Unsimulated sex scenes in a movie

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Scenes from 1975 film 'Both Ways'. Couldn't see that this had been posted. As the name suggests this contains both homosexual and heterosexual sex. I'd probably classify this in the same area as the 1974 film 'Score' (Gerald Grant was in both films) which has been featured in this thread previously, so on that basis, I've included.

Both Ways (1975) - IMDb

I was surprised by the filming of the oral sex, especially the enthusiastic cunnilingus. But then, those were the years I was just beginning to experience my own sexual interests. Clearly oral sex didn't start with the 1970s :)
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Yes but I considered this porn due to the titles at the start of the film and it's entry into several porn festivals so it isn't really for this thread.

Super weird film, but a pretty sexy daddy :joy:
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To answer your post, which is not allowed anymore, there are people (myself included) diligently working to find and share fresh unsimulated content for your enjoyment...however, there are only so many films with these kind of scenes in them...by their very nature, these films are not commercially mainstream and therefore are not going to be tremendously successful so there aren't that many of them. Rest assured, once there is stuff to post it will be posted, until then either contribute by finding some fresh content yourself, or lay off the bumps as followers of the thread get notified by these inane posts and also get annoyed.
LPSG should have a banned word list, where posts containing the “B” word just don’t get posted - I suppose the issue is that some threads will die and people will find a way around typing “B”...

Thanks for you post @draken1 - we all appreciate what you do for us (Janeway aswell) :D
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LPSG should have a banned word list, where posts containing the “B” word just don’t get posted - I suppose the issue is that some threads will die and people will find a way around typing “B”...

Thanks for you post @draken1 - we all appreciate what you do for us (Janeway aswell) :D
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I've searched in the forum and couldn't find this and I originally wasn't going to post it as it is quite short and not massively clear but what the hell.

Maria Erwolter and Dar Salim blow job from a 2013 short film called escort.
You sure this is not just prosthetic?
I've searched in the forum and couldn't find this and I originally wasn't going to post it as it is quite short and not massively clear but what the hell.

Maria Erwolter and Dar Salim blow job from a 2013 short film called escort.
Cant view the video. Do anyone know the new time stamps? Lol
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This is a clip from "CityBoy", a film by EuroCreme. The top is Theo Ford, and the bottom is Alex Garcia.

Internet Adult Film Database

I've never watched the movie, but this appears to be Theo and Alex's complete sex scene:

This is the video I look up when I can’t cum ha. I’m ready before he even gets on his knees.
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