Tracking my fun PE journey! Goal: 9.5” BPEL x 6.25” MSEG

Major update on my journey! Guys - this journey is so incredible. Thank you all for being a part of this magical time in my life.

My PE journey is something so much bigger than the process of making my dick bigger through exercises. I am seeing more and more that it is an act of self-love and joy, allowing myself to want what I want and to Sovereignly decide I am creating my life and reality the way I choose it — including the size, shape and performance abilities of my body.

I used to have a lot of shame around wanting a bigger cock.

Today, I am 35 years old and I have been researching and studying PE since age 11 or 12, and it has been such a big part of my life — that I kept hidden from over 99% of the people I know and love. In many ways, it has been like being in the closet about something because I felt people would judge me or think I was weird if they knew how much time and energy I put towards making my dick bigger.

I always felt people wouldn’t understand. I had an ex-boyfriend who judged me and criticized me about wanting to pump my cock, and so I would do PE in secret and even bought an extender that I hid from him and only used when he wasn’t home. My current husband was not supportive when we first got together, and so I stopped clamping as much as I would have liked so he wouldn’t judge me when we got together over 8 years ago.

Now, I am out and proud about it with so many more people, and it has been so liberating for me. My hairstylist knows, my personal handstand trainer knows, my two younger brothers know about it, and more of my friends are being told about it. I “came out” about it on a group call with over 50 people in a spiritual community I belong to. My husband is very supportive of it now and freaking loves the results. And he also loves that I help him make his dick bigger through performing some manual exercises on him and willing it to grow through the power of mind, thought and powerful expansive emotions.

Now we are both celebrating having packages that are bigger than they’ve ever been, and certainly bigger than they were when we first met in 2016!

My top business partner knows about it, and I even showed up to a business meeting once from my living room on Zoom, while I was pumping my balls. (My balls were not on camera lol, but he knew very much what I was doing while I was meeting with him and he was supportive and enjoyed it because he is all about breaking norms and people living unconventional lives that light them up, even though he has no interest in penis or ball pumping himself.)

I even had a female friend tell me that my story was the perfect thing for her to hear, because it helped her see that she, too, can do unconventional things and trust her heart more.

This is all helping me remember that people who truly love and care about me WANT me to thrive and be happy, in whatever ways that means to me. (So this is a good reminder for yourself as well — your truest friends will love you and cheer you on no matter what your goals are, as long as they don’t perceive you to be causing harm to yourself or others — then they might have some challenges, but ultimately, you cannot ever control how other people will perceive you.)

On top of that, I have made some amazing and incredible friends here in the LPSG community and have also gotten popular on Reddit, seemingly out of nowhere. I went from 0 to 600 followers in just one week! I have also shared my first and last name with a growing number of people, along with my professional Facebook and Instagram pages, and sent face photos to some incredible men.

My worlds are merging, and more people are seeing more sides of me, which I love.

Here on LPSG, there are so many of you who have messaged me and asked questions, really opening your hearts to me. I feel truly blessed and honored, and it is such a joy for me to get to know you better. I appreciate your patience as I often don’t get back quickly — I have 3 businesses I contribute to, a husband I spend a lot of time with, other interests, family, etc.

There are a lot of amazing guys messaging me and as you can imagine, there is only so much time I can devote to responding to private messages here. I have often felt sad that I have not been able to respond as quickly as I have felt I could or should, and I am aiming to create some things to help my communication efforts be more streamlined and still highly personal.

Seeing the desires to connect more around PE and personal development also has me planning and imagining how we can have a group to talk about mindset, PE, energetics, personal mastery, etc. at some point. FYI, I do offer 1-on-1 coaching services as well in one of my businesses, in which I’ve already been so blessed to serve an LPSG member in my professional coaching work and it was so freaking awesome!

I also want to give a special shout-out to WangerOver and Iceman_69 who have both been an incredible source of fun and rich, meaningful experiences in my life over the last month — and it feels like our friendships are just getting started. It has been so refreshing to be able to talk to other men who are PE experts and have made incredible gains, who have cocks that I think are fucking gorgeous and powerful… who also love to support me and admire my cock and energy.

@WangerOver , your girth and erection quality is truly Godlike — I am amazed at how thick and hard you are, and how you have grown so much in the last month alone. @iceman__69, your overall size and mass is fucking phenomenal, and your strong alpha embodied approach to PE is a true inspiration.

Through allowing myself to be more open and honest about my PE intentions and desires with more people, I have simply become a more integrated human being. I am less compartmentalized, and I feel more confident in myself and how I show up EVERYWHERE I go.

