Two Words No Longer Allowed To Be Used To Describe Trans People

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LPSG Support

Mythical Member
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Sep 26, 2017
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Hi. Over the past few weeks, it has been brought to my attention that two following two terms not acceptable and are offensive... t-r-a-n-n-y and s-h-e-m-a-l-e. I'm running a test right now and have changed it so whenever someone types in either of those words it is changed to trans.

My reason for doing this is because I believe most people who use those two terms don't know they are offensive. So instead of allowing those words to be used, we will automatically edit them for you.

I can't see any reason why someone would "need" to use those words. If you have an issue with this change please, by all means, let me know why.

I want LPSG to be a site that welcomes everyone from all walks of life. Historically it has not been very kind and welcoming to the Trans community and I would like to change that. This is the first step in doing so.

NOTE.... I'm posting this in all the Trans sections. Comments here are open to anyone trans or not. This is a discussion.
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Hi. Over the past few weeks, it has been brought to my attention that two following two terms not acceptable and are offensive... t-r-a-n-n-y and s-h-e-m-a-l-e. I'm running a test right now and have changed it so whenever someone types in either of those words it is changed to trans.

My reason for doing this is because I believe most people who use those two terms don't know they are offensive. So instead of allowing those words to be used, we will automatically edit them for you.

I can't see any reason why someone would "need" to use those words. If you have an issue with this change please, by all means, let me know why.

I want LPSG to be a site that welcomes everyone from all walks of life. Historically it has not been very kind and welcoming to the Trans community and I would like to change that. This is the first step in doing so.

Thank you. I didn't realize that those words were considered offensive.
I understand that the first word can be offensive (though this isn’t exactly a squeaky clean website, people have different kinks and fetishes here and word play might be one of them (but thats a whole nother topic)) but censoring the second one just doesnt feel right. Sh-e-male and trans isn’t even necessarily the same thing, it might be even more offensive to the trans community to treat it as though it is the same. But who can even tell what’s offensive nowadays, people just keep coming out with new labels and things to identify as and more reasons to feel oppressed and offended.
I understand that the first word can be offensive (though this isn’t exactly a squeaky clean website, people have different kinks and fetishes here and word play might be one of them (but thats a whole nother topic)) but censoring the second one just doesnt feel right. Sh-e-male and trans isn’t even necessarily the same thing, it might be even more offensive to the trans community to treat it as though it is the same. But who can even tell what’s offensive nowadays, people just keep coming out with new labels and things to identify as and more reasons to feel oppressed and offended.
I appreciate this feedback. A very close friend of mine owns Grooby and I would consider him the king of Trans porn. Not only that he has done more for trans performers than anyone else I know. I'm waiting to hear back from him regarding this.

I agree wordplay is a big thing. I alluded to that recently in a thread where a few users were knocking performers who were using "fag" in their videos even though the performers were using it in dirty talk that was specifically created for the user(s).

That said now it has been brought to my attention I can see 100% how "tr-a-nny" is an issue. What are your reasons for thinking "she-male" is different from that? I'm opening to hearing them. I haven't been able to come up with any.
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I appreciate this feedback. A very close friend of mine owns Grooby and I would consider him the king of Trans porn. Not only that he has done more for trans performers than anyone else I know. I'm waiting to hear back from him regarding this.

I agree wordplay is a big thing. I alluded to that recently in a thread where a few users were knocking performers who were using "fag" in their videos even though the performers were using it in dirty talk that was specifically created for the user(s).

That said now it has been brought to my attention I can see 100% how "tr-a-nny" is an issue. What are your reasons for thinking "she-male" is different from that? I'm opening to hearing them. I haven't been able to come up with any.

From all I know the term "sh-e-male" refers to someone who has the appearance and characteristics of a female but has the male reporudctive organs which does not completely equal to the term "trans" and does not apply to female-to-male transition and the people who had "the surgery" to change their gender completely. If anything it's a subcategory of "trans", but it's main use seems to be in porn/sex, to refer to a person who looks like a female, but has a penis and might not play the traditional female role in sex, if you know what I mean. I don't think the term should be deemed offensive and it's not meant to describe a lifestyle, but it's rather a sex thing.
But bottom line is, I don't think it should be identified with the word trans
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From all I know the term "sh-e-male" refers to someone who has the appearance and characteristics of a female but has the male reporudctive organs which does not completely equal to the term "trans" and does not apply to female-to-male transition and the people who had "the surgery" to change their gender completely. If anything it's a subcategory of "trans", but it's main use seems to be in porn/sex, to refer to a person who looks like a female, but has a penis and might not play the traditional female role in sex, if you know what I mean. I don't think the term should be deemed offensive and it's not meant to describe a lifestyle, but it's rather a sex thing.
But bottom line is, I don't think it should be identified with the word trans

This is the Ask a Transgender Person section, but since everyone seems to ignore the rules and post no matter what demographic they actually belong to...

