I was worried how we would feel about our crazy night....he had really put himself out there with me. I wondered if he had ever let himself go to this degree with any woman. Nothing was said for a while. I broke the silence and asked him how he was. "A little sore in some interesting places...but otherwise I feel great." "And how are you doing about what happened last night?" He paused. "I don't know how I feel about it yet. It's probably going to take me a while to process it. I'm not mad that I did it. I just don't know if it's me. I can't promise that will ever happen again. But I'll never forget it."

I had to accept the uncertainty. I knew that this must of been some of the best sex he'd ever had in his life--it certainly was for me. I knew that everything had to happen in Clay's time frame and that I'd just have to wait to hear from him again.

I'll never get tired of reading your stories. It's really hot, but it's sad and fucking selfish that he uses you, even if you got something out of it too.
Its a very short video...I'll describe it. It is filmed from inside the tent we shared. I film through the mesh opening and you see a bit of the camping area. Then the camera goes to Clay's feet and I slowly pan up...his thighs...then his beautiful naked ass. The camera stops there and does a full shot of his naked face...all in all it is probably 7 seconds long. Probably not long enough to get anyone excited?

I want to see this
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Thanks for being patient...I hope people are still interested. Here is what happened next.


That is the message I woke up to. I was housesitting in a gorgeous house in the Beverly Hills area. A friend of mine and his husband were traveling and asked me if I wanted to house-sit for the summer and watch their dogs. Why wouldn't I? It was 3 stories and had a gorgeous swimming pool in the back. It was secluded with trees and plants surrounding the parameters. This was going to be my summer to kick back and relax. I hadn't seen Clay since our last hang out, though he would send me photos of rainbows and sunsets. I saw on his social media that he was still looking adorable--big black bushy hair, and a nice thick ass. He was looking boyishly delicious.

I had mixed feelings about his text. After all, he had been cheating on her as well...with me. And they were still pretty young...the kind of young couple that still was navigating how to be in a relationship. They argued a lot and they were both selfish and hurt each other. It was only a matter of time until it imploded.

I called him and we caught up. He was so angry and distraught. He was definitely breaking up with her. There was this slightly older guy...late 20's, who had befriended both of them--Josh--Josh was more of an Type A Personality--very full of himself--a commanding presence--and he was rumored to have a thick 8 inch cock. He was much more experienced in sex and life than Clay.

Of course i invited Clay over and told him about where I was staying. It took him a few hours but I swear he dressed in a sexy manner just to get to me--he wore cut off jeans that were so tightly hugging his ass...and a tank top that showed off his somewhat hairless chest but hairy pits. As usual, Clay didn't bring over any food or drinks...he just brought over his bag of party favors. He said that he felt he deserved a blow out night.

He walked around the house and was astonished--Clay grew up in a decent home but not in any type of wealth. He loved the dogs and immediately fell to the ground to play with them. At some point he looked up at me with a sad grin and said, "I'm hoping that you can cheer me up tonight".

I went to the kitchen and made a great pasta with all of the odds and ends I had in the kitchen. Clay loved when people cooked for him and I made a really great dinner. Before it was all ready he said he wanted to go for a swim in the pool. It was getting close to sunset at this point. He stripped off all his clothes and dove into the pool naked. Of course I joined him. I couldn't tell where this night would go--I was ready just to hear his story and comfort him. I was ALWAYS horny for my straight friend but I wanted to be mindful of how sad he might be feeling. He swam underwater and was playful..he swam between my legs, graving my crotch with his head. I wanted to grab him and hold him but he was never down for anything romantic. I just wanted to hold him and make Clay feel better. "You're so young," I told him, "You are going to have so many other partners."

We ate dinner on the terrace with the sunset and the bottle of wine that my hosts had left for me. i asked Clay what he wanted to do tonight. He got out his backpack and started pulling things out of it. "We could do acid, or mushrooms or Molly or DMT". I asked him if it was wise doing any drug since he was on this emotional roller coaster. He said he wanted to get his mind off of things. So we started with acid. It kicked in just as I was doing dishes--and i started to make a mess in the kitchen, spilling pasta between the grates on the stove--it came on strong. Clay was lounging on the bottom floor. The way the house was set up, you could look down and see what was going on at each floor. He got up and started playing the piano...a skill I didn't even know that he had. It was beautiful but also melancholy. If it were up to me we would have played, 'Ding Dong the Witch Is Dead', but I didn't want to seem petty.