This means I have been showing up more powerfully in my marriage and in my businesses, as well as in my friendships, at the beach, the spa, etc. Ultimately, I am now able to carry a true Big Dick Energy in ways I haven’t before, and be more powerfully authentic and loving towards myself and others, while also being more direct. I just feel better and more whole all around, more proud of myself and who I am.

More and more, I am understanding that growing one’s dick through natural means is a true act of mastery. Especially for those of us who are working full-time jobs or growing businesses… and especially especially for those of y’all who are raising children. It takes time, energy and dedication, along with the ability to balance healthy eating, sleep, physical fitness, being a responsible and productive member of society, etc.

PE takes energy and capacity. For example, I have made some permanent gains in the last month or so — I feel it without a doubt. On several occasions, I have broken records in various ways. I’ve been thicker and longer than I’ve ever been, with more volume in my cock and ball package than I’ve ever experienced. AND at the same time, my cock and balls have been consuming so much of my energy that my gym workouts have gone from 5-6 days/week to about 2 days/week. And my Oura Ring tracker has continuously had my readiness score in the 50s and 60s, with a low resilience level. (Oura Ring users will know what I mean — if you’re not an Oura Ring user, just know it is saying my body hasn’t been recovering and it continuously tells me to take it easy and not work out too hard lol.)

But I am OK with that. I am still healthy. I am having so much fun — more fun than I have ever had in my entire life. I know I am getting the rest and sleep I need and that everything is unfolding perfectly for me. I am still being highly productive in my professional endeavors and being of service to people in truly meaningful ways.

I believe there are seasons, and in some seasons I focus more on some things than on other things. And I have no regrets about worshipping my own cock and balls more this past month than I ever have in my entire life, and also feeling better and better about walking around the Korean Spa or nude beach with a giant cock and ball package hanging between my legs.

I used to feel shy if I was so big that I would stand out a lot. I wouldn’t want others to feel insecure.

For example, back when I lived in an apartment complex and was sporting a ripped, muscular body… I would walk to the pool with a shirt on even though it was crazy hot outside and I would have felt more comfortable shirtless. Why? Because I didn’t wanna stand out “too much” or make overweight people feel insecure, so I suppressed myself and my own comfort — even though I was really proud of my body and how hard I worked to achieve the physique I had.

But now I have realized… fuck that! I fucking LOVE seeing it when ripped and muscular people are posting photos of their bodies or have a lot of skin showing in public. I fucking LOVE seeing men with huge cocks at the Korean Spa or the nude beach, and in locker rooms. It turns me on, lifts me up and inspires me! I also notice I often feel more drawn to people like that, initially, and want to get to know more about them.

(On a side note, since I have been feeling more love and gratitude to my cock and body than ever before and experiencing it as a true masterpiece, and work of art… I am now also able to see ALL other body types and penis sizes/shapes through that lens as well, better than ever before. Rather than being turned off by seeing an obese body and feeling sad for the person, I am able to see the obese body as a beautiful, gorgeous work of art that that said person is choosing to hold and carry for him or herself. I am also able to see smaller dicks as so perfect and gorgeous as they are and feel so much reverence for the host of the smaller-sized dick, that is just as powerful and magical as a 10-incher).

For me, I have always been inspired by human potential. I’ve always been someone who wanted to “be the best version of myself” — physically, mentally, financially, as a leader making a positive impact here on earth, and so forth. I’ve always been drawn to big dicks since I can remember, and muscular bodies. It was always something I wanted for myself.

I started at about 7” x 4.5”. Looked long and thin. I am inspired by big dicks and muscular bodies. I am so glad to have created that for myself, to be sporting a cock that can go beyond 9x6 hard, or even bigger if I am not so hard and allow for more fluid buildup.

I am also inspired by huge balls, and am so happy I have added ball pumping to my life enjoyment and have experienced my balls being far bigger than they have ever been.

I think we are all so worthy of feeling so proud of ourselves and where we are today.

If you have read this far and followed this train of thought, I assure you that you are wise, brilliant, powerful and open to new ideas and possibilities that many others have never even imagined. We are all on the cutting edge here, and I do believe PE is going to become WAY more mainstream in the coming years.

I have a tremendous amount of gratitude in my heart that you are choosing to receive my words and read these messages that are very far away from the “mainstream.” I also know that I am sharing a lot of powerful ideas that a lot of people will benefit from, and I believe that the only way we can help positive, uplifting ideas grow stronger is through sharing them with others and living them for ourselves.