The word you're saying is fine is a big enough issue that people like RuPaul are criticized for using it. Multiple women who are trans on here have pointed out it's an issue/problem/not okay. Every single woman I know who is trans outside of this site considers it a slur. Are there some who don't mind? I'm sure they exist. I'm also sure that some folks grin and bear it because if they do cam work or in general are a sex worker or something of that nature? It's the terminology that's common. It's an easily used marketing tool and vocabulary that the unwashed masses will recognize.

I've done cam work in the past. I played up to stereotypes that I fucking loathe because it was an easy niche to make money from. Does that mean I hated those stereotypes or slurs any less? Hell no.

It's a slur. It's awful.
This is the Ask a Transgender Person section, but since everyone seems to ignore the rules and post no matter what demographic they actually belong to...

The word you're saying is fine is a big enough issue that people like RuPaul are criticized for using it. Multiple women who are trans on here have pointed out it's an issue/problem/not okay. Every single woman I know who is trans outside of this site considers it a slur. Are there some who don't mind? I'm sure they exist. I'm also sure that some folks grin and bear it because if they do cam work or in general are a sex worker or something of that nature? It's the terminology that's common. It's an easily used marketing tool and vocabulary that the unwashed masses will recognize.

I've done cam work in the past. I played up to stereotypes that I fucking loathe because it was an easy niche to make money from. Does that mean I hated those stereotypes or slurs any less? Hell no.

It's a slur. It's awful.

I agree. As a trans women most of us view She-male as a slur. I have volunteered with hundreds of trans women, from all over the world and its overall viewed as a term to market and dehumanize trans sex workers. It's derogatory as it is saying they are still. Male, etc. In the countries where it is used in more prominence ( such as Thailand) it's more Commonly used as those places are beacons for sex tourism and its used to. Market sex work. ( these are the words from my Thai trans friends).

As for the term Tran-NY the reason we dislike it is it used in a negative light. Aka "omg did you see Brittany, her makeup makes her look like a Tran-ny" or "Rob's new girlfriend looks like a Tran-ny". So becuase of this and it commonly being used by cis people to insult trans people we no Longer like it.

Some trans women do use these terms amongst eachother as a reclaimed term, but that doesn't make it ok for you to say it.

Some other bad terms to call trans women are "lady Boy" (or any spelling on it, this is used to market Asian trans sex workers) " Chick with A dick" (come. On..) or he-she. Basically.. Just say trans woman and don't use terminology yoi learned from porn. Lol. Abd always remember... We generally preffer you just call Us by our names. :p
Hi. Over the past few weeks, it has been brought to my attention that two following two terms not acceptable and are offensive... t-r-a-n-n-y and s-h-e-m-a-l-e. I'm running a test right now and have changed it so whenever someone types in either of those words it is changed to trans.

My reason for doing this is because I believe most people who use those two terms don't know they are offensive. So instead of allowing those words to be used, we will automatically edit them for you.

I can't see any reason why someone would "need" to use those words. If you have an issue with this change please, by all means, let me know why.

I want LPSG to be a site that welcomes everyone from all walks of life. Historically it has not been very kind and welcoming to the Trans community and I would like to change that. This is the first step in doing so.

NOTE.... I'm posting this in all the Trans sections. Comments here are open to anyone trans or not. This is a discussion.
Well done Mr. LPSG. Long over due in my opinion.
Ok, I’ll wade in, since @Mr. LPSG seems to be allowing all identity discussion.
For the record, cis woman, here.
I have written award winning articles on transgender youth, and my own kiddo is dealing with gender dysmorphia.

transgenderism is anyone with gender dysmorphia. If the person can live as their personally identified gender or not, surgery or not, doesn’t matter.
What’s under their clothes is NO ONE ELSE’S BUSINESS!
Some folx will never be able to afford all the surgery needed to physically change.
Some will, but in pieces.
I have male clients with a hysterectomy in the medical records.
I have female clients with penises.
Some don’t want surgery, for whatever reason. Not defined by genitalia.

trans, trans, ladyboy/boi, he/she are objectifying terms, and should be on the slag heap of history with racial slurs.

any software will need to spot runarounds. If it filters trans, it will need to get Tran-ny, etc.
Thank you for the change! As a transwoman, I appreciate and share your thought process. I have never cared for the former of the terms and completely abhor the latter of them.
This is a good move. This reminds me of a time when offensive words were used to describe a person of color, or a certain ethnic group. It takes constant education and effort but it is worth the time and trouble. As soon as we feel like we are coming to terms and treating people with respect there will always be an opportunity to learn.
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