I came downstairs and we realized we had a lot of electric energy from the acid. I don't remember who jumped on top of who first..but we started wrestling. I am bigger than he is but he had a lot of fun, playful energy. I got on top of him and held him down. I pressed down on him and he laughed. I was able to feel his dick through his shorts but he wasnt hard.As I've mentioned, his dick is on the smaller side when its flaccid. But it is still a very cute dick. We wrestled for a while and we put on some music and just lay on the floor in silence.

"The hardest thing is that I feel like a failure with her," he told me. "She didn't seem that into me...sometimes she'd say that she didn't find me attractive. And I also hardly ever got her to cum when we fucked. It really messed with my head." I told him that younger women don't often have O's through intercourse when they are younger. But he said that she had enjoyed orgasms with her previous boyfriend. And he was fucking sure that Josh was giving her a big old orgasm right now. He also told me that this gay stuff had fucked with his head a bit. I told him that he was extremely attractive....a 9...and that its possible that they just weren't sexually compatible.

It was getting later and I asked him what he wanted to do. There was a girl that he had been flirty with while he was with Obstacle. She had invited him over. But he wasn't sure if he was that into her. I told him that I had the massage table and I had nothing planned for the next day. He said that he wasn't sure he wanted to roll...he wasnt' sure if he was looking for that energy right now. I told Clay it was fine...we could just hang out. I went upstairs and he called up and asked me to bring him his backpack. When I brought it down he pulled out the Molly. "Fuck her," he said. "I'm going to have some fun and not feel guilty about it at all."

45 minutes later the room started to move around a bit. I had the flutters. I found some Christmas lights in a box in a closet and spread them around the room. I took out the massage table. I went upstairs to get us some water and when I looked down I saw Clay--so fucking adorable--having no idea at all how handsome he was--and he was grinding on a shag carpet. He didn't think that I could see....but I did...and seeing him being sexually playful with himself was such a turn on.

i put him on the massage table and he didn't get naked right away. But I'm feeling good and I start touching Clay--I spread oil all over his body. Then, I make a mistake and try to talk to him about sex. I told him that now that Obstacle was gone, we could be a little more open with each other and go further than we usually do. The sex could be even hotter. He sits up and says, "I don't want to be sexualized. I don't know that I want anything to happen--it's all confusing to me. I don't know what I want." I tell him that we will go according to his level of comfort, as always....I won't take advantage of him and if nothing happens..that's fine. I've learned that I have to take this at his pace, always. He pauses then he says that he baically agrees with me but he can't think about that now. So I just start massaging him. This calms him down and pretty soon he's in his happy place. Clay has great nipples...thick and pink and he loves having them touched and played with. I do it for a moment and when I stop, he tells me to keep doing it. His nipples get really hard. I flick them and it makes him laugh. He thanks me--and tells me that he's needed to have some fun. He feels like such a loser because of Obstacle not being into him.

At some point he wants to take a break. He gets up from the massage table and does some naked stretching. He just walks around the big house completely naked...I follow him because I like to watch his meaty ass when he walks. He does another line of molly and he puts me on the massage table for a bit. He puts on some music from a concert that we had seen together and I remember that even though he can get annoying, he has a sweet center. He climbs on the table, naked and sits on top of me. I know that its too early for sex--I'm not hard yet...but he sits on my dick and does some massage strokes on my chest and it feels so good. Things are getting more sensual.