So, thank you for being a part of my journey. The compliments and positive energy I have received from so many of you has truly been helpful for me on my journey and is also inspiring me and my cock to grow further because I want to help you all see what is possible, and enjoy the benefits myself of growing even bigger 😉🍆

As a reminder, wherever you are right now is perfect. Your cock is perfect as it is now, so worthy of your unconditional love and admiration. Love your cock, appreciate your cock. Nurture it. Talk to it. Be kind to it. Your cock wants you to be happy and you want your cock to be happy. THIS is the best energy in which to grow your cock. Grow it because you love it and you love yourself. Enjoy the journey. Enjoy the expansion. Enjoy your power and ability to make your cock bigger in an instant through various means such as pumping, squeezing, stretching or more.

PE is such a beautiful journey to better get to know yourself and your cock, all at the same time. And I am so grateful to be experiencing what I have so far — and in so many ways, it feels like I am just getting started.

I have so much more I can share and update, but I will stop here for now. I am putting together some free resources and free audio recordings for those who want an extra boost in growing your cock from a place of true peace, joy, power and self-love. If you want to be on the list to receive it, please send me a message and I’ll make sure you are notified :)

With love,


The Big Dick Magician

*Originally written on 12-22-24 at the airport, just now posting on 12-27-24 at my parents for the holidays, where my PE journey began in 7th grade.*

Photos: I have just added a lot more photos to the “media” section of my profile here. More are coming.

Some fun attachments here:
Things I want to highlight.

1. The ones in the dark are out in nature at the beach, after sunset. I love being outside and love having large outdoor spaces to myself. I ran around naked, beat my drum, sang and connected with the elements. I felt so fucking free and liberated, like the star of the best book or movie I have ever seen.

2. I shared a video of me coming out of the ball pump. That is probably the biggest my balls have ever been. I have actually been doing a little less PE the last few weeks, and had an increased focus in ball pumping. I freaking love it and that has been a big surprise for me over the last 6 weeks.

3. I can’t say I can report new PE gains since my last update, and it is a great reminder that PE is about the long game, and it is often not a linear process. The most important thing is to have fun and enjoy the ride.
What a thrill to have connected with you so deeply. And there is nothing but appreciation for a good person to grow both physically and emotionally. I think your determination is obvious but also mastering the mindset that makes gains happen. If anyone has that curiosity I highly recommend reaching out to someone like Xeno, myself or others who share a vision that embodies our minds true goals whether it be cock growth or otherwise. I know since my friendship I have gained size and faith that more size is on the way!
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This thread has lead me to use the sleeves post pump to enhance recovery in the enlarged state. I’ve been doing this about a month and I will update on progress and changes. Thanks

In the pics, this is the 6inch widest sleeve cut down to about 4.75”
I eventually fold it over at the sleeve ends and adjust it as i slowly deflate over the 4-6 hours post pump.

Keep up the size and health game everyone!


11-25-24 Update

Damn! I am so turned on by my own size today.

Today I did the 2” tube without any sleeves for compression for the first time in a long time.

I ended up packing the pump at a solid 9”. I have not done that before. I am definitely growing and making progress. I have grown and I can feel it.

My husband is so turned on by my size, he said he craves it. We have had some really great sex and he freaking loves it so much, and it feels so good to be bigger inside of him.

I almost couldn’t believe my eyes today when my dick reached the 9.5” mark on the ruler (while I had my sleeves on). This is not a 9.5” BP measurement. Maybe I should make my new measurement acronyms lol. 9.5” BPWS (bone pressed with sleeves) seated. That was a record for me I am 99% sure.

When I stood up, I was just a hair over 9” BPWS standing. That was a record too. And damn, it is just thicker and plumper all day long.

I am back up to 10” soft flaccid stretch as well more consistently. I would love to see myself stretch my beautiful growing cock to 10.25” in a full stretch. That would turn me on so much and feel really really good.

I am so fascinated by my growing dick. I am soft clamped now as I type this and it is so fat - all I wanna do is keep growing it and taking photos hahaha.

It’s hard for me to decide which photos to post on here and which ones not to. This is really so exciting to me to feel like I am consistently bigger than I have ever been, after dreaming about it for so long and wanting it for so long.

I might get into some ball pumping soon too, we shall see.I feel like my balls could have some catching up to do to stay proportional ;-)

Thank you to everyone who is giving me positive and kind feedback on my journey! I appreciate the positive energy to me and my growing cock!

May we all love and embrace our dicks as they are today and enjoy the process of allowing them to grow larger if that is what we so desire!

The Big Dicked Magician
PS it really feels like it is just growing as a magic trick right now and like I can’t even stop the growing if I tried lol. There is so much momentum and I feel and know it has happened already. 9.5” x 6.25” here I am!
That's amazing. Incredible gains!
Just a note to those even considering starting down this path... We're looking at 15% gains TOPS. This is thru daily work for many months. So if you have a 5" dick... You end up at 5 3/4" after many months of work. Now if you're already 8"... have fun with it.

I think this message gets lost in the excitement of the idea.
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