Photos & Videos Umm so Joey Sacco from TikTok finally made an onlyfans.

You told him straight up you were going to watch his content illegally, what do you expect?

The delusion and entitlement on here sometimes…
Oh god not you too. I meant regular FREE porn. He keeps his shit on lockdown anyway so where is this “illegal content” I’m gonna get my hands on???

If you wanna pay $300 for 5 min go ahead.
Yea not usually one to post here but just spoke to him and he’s very rude
To be fair, what you wrote wasn't very tactful. Just politely say "no thanks - outside of my budget." Why you would say something like "I'll watch the videos online" is simply beyond me and I can see why it would upset him. That being said, he didn't have to say things like "karma will get you". That's rather distasteful as well. You both need to communicate better. 🙄
There’s a level of entitlement here which confuses me, Joey is selling content he makes and owns and for whatever price he sets, is his prerogative.

I would encourage any of the people who are upset by Joey’s response to think about how they would have reacted to someone saying they’ll steal your content - which just by the way is illegal and immoral.

Sure Joey could have left this person on read and just moved on but would any of you done that?

Now would I ever spend that much on a 5 min video - fuck no, but am I entitled to his content if I don’t want to pay the price he sets? Also no.