After another break he gets back on the table. He is face down and his hot ass is just laying there. He asks me what I would rate his ass on a 1-10 scale (several straight guys have actually asked me the same question...they really want to know!). I tell him that it is a 9...really thick, just how I like them. He says he's never really seen his own ass, so I get my camera and take a few photos. I bring the camera to his face and show him the photos and he seems impressed. "Damn, that is a nice ass. I'd totally fuck myself," he laughs. Then I start moving with the music and I play bongos on his ass...I go off like Ricky Ricardo...and he's loving it. When I finish I put my hands on his ass and just keep them there. I feel a gravitational pull...he wants me to move my hands lower and lower--he spreads his legs open and I put out my thumb and reach down and put it inside of him. It glides in easily. He makes a it kind of hurts but kind of doesn't. I push my thumb in deeper and start fingering this straight boy ass. I ask him if anyone else has been in there--"Not yet," he says, "But I have been thinking about it more." I keep fingering him...adding another finger. He breathes and allows me in deeper. I just keep doing this for a while and I can tell Clay is getting turned on. He lets out an elongated, "Fuuuuuuuuuck". His voice is shaking . I put another finger inside of him and he just gobbles it up...they go way in him and he starts riding them. His moans are filled with a mix of pain and pleasure. In a low moan he whispered..."Why does it have to feel so good?" After a bit he asked for a break. He needed to stand up and stretch and get some water and hit a joint. It was so hot seeing my straight friend wondering around my living room completely, unabashedly naked. He seemed energized. He talked about how breaking up with (Obstacle) was the best thing ever for him--how much fun he was going to have without her--he approached me and I thought he was going to kiss me, but he didn't. He just stared into my eyes (something he does from time to time)....and he said, "Thank you for making me feel in my body again. Thanks for making me feel desirable. I'm just sorry that I can't return that to you in the same way." Hearing him say that was sort of a kick in the gut. But he seemed sincere and sorry about it--so that helped a little. But there was also the way that he was responding...he seemed to be getting into it much more than he could admit. I t old him that I was getting something out of this as well...I had been connecting to my more dominant side..and there was something about taking charge of him really helped me make that connection. He said that he had noticed and that he liked it.

He got back on the table, face down again. I started massaging his back, slowly, moving slowly towards his big ass. As I moved inward, I pressed my crotch against the back of his head. He didn't respond but I kept doing it while I was doing these completely luxurious strokes. I could start feeling him respond--moving his head towards my crotch and I pushed in towards him. I started getting hard and my hard on was pushing into his neck. He put one of his hands on my leg and rubbed it..tenatively at first...then he moved his hand slowly and into the bottom of my underwear. He reached into my underwear and grabbed hold of my hard cock. He kept rubbing it, harder and harder. I moved to his side and he lifted his head up and put my cock in his mouth. He prompted me to face fuck him. He got so greedy with my cock...he was just gulping it and going crazy with it.

I turned him onto his back, I got onto the massage table and I lifted his legs in the air. He seemed surprised by my aggressiveness. All I can say is that I was feeling courage to really go there with really show him what it can be like. To show him all my passion. So he was on his back, ready to get fucked and I just put the tip of my hard cock against his hole. But I didn't go inside. I hovered, teasing him. He told me to go ahead. But I told him that he had to agree to a few things first. He laughed nervously. I told him that I wanted him to be verbal...for us to be verbal during sex. He said he wasn't good at that, but he'd try. So I got my cock right up against my hole and I waited..."Do you want me to fuck you, Clay?" His reply was so quiet I wasn't even sure he said anything. "Do you want me to fuck you with my hard cock?" He said YES loudly. "Please fuck me with that hard cock of yours." "Do you like my cock?" "I fucking love your cock. Please put it in me." I went fully into him and he gasped. I slowed down but his ass was completely pulling me in. I started fucking him harder. He started moving with me..allowing me to thrust harder. "Are you my little cock slut?" I asked. He laughed. "That might be too much," he moaned. He waited a moment then said..."But yeah...I guess I am that for you." My aggressiveness was really in gear and I told him that I wanted to fuck him all over this house. "Just tell me where." I took him off of the massage table and put him on the shag carpet on the floor and fucked Clay on his all 4's as he went wild. I leaned him up against the pool table that he used to brace himself from my body pressure. I pulled his black bushy hair back and he moaned again. I was totally in charge of him--he had given himself over to me--other than kissing-.

