US circumcision rates drop to record low of 33%

Attacking someone's culture or country is never going to sit well. It's almost as bad as insulting someone's mother.

I've never yet visited the perfect country or culture.

I know some people take it that way, and I find it utterly ridiculous. Patriotism and nationalism almost always boil down to "well I was born here, so it's the greatest", and the second part is precisely why it is so ridiculous. I've seen some people take that to such ludicrous levels where their country and compatriots are actually more important than their own family (and I'm not talking about Americans here either). I'm not going to refrain from those sort of attacks because it's too tempting when you're speaking to individual hicks. I will go for an ignorant person based on what's going to hurt.

Clearly things like spray on cheese or millions of threads about a topic we virtually never discuss over here are clearly going to perplex and baffle people from other cultures. Taking the piss out of a redneck is not the same as taking the piss out of the entire country, and anyone inferring patriotism from a poster taking the piss out of someone else's country automatically implies a patriotism about the other country is ridiculous. How could I be patriotic (with the exception of the NHS and a couple minor factors), when 17 million of my compatriots voted to sell 1.2 million of their own citizens (including myself) down the river with the brexit vote?

I don't like the directness of people in the West. I like subtly and politeness. It is why I have a liking for Japanese culture and art. Nowadays, when you invite guests to your house for dinner, they'll tell you right away what dishes they like or don't like. Zero manners. Sad.

I'm a little perplexed on this one. I come from a pretty indirect culture (though doubtless not as indirect as Japanese culture), what that generally means is you end up having a ridiculous dance you play with people trying to pick up vibes and vagueries. We are often very "polite", but that's usually a sham to display an image. Japanese culture also places a strong value on burying your problems and not addressing them, I don't consider that a healthy outlook.

Here's an American comedian taking the piss out of Brits (to a British audience) on their vagueries (which is a cultural factor) and look at the difference in how it goes down:

One thing I can definitely suggest both Americans and Germans could gain a shitload from the British example is on the value and importance of self-deprecation. Taking yourself too seriously is seen as a negative trait, and frankly, rightly so.
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@ englad:

You can say what you want. Ich bin hier nicht die Polizei. lol. Hardcore bashing of someone's culture, religion, etc. is never going to sit well with anyone. You can expect a lot of backlash unless the person you're insulting is somehow not bothered by it (person hates his own country/culture, etc). If it is less serious bashing, then it won't be perceived as negatively - it may even be taken humorously. My only advice is, is that you only call out certain groups of a certain country (as you've already said); this way, you don't sound as if you're painting the whole culture/society with the same brush. But, again, you can do what you want. The consequences thereof are your responsibility.

There is a strong level of arrogance and pride evoked when feeling that your entire culture and country have been attacked. It is only natural for many. People are by nature very tribal. It's written in our DNA. Ist das ein gute Ding? Aber nein, ganz und gar nicht!

We lack common decency in our interactions with other people. That is another story, however.

Again, no culture is perfect. Japanese society has its share of problems for sure. You can be, nonetheless, too direct and frank. I prefer societies that are much less so. But it's best, I suppose, to find a happy medium, which is not easy, considering that people are attracted to polar extremes.

Japan has super low crime and social harmony because it's best on buddhist concepts; for example, the individual is not as important as the greater good of society. It's all a trade-off.

Disagreeing with someone in some contexts is just plain rude. It is a major turn-off. Again, it comes down to personality as much as culture. Some people naturally tolerate cultural disrespect and directness better than others. That said, there are people in every society who enjoy disagreeing for the sake of disagreeing (l'esprit de contradiction).

We all need to try to get along better and to stop being so tribal and impolite. I know these are empty words.

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The same reason she gave as our appendix,right?
actually research has discovered that your appendix plays a crucial role in digestive tract health, and your immune system, it's a storehouse of benificial bacteria that helps reboot your intestinal flora after a bout of food poisining or other disease attacks. it's true that u can live without it, but it was put there for a purpose, just like everything else about your body.
I'm sure those "statistics" come out of California, which really isn't part of the US anyway. Native born white males are in the minority in California. The male immigrant population, which is huge, is essentially impoverished Mexicans/Central Americans who probably never heard of a circumcision, much less practiced it, and Asians, mostly Chinese, of multiple socio-economic strata, who also never routinely practiced circumcision. Here in the Southeastern States, you would be hard pressed to find a foreskin on any native born citizen, black, white, Asian, or Native American. Oh, they exist to be sure, it's just they are a surprise finding, when you actually do stumble across one.

