US circumcision rates drop to record low of 33%

Citation needed.

Fair response, I keep forgetting that "what I hear" isn't enough when it comes to the science of sex, which is not studied enough because of the taboo around it. I'd like to study it myself otherwise. This is the first article that came up for me on a search, and I find the answer it gives on the issue satisfactory. Though I am still curious as to the rates of lubrication use between countries, and variables factors that would tie into the reason for different rates of use among varying demographics.

So do guys.

FACT, and penetration among men is still possible without man made lubricant. I've done it before more than once, and it does actually work, albeit less enjoyably.
Supposed to, yes. But do all?

Not to mention the issue of whether the woman in question has received enough oral attention to become sufficiently lubed up on her own prior to penetration. Not all men are interested in such proclivities, though I haven't the faintest idea why not.
Not really tbh. 90% of the guys here are snipped. My ex’s and guys I’ve hooked up with all are

I have read the younger generation in the US, circumcision rates have dropped drastically. Persoanlly, I think that's wonderful. Just remember: Mother Nature isn't stupid. She must've given us human males foreskin for a reason. I want mine back tbh, foreskin and all.
i think you are referring to gay sex. you dont need lubricant for straight sex because girls supposed to produce their natural lubricants.

Definitely not a necessity to have lubricant for gay sex. I actually cannot stand lube... just use some good ole’ spit ya know (you kinda need the accent to read that last sentence ! )
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I have read the younger generation in the US, circumcision rates have dropped drastically. Persoanlly, I think that's wonderful. Just remember: Mother Nature isn't stupid. She must've given us human males foreskin for a reason. I want mine back tbh, foreskin and all.
Agreed! So disappointed that my parents had me circumcised.
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Not really tbh. 90% of the guys here are snipped. My ex’s and guys I’ve hooked up with all are

If you base the above comment "90% of the guys here are snipped" on experience, the width of that experience is amazing ;)
Well she is quite stupid actually. Why would she put a pleasure center in the middle of a waste dump?

I like how your statement indicaates your clear assumption that you know everything there is to know how human genitalia and the human reproductive systems overall. Thus the reason why people secretly believe that we don't need to study sex on a scientific level. And I mean the physical act of sex.
I like how your statement indicaates your clear assumption that you know everything there is to know how human genitalia and the human reproductive systems overall. Thus the reason why people secretly believe that we don't need to study sex on a scientific level. And I mean the physical act of sex.

As much as I agree with the statement. It wasn't mine but noted astrophysicist Neil deGrasse Tyson who wrote:

“Down there between our legs, it's like an entertainment complex in the middle of a sewage system. Who designed that?”

-Neil deGrasse Tyson
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As much as I agree with the statement. It wasn't mine but noted astrophysicist Neil deGrasse Tyson who wrote:

“Down there between our legs, it's like an entertainment complex in the middle of a sewage system. Who designed that?”

-Neil deGrasse Tyson

My point still stands, even if not directed toward you...unless an astrophysicist also happens to be an experienced sex researcher? What qualifies him to make such a statement about the human body and it's systems?
I have read the younger generation in the US, circumcision rates have dropped drastically. Persoanlly, I think that's wonderful. Just remember: Mother Nature isn't stupid. She must've given us human males foreskin for a reason. I want mine back tbh, foreskin and all.

I’m assuming it was done for health reasons before but now people just keep doing it because it’s the norm. It is interesting though most gay men like uncircumsized but 99% of women like it cut. I’ve never understood why
I’m assuming it was done for health reasons before but now people just keep doing it because it’s the norm. It is interesting though most gay men like uncircumsized but 99% of women like it cut. I’ve never understood why

How can you pull a percentage number out of thin air like that? How do you know that's not just a stereotype, and isn't actually true?

Circumcision was not done for health reasons before. There are no confirmed health reasons for it. As far as I've read, the "evidence" supporting the claim it raises your risk of HIV are blown out of proportion.

Besides, it's called protection? And also, how can one justify permanently altering a person's body without their explicit consent? How would you like it if your clitoral hood was surgically removed after you were born? P.S. that actually is done in some parts of the world. It's called female circumcision.

Anyway, the original purpose of circumcision in the states was to reduce the sex drive, as masturbation was still seen as a sin at the time. This view remained quite pervasive until the 1950's. For example, Corn Flakes, with it's high carb and low fat content was explicitly concievied and created to reduce virility by pulling healthy animal fat out of the diet, which boosts testosterone levels. In short, the guy was pretty damn nutty.
My point still stands, even if not directed toward you...unless an astrophysicist also happens to be an experienced sex researcher? What qualifies him to make such a statement about the human body and it's systems?

Erroneously you are conflating physiology with sex. You made the assertion that Mother Nature is perfect and now you take detour into needing to be a sex researcher to discuss the questionable benefits of the excretory system commingled with the reproductive system.
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I have read the younger generation in the US, circumcision rates have dropped drastically. Persoanlly, I think that's wonderful. Just remember: Mother Nature isn't stupid. She must've given us human males foreskin for a reason. I want mine back tbh, foreskin and all.
The same reason she gave as our appendix,right?
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