The sun was coming up...we were both almost spent. Clay wanted to finish fucking outside by the pool with a view of sunrise. We set up some towels and brought out lube and I got him on his side and fucked him from behind...holding his chest. He was also jacking himself off. We got into perfect rhythm...and then, I heard something from a short distance. The Gardener came at this time on this day of the week. I had totally forgotten. I was sure that the Gardner saw what was happening. I told Clay to go inside the house. I put on a towel and went over to the Gardner and apologized, saying that I forgot about the time but he could go ahead and do his work. The Gardner didn't betray any look that told me he had seen anything or not. But at least he was willing to keep it cool for now, although he'd probably tell my friends when they returned.

I went back inside and Clay was on the massage table, face up. I get up on the table, lift his legs and go back inside of him. He instantly gets right back to the place he was before....he thrusts me in further and I fuck him while he furiously jacks his hard cock off. "I'm your little cock whore' he says loudly as he pushes me in deeper, faster. Finally, he starts cumming...he shoots his load up to his neck and onto his head. He cums a lot. His body is shaking. He was having a double--maybe triple orgasam. He just let the feelings run through him and he squirmed around a bit. I went over and licked up some of my straight friend's cum off his body. We were both done and he gave me a big hug and we both went to bed in different rooms of the house.

When I got up in the morning, with an MDMA hangover, I walked to the kitchen and found Clay sitting there, in just his underwear. He had a far off look...he was calm and maybe at peace with something. I hadn't seen him look this 'light' for a while. He was sipping coffee that he made. He got up, poured me some and handed me the mug. We sat together in silence. I was worried how we would feel about our crazy night....he had really put himself out there with me. I wondered if he had ever let himself go to this degree with any woman. Nothing was said for a while. I broke the silence and asked him how he was. "A little sore in some interesting places...but otherwise I feel great." "And how are you doing about what happened last night?" He paused. "I don't know how I feel about it yet. It's probably going to take me a while to process it. I'm not mad that I did it. I just don't know if it's me. I can't promise that will ever happen again. But I'll never forget it."

I had to accept the uncertainty. I knew that this must of been some of the best sex he'd ever had in his life--it certainly was for me. I knew that everything had to happen in Clay's time frame and that I'd just have to wait to hear from him again.

Loved this chapter!
Thanks for being patient...I hope people are still interested. Here is what happened next.


That is the message I woke up to. I was housesitting in a gorgeous house in the Beverly Hills area. A friend of mine and his husband were traveling and asked me if I wanted to house-sit for the summer and watch their dogs. Why wouldn't I? It was 3 stories and had a gorgeous swimming pool in the back. It was secluded with trees and plants surrounding the parameters. This was going to be my summer to kick back and relax. I hadn't seen Clay since our last hang out, though he would send me photos of rainbows and sunsets. I saw on his social media that he was still looking adorable--big black bushy hair, and a nice thick ass. He was looking boyishly delicious.

I had mixed feelings about his text. After all, he had been cheating on her as well...with me. And they were still pretty young...the kind of young couple that still was navigating how to be in a relationship. They argued a lot and they were both selfish and hurt each other. It was only a matter of time until it imploded.

I called him and we caught up. He was so angry and distraught. He was definitely breaking up with her. There was this slightly older guy...late 20's, who had befriended both of them--Josh--Josh was more of an Type A Personality--very full of himself--a commanding presence--and he was rumored to have a thick 8 inch cock. He was much more experienced in sex and life than Clay.

Of course i invited Clay over and told him about where I was staying. It took him a few hours but I swear he dressed in a sexy manner just to get to me--he wore cut off jeans that were so tightly hugging his ass...and a tank top that showed off his somewhat hairless chest but hairy pits. As usual, Clay didn't bring over any food or drinks...he just brought over his bag of party favors. He said that he felt he deserved a blow out night.

He walked around the house and was astonished--Clay grew up in a decent home but not in any type of wealth. He loved the dogs and immediately fell to the ground to play with them. At some point he looked up at me with a sad grin and said, "I'm hoping that you can cheer me up tonight".