For a self-proclaimed physician, you are profoundly ignorant. California is part of the U.S. We had a war regarding this question. I wish it wasn't, but it is. As for the various minority groups you disparage as being too poor and ignorant to have heard about the wonders of circumcision and avail their unwilling sons of said benefits, what utter bullshit. The members of these minority groups have son in hospitals all the time and are offered circumcision. They decline because, as one young Hmong woman told me: "We don't do those kinds of things to our babies." These people are generally very hard-working and high aspiring going from working in the fields to college grads in one generation. California is the sixth largest economy in the world and sends far more money to Washington than it gets back.
I'm sure those "statistics" come out of California, which really isn't part of the US anyway. Native born white males are in the minority in California. The male immigrant population, which is huge, is essentially impoverished Mexicans/Central Americans who probably never heard of a circumcision, much less practiced it, and Asians, mostly Chinese, of multiple socio-economic strata, who also never routinely practiced circumcision. Here in the Southeastern States, you would be hard pressed to find a foreskin on any native born citizen, black, white, Asian, or Native American. Oh, they exist to be sure, it's just they are a surprise finding, when you actually do stumble across one.
I disagree with you. I am from the Southeast. The South has always had a low circumcision rate. Only the West's rate currently lower. I know very few cut guys that were born in the South. The cut guys I know are Southeastern but were for various reasons born outside the South/Southeast. About 20 years ago there was a huge influx of Northerners and Midwesterners to the South and the rates went up. According to the CDC the rates are back down and even lower than in a long time. I am not saying that no one in the South gets circumcised but it is far from the rate most of the rest of the Nation sees.
Actually it was originally introduced in the US to stop young men masturbating:

It isn't clear why you posted that link, as it doesn't mention the introduction of circumcision in the US. It was performed in the US far earlier than the 1880's anti-masturbation campaign by Dr. Hutchinson of England. The US counterpart campaign was by in the 1870's by Lewis Sayre who believed it prevented all sorts of neurological diseases. But circumcision was definitely performed in all these areas far earlier than that, for whatever religious or cultural reasons different people supported.

The medical opinion of risk v benefit has swung back and forth for ages. Current thought says benefit outweighs risk by a small margin, in the 1970's they thought the risk slightly outweighed benefit.

Live and let live. I never understand why people here feel they have a right to judge the validity of the decisions others make for themselves and their families.
It isn't clear why you posted that link, as it doesn't mention the introduction of circumcision in the US. It was performed in the US far earlier than the 1880's anti-masturbation campaign by Dr. Hutchinson of England. The US counterpart campaign was by in the 1870's by Lewis Sayre who believed it prevented all sorts of neurological diseases. But circumcision was definitely performed in all these areas far earlier than that, for whatever religious or cultural reasons different people supported.

The medical opinion of risk v benefit has swung back and forth for ages. Current thought says benefit outweighs risk by a small margin, in the 1970's they thought the risk slightly outweighed benefit.

I'll stick with having natural unmutilated genitalia and use something far more effective to protect myself from STI's:

Live and let live. I never understand why people here feel they have a right to judge the validity of the decisions others make for themselves and their families.

Except the reason why you guys do it is for "aesthetic" reasons, which I find a little perplexing as cut dicks usually look a lot uglier, particularly in the flaccid state. But I think the reason it prevails in the US for the most part is that you basically have a private healthcare system. The NHS would not bother performing medically unnecessary operations, especially on children, as they treat people based on needs, not bank balances, insurance providers or anything else. There's a good reason why Europeans do not make up a significant proportion of the 450,000,000 circumcision threads on the site (though we do make up a significant proportion of the site), despite the fact that we have a reasonable minority who are cut here.
I'll stick with having natural unmutilated genitalia and use something far more effective to protect myself from STI's:

Except the reason why you guys do it is for "aesthetic" reasons, which I find a little perplexing as cut dicks usually look a lot uglier, particularly in the flaccid state. But I think the reason it prevails in the US for the most part is that you basically have a private healthcare system. The NHS would not bother performing medically unnecessary operations, especially on children, as they treat people based on needs, not bank balances, insurance providers or anything else. There's a good reason why Europeans do not make up a significant proportion of the 450,000,000 circumcision threads on the site (though we do make up a significant proportion of the site), despite the fact that we have a reasonable minority who are cut here.

Cool, you managed to not address anything I wrote. Why did you quote my post? Coulda just got on your soapbox without dragging me along.
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I´m from south america, so of course, as the mayority in here, i´m not cut. I never had health issues, hygiene problems neither ladies complaining about my foreskin.

People cut their kids mostly because of their religion and some decide to cut their foreskin when they are older due to vanity. In the past it was a trend in the US to cut their foreskin because "it looks better", now this tendency is reducing.

Migration is increasing, only god knows what the tendency will be in the future, maybe being uncut becomes fashionable.
@englad