Uncut - Frenulum Removal

About two weeks ago, after reading through this all 40 pages of this thread countless times, I decided to take the plunge.

Day before I ordered the stretch magic string (0.5mm) off Amazon, and double checked that I had Emla cream and 18g needles at home.

Day of, I put the Emla cream on - really didn’t use a lot, but put as much as I could, and rolled the foreskin back. Set a timer for 45 mins and gathered my alcohol spray, scissors, stretch magic string and needle.

Went into the bathroom, sprayed the scissors with alcohol, cut the string, sprayed the string with the alcohol, shone the light through to make sure no veins, got as close to the gland as possible and started applying light pressure. Felt nothing. A bit more pressure and it was through. Shockingly little pain. Maybe 1/10. Strung the stretch magic string through the needle from the pointed end that had just pierced the frenulum, and pulled it back out. Tied about 5 ties as tight as I could.

Spur of the moment decided to do another one a little further down. Not really sure why I did this besides the fact that I was so shocked it didn’t hurt. Again minimal pain, a bit of blood, but got the needle through easily, and got the string through the needle.

The issue with this second one is that I was a bit cocky, and was less careful, and absolutely hit/scraped a vein. When I took the needle out it bled and bled and bled. Stopped it by putting pressure and spraying my alcohol spray on it. The bleeding eventually slowed enough to tie the second one just like the first.

I clipped off the excess string, was pleased to see I could roll my foreskin up over the knots very easily, put some toilet paper in my undies for the tiny bits of blood that were still coming, and went on with my day.

Over the next 8 days, it was pretty unobtrusive. I went to the gym and did burpees the next day with no issue. A bit of aching occasionally - max 4/10 at its worst. Sprayed it with alcohol every day which burned, but that was more the dick less the wound. Washed as normal in the shower a little sensitive but overall fine. The two cuts were quite close together, and the knots kind of chafed the skin in between.

Took 8 days for the first knot to come out, and that was with a lot of tugging on it to try to encourage it. Turns out I’m not very patient. Next morning the second one came out, but I pulled that out more than it falling out.

I’ve been pretty happy with it since - it’s healing, but not too sore. It’s not as much as I’d like, so it still tugs if I pull my foreskin back, but I can get it back quite a bit easier. A little harder to roll foreskin back over. No sensitivity change that I’ve noticed so far. I would do it again, and will do more ties.

I took pics each day but they really don’t show much change or are that interesting so I’ve combined them. Second picture is the “after” - left is one day after both ties were out, and the next one about 4 days later

I’ve got a few ties to go - but from now on I’ll do one at a time. I’ve also got a Plasma Pen en route from Aliexpress. Never noticed the PPPs until taking a daily close up picture - but I’m sure as hell aware of them now. Glad the plasma pen will get rid of them.

Things I’ll do differently for my next ties
- Not do 2 at once
- Use a surgeon’s knot every second knot
- Not clip it right up to the knot, leave a little more string
- Be way more careful about vein

Thanks to everyone here for all the detailed info. Stabbing my dick with a needle is something I never imagined I’d do, but now I’m just wishing I found out about this earlier.
Plasma pen will zap them papules.
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Never noticed the PPPs until taking a daily close up picture - but I’m sure as hell aware of them now. Glad the plasma pen will get rid of them.

I guess I've always had PPPs but never noticed them until I was a teenager and started having sex.

I got all paranoid and thought I had an STD or something.

Went to the doctor and he said nothing to worry about, they're harmless and fairly common in uncircumcised men. He said they can be removed for aesthetics but I didn't really see a need.

No guy I've been with has noticed or mentioned them.
Yo i removed my frenulum but foreskin still not loose like im so confused do i go deeper?
what do you mean by "still not loose"?
Literally exactly what i said like ive seen a few dudes whove gotten it loose enough that the foreskin will just stay retracted, thats my goal. But its still connected underneath somehow
Literally exactly what i said like ive seen a few dudes whove gotten it loose enough that the foreskin will just stay retracted, thats my goal. But its still connected underneath somehow
I had to do a few ties to get it to stay pulled back. I think I did 5 in total.

Even now while it does stay pulled back it bunches around the glans, but I assume that’s normal?
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It’s been awhile since I updated, I did a couple more ties and then have been doing some Plasma Pen work to get rid of the PPPs and smooth it out.

It turns out I’m really impatient with the ties, and 100% of the time ended up just ripping them out or cutting them out with a scalpel, which in hindsight was not the best idea. Got some bigger cuts than I would have had I just waited.

The plasma pen was crazily effective with the PPP. Literally one single session. Hurts even with Emla cream though. I’ve found it reaches peak effectiveness at about 30 mins. Even still you feel it a hell of a lot more than the needle for the ties.

Attaching a pic of inmediately after a plasma pen session (so you know what you’re getting into if you go this route), and after that session healed.