I went to the kitchen and made a great pasta with all of the odds and ends I had in the kitchen. Clay loved when people cooked for him and I made a really great dinner. Before it was all ready he said he wanted to go for a swim in the pool. It was getting close to sunset at this point. He stripped off all his clothes and dove into the pool naked. Of course I joined him. I couldn't tell where this night would go--I was ready just to hear his story and comfort him. I was ALWAYS horny for my straight friend but I wanted to be mindful of how sad he might be feeling. He swam underwater and was playful..he swam between my legs, graving my crotch with his head. I wanted to grab him and hold him but he was never down for anything romantic. I just wanted to hold him and make Clay feel better. "You're so young," I told him, "You are going to have so many other partners."

We ate dinner on the terrace with the sunset and the bottle of wine that my hosts had left for me. i asked Clay what he wanted to do tonight. He got out his backpack and started pulling things out of it. "We could do acid, or mushrooms or Molly or DMT". I asked him if it was wise doing any drug since he was on this emotional roller coaster. He said he wanted to get his mind off of things. So we started with acid. It kicked in just as I was doing dishes--and i started to make a mess in the kitchen, spilling pasta between the grates on the stove--it came on strong. Clay was lounging on the bottom floor. The way the house was set up, you could look down and see what was going on at each floor. He got up and started playing the piano...a skill I didn't even know that he had. It was beautiful but also melancholy. If it were up to me we would have played, 'Ding Dong the Witch Is Dead', but I didn't want to seem petty.

I came downstairs and we realized we had a lot of electric energy from the acid. I don't remember who jumped on top of who first..but we started wrestling. I am bigger than he is but he had a lot of fun, playful energy. I got on top of him and held him down. I pressed down on him and he laughed. I was able to feel his dick through his shorts but he wasnt hard.As I've mentioned, his dick is on the smaller side when its flaccid. But it is still a very cute dick. We wrestled for a while and we put on some music and just lay on the floor in silence.

"The hardest thing is that I feel like a failure with her," he told me. "She didn't seem that into me...sometimes she'd say that she didn't find me attractive. And I also hardly ever got her to cum when we fucked. It really messed with my head." I told him that younger women don't often have O's through intercourse when they are younger. But he said that she had enjoyed orgasms with her previous boyfriend. And he was fucking sure that Josh was giving her a big old orgasm right now. He also told me that this gay stuff had fucked with his head a bit. I told him that he was extremely attractive....a 9...and that its possible that they just weren't sexually compatible.

It was getting later and I asked him what he wanted to do. There was a girl that he had been flirty with while he was with Obstacle. She had invited him over. But he wasn't sure if he was that into her. I told him that I had the massage table and I had nothing planned for the next day. He said that he wasn't sure he wanted to roll...he wasnt' sure if he was looking for that energy right now. I told Clay it was fine...we could just hang out. I went upstairs and he called up and asked me to bring him his backpack. When I brought it down he pulled out the Molly. "Fuck her," he said. "I'm going to have some fun and not feel guilty about it at all."

45 minutes later the room started to move around a bit. I had the flutters. I found some Christmas lights in a box in a closet and spread them around the room. I took out the massage table. I went upstairs to get us some water and when I looked down I saw Clay--so fucking adorable--having no idea at all how handsome he was--and he was grinding on a shag carpet. He didn't think that I could see....but I did...and seeing him being sexually playful with himself was such a turn on.

i put him on the massage table and he didn't get naked right away. But I'm feeling good and I start touching Clay--I spread oil all over his body. Then, I make a mistake and try to talk to him about sex. I told him that now that Obstacle was gone, we could be a little more open with each other and go further than we usually do. The sex could be even hotter. He sits up and says, "I don't want to be sexualized. I don't know that I want anything to happen--it's all confusing to me. I don't know what I want." I tell him that we will go according to his level of comfort, as always....I won't take advantage of him and if nothing happens..that's fine. I've learned that I have to take this at his pace, always. He pauses then he says that he baically agrees with me but he can't think about that now. So I just start massaging him. This calms him down and pretty soon he's in his happy place. Clay has great nipples...thick and pink and he loves having them touched and played with. I do it for a moment and when I stop, he tells me to keep doing it. His nipples get really hard. I flick them and it makes him laugh. He thanks me--and tells me that he's needed to have some fun. He feels like such a loser because of Obstacle not being into him.

