Anyone up to write some fan fiction? The adventures of Finn and Luca!

Could be anytime during their relationship. Love to see more three ways. Maybe they both fall in love with 1 girl. Could try out with other boys too, though so far they are only gay for each other which is awesome. Nude beach visits. Some orgy they get invited to. 1000 other ideas.
Seems like these are some good mates there, and I'd bet the other guys would be a bit surprised but also supportive as they see how close these two have become. I'm thinking Luca had a bit of that in the back of his mind even before the trip, and that was the opportunity to explore it further, and that it's been a good experience for both of them in finding the situations they enjoy and work for them. One nice thing is that while there's been a small amount of hesitation at times, there's never been a negative response or regret after-the-fact, as often happens in situations like this. There were a few negative naysayers but I think the reception (having just finished reading through the entire thread) has been pretty positive and appreciative. Some questioned being able to handle that first time like that, but I've had a few first timers where it became obvious pretty quickly that they were going to be good bottoms and pretty well-lubed themselves. Looks like Luca knew he wasn't quite that ready but desperately wanted Finn and so he made sure to be prepped with the bottle of lube when he was making it his turn to bottom.

I haven't had any travels or friends like that, though I have had some other good experiences while traveling that made for good memories, so I can understand how Finn can reflect on this and recount the story. He hasn't mentioned his own personal thoughts on the matter, but I think it's pretty clear that he's opening his eyes to his best mate now meaning a whole lot more to him, however they choose to define it.
I'm eagerly waiting for the next chapter too... Hope that they're together and having some more good ol' buddy sex at the moment!
I have another wish: I'd like that in a next chapter, that get tricked by some gal to have a fully bi mmf threesome, including sexual intercourse between them too!
(I actually think that this will be more difficult to happen, as they probably want to keep all this as a secret between them without the involvement of any other person)
Like everyone else on this thread, I am eagerly awaiting the next installment of "Finn & Luca". I've had some DMs with "Finn" and he seems like a very cool young guy. I'm sure more chapters will be coming/cumming soon...
Me too, but he has been MIA for the last two weeks. And indeed he’s a really cool (and nice) guy.