I’m still smoothing it out a little, but I’m hoping to be done really soon - maybe even after the bit I did today heals. I can see how I could go too extreme with this and burn too much away.


No bending of the head when pulled back fully, sorry for multiple posts not trynna be spammy just not used to lpsg

Okay, yeah most guys need more than one tie to get the job done. Pull the frenulum away from your shaft, and where it now attaches is where you need to do another tie.
Okay, yeah most guys need more than one tie to get the job done. Pull the frenulum away from your shaft, and where it now attaches is where you need to do another tie.
Thx, its just thats the problem, also letting you know i did too big of a tie with floss so now its gonna take a shit ton of time to heal since i had to remove the knot(it was my second tie) i originally tied the frenulum banjo string part 3 years ago which is now gone but its kinda like a skin bridge underneath the head that is super wide but not noticable unless pulling the foreskin in a certain way. Idk if a doctor would be willing to do the rest if its not impacting my life. Also i have no access to numbing medication. I lwgit just want my dick to look like that dude from xvideos. Btw thx for all the support & help everyone.
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All of this sounds unsafe, painful and makes a decent cock look like mixed beef. Unsure that's the goal.
I would read the rest of the thread and see the advice and success pictures etc before you make blanket statements like that.

As with anything medical there are risks involved. You could make your dick look like mincemeat or give yourself a nasty infection but there are ways of making sure that doesn't happen.
Thx, its just thats the problem, also letting you know i did too big of a tie with floss so now its gonna take a shit ton of time to heal since i had to remove the knot(it was my second tie) i originally tied the frenulum banjo string part 3 years ago which is now gone but its kinda like a skin bridge underneath the head that is super wide but not noticable unless pulling the foreskin in a certain way. Idk if a doctor would be willing to do the rest if its not impacting my life. Also i have no access to numbing medication. I lwgit just want my dick to look like that dude from xvideos. Btw thx for all the support & help everyone.

It's difficult to know exactly what it is that could be causing the problem without having good pictures that show what's causing the resistance. It sounds like you're not really sure yourself and it's your own dick!

To me it sounds like you really need to investigate your penis more closely and see what part of the anatomy is the problem. What I find confusing is that you're able to do frenulum tying but cannot retract your foreskin much? To do tying properly requires you to be able to pull the foreskin back a decent amount anyway so that the frenulum is pulled tight and is exposed.
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It's difficult to know exactly what it is that could be causing the problem without having good pictures that show what's causing the resistance. It sounds like you're not really sure yourself and it's your own dick!

To me it sounds like you really need to investigate your penis more closely and see what part of the anatomy is the problem. What I find confusing is that you're able to do frenulum tying but cannot retract your foreskin much? To do tying properly requires you to be able to pull the foreskin back a decent amount anyway so that the frenulum is pulled tight and is exposed.
Sorry for the lack of response so i dont have a problem with pulling my foreskin back but its still connected at the back in a way were if i pull it back fully, i cant acheive the same look as others do without a frenulum. After i recently tried tying it and had to remove it because i didnt tighten it enough ive left it to heal since the last time i was on the platform. Im gonna repeirce soon idk when and thisntime ill make sure to do it tight. I just cant handle pain so ye. Heres the pics sorry if ur squeamish.


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This is the part im confused about and so i think i need one more tie, also not the best pics especially the second.


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Your penis looks absolutely normal. There are no skin bridges as far as I can see.

The bits that you've highlighted with the red is the line where the inner foreskin meets the outer/external foreskin.

While the frenulum itself anchors the foreskin to the V of the head of the penis there is a limit to how much you can loosen it via tying. It already looks like you're pretty much at this limit with the anatomy you've been born with. You need to be careful with tying any more because you've got quite deep into the tissue of the shaft. Remember that the urethra and some arteries run close to where you've tied and you do not want to perforate them.

Once the frenulum has been undone what you're then left with is the skin being pulled tight over the whole underside of the penis. This will continue to tug on the head just like the skin on the rest of your body will tug at things if you pull it tight.

What determines how much extra movement you'll gain from tying has a lot to do with where your frenulum attached to the head originally. Mine was much further along my head than yours appears to have been. Yours looks like it was originally connected just at the start of the V. As a result you didn't really have much to gain Vs myself where the frenulum was attached much higher up.

By the looks of things what you need to do is loosen up the shaft skin that's just below where the frenulum was. That would give you more freedom of movement if you're truly wanting to try and replicate the no frenulum video. You'd need to do a series of very shallow ties, in a line, below where the frenulum used to be because you've loosened it all you realistically can. Then you'd have to keep doing small ties where the skin feels tight.

I know it's disappointing to realise that your penis anatomy isn't going to easily do what that video does but I'd have a hard think about whether or not it's worth trying to do any more.

You're the one that can determine exactly what skin on the penis is pulling tight and preventing it from moving further back. But do not do any more tying any deeper at the part that is currently healing.