At some point he wants to take a break. He gets up from the massage table and does some naked stretching. He just walks around the big house completely naked...I follow him because I like to watch his meaty ass when he walks. He does another line of molly and he puts me on the massage table for a bit. He puts on some music from a concert that we had seen together and I remember that even though he can get annoying, he has a sweet center. He climbs on the table, naked and sits on top of me. I know that its too early for sex--I'm not hard yet...but he sits on my dick and does some massage strokes on my chest and it feels so good. Things are getting more sensual.

After another break he gets back on the table. He is face down and his hot ass is just laying there. He asks me what I would rate his ass on a 1-10 scale (several straight guys have actually asked me the same question...they really want to know!). I tell him that it is a 9...really thick, just how I like them. He says he's never really seen his own ass, so I get my camera and take a few photos. I bring the camera to his face and show him the photos and he seems impressed. "Damn, that is a nice ass. I'd totally fuck myself," he laughs. Then I start moving with the music and I play bongos on his ass...I go off like Ricky Ricardo...and he's loving it. When I finish I put my hands on his ass and just keep them there. I feel a gravitational pull...he wants me to move my hands lower and lower--he spreads his legs open and I put out my thumb and reach down and put it inside of him. It glides in easily. He makes a it kind of hurts but kind of doesn't. I push my thumb in deeper and start fingering this straight boy ass. I ask him if anyone else has been in there--"Not yet," he says, "But I have been thinking about it more." I keep fingering him...adding another finger. He breathes and allows me in deeper. I just keep doing this for a while and I can tell Clay is getting turned on. He lets out an elongated, "Fuuuuuuuuuck". His voice is shaking . I put another finger inside of him and he just gobbles it up...they go way in him and he starts riding them. His moans are filled with a mix of pain and pleasure. In a low moan he whispered..."Why does it have to feel so good?" After a bit he asked for a break. He needed to stand up and stretch and get some water and hit a joint. It was so hot seeing my straight friend wondering around my living room completely, unabashedly naked. He seemed energized. He talked about how breaking up with (Obstacle) was the best thing ever for him--how much fun he was going to have without her--he approached me and I thought he was going to kiss me, but he didn't. He just stared into my eyes (something he does from time to time)....and he said, "Thank you for making me feel in my body again. Thanks for making me feel desirable. I'm just sorry that I can't return that to you in the same way." Hearing him say that was sort of a kick in the gut. But he seemed sincere and sorry about it--so that helped a little. But there was also the way that he was responding...he seemed to be getting into it much more than he could admit. I t old him that I was getting something out of this as well...I had been connecting to my more dominant side..and there was something about taking charge of him really helped me make that connection. He said that he had noticed and that he liked it.

He got back on the table, face down again. I started massaging his back, slowly, moving slowly towards his big ass. As I moved inward, I pressed my crotch against the back of his head. He didn't respond but I kept doing it while I was doing these completely luxurious strokes. I could start feeling him respond--moving his head towards my crotch and I pushed in towards him. I started getting hard and my hard on was pushing into his neck. He put one of his hands on my leg and rubbed it..tenatively at first...then he moved his hand slowly and into the bottom of my underwear. He reached into my underwear and grabbed hold of my hard cock. He kept rubbing it, harder and harder. I moved to his side and he lifted his head up and put my cock in his mouth. He prompted me to face fuck him. He got so greedy with my cock...he was just gulping it and going crazy with it.

I turned him onto his back, I got onto the massage table and I lifted his legs in the air. He seemed surprised by my aggressiveness. All I can say is that I was feeling courage to really go there with really show him what it can be like. To show him all my passion. So he was on his back, ready to get fucked and I just put the tip of my hard cock against his hole. But I didn't go inside. I hovered, teasing him. He told me to go ahead. But I told him that he had to agree to a few things first. He laughed nervously. I told him that I wanted him to be verbal...for us to be verbal during sex. He said he wasn't good at that, but he'd try. So I got my cock right up against my hole and I waited..."Do you want me to fuck you, Clay?" His reply was so quiet I wasn't even sure he said anything. "Do you want me to fuck you with my hard cock?" He said YES loudly. "Please fuck me with that hard cock of yours." "Do you like my cock?" "I fucking love your cock. Please put it in me." I went fully into him and he gasped. I slowed down but his ass was completely pulling me in. I started fucking him harder. He started moving with me..allowing me to thrust harder. "Are you my little cock slut?" I asked. He laughed. "That might be too much," he moaned. He waited a moment then said..."But yeah...I guess I am that for you." My aggressiveness was really in gear and I told him that I wanted to fuck him all over this house. "Just tell me where." I took him off of the massage table and put him on the shag carpet on the floor and fucked Clay on his all 4's as he went wild. I leaned him up against the pool table that he used to brace himself from my body pressure. I pulled his black bushy hair back and he moaned again. I was totally in charge of him--he had given himself over to me--other than kissing-.

The sun was coming up...we were both almost spent. Clay wanted to finish fucking outside by the pool with a view of sunrise. We set up some towels and brought out lube and I got him on his side and fucked him from behind...holding his chest. He was also jacking himself off. We got into perfect rhythm...and then, I heard something from a short distance. The Gardener came at this time on this day of the week. I had totally forgotten. I was sure that the Gardner saw what was happening. I told Clay to go inside the house. I put on a towel and went over to the Gardner and apologized, saying that I forgot about the time but he could go ahead and do his work. The Gardner didn't betray any look that told me he had seen anything or not. But at least he was willing to keep it cool for now, although he'd probably tell my friends when they returned.

I went back inside and Clay was on the massage table, face up. I get up on the table, lift his legs and go back inside of him. He instantly gets right back to the place he was before....he thrusts me in further and I fuck him while he furiously jacks his hard cock off. "I'm your little cock whore' he says loudly as he pushes me in deeper, faster. Finally, he starts cumming...he shoots his load up to his neck and onto his head. He cums a lot. His body is shaking. He was having a double--maybe triple orgasam. He just let the feelings run through him and he squirmed around a bit. I went over and licked up some of my straight friend's cum off his body. We were both done and he gave me a big hug and we both went to bed in different rooms of the house.

When I got up in the morning, with an MDMA hangover, I walked to the kitchen and found Clay sitting there, in just his underwear. He had a far off look...he was calm and maybe at peace with something. I hadn't seen him look this 'light' for a while. He was sipping coffee that he made. He got up, poured me some and handed me the mug. We sat together in silence. I was worried how we would feel about our crazy night....he had really put himself out there with me. I wondered if he had ever let himself go to this degree with any woman. Nothing was said for a while. I broke the silence and asked him how he was. "A little sore in some interesting places...but otherwise I feel great." "And how are you doing about what happened last night?" He paused. "I don't know how I feel about it yet. It's probably going to take me a while to process it. I'm not mad that I did it. I just don't know if it's me. I can't promise that will ever happen again. But I'll never forget it."

I had to accept the uncertainty. I knew that this must of been some of the best sex he'd ever had in his life--it certainly was for me. I knew that everything had to happen in Clay's time frame and that I'd just have to wait to hear from him again.

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I can't promise that will ever happen again. But I'll never forget it
When I had shot at one of my so called "straight" friends, I made damned good and sure he would never, ever forget the sex we had. As an organist once said, "I pulled every stop out while pounding the piece, and played I played it to perfection."
44,000 views but only 62 'likes'. I guess I won't get to share a photo of Clay with you guys--I really wanted to. Clay is away for some of the summer and I'm hoping on having another night with him when he gets back. Until then, I will be posting the next section pretty soon. The next section is pretty fucking hot. I'll keep posting updates as long as there seems to be interest (and 'Likes' are the only way I can gauge interest on this site). Thanks for reading.
44,000 views but only 62 'likes'. I guess I won't get to share a photo of Clay with you guys--I really wanted to. Clay is away for some of the summer and I'm hoping on having another night with him when he gets back. Until then, I will be posting the next section pretty soon. The next section is pretty fucking hot. I'll keep posting updates as long as there seems to be interest (and 'Likes' are the only way I can gauge interest on this site). Thanks for reading.
I really like your story and I asked you a pic of Clay but you ignored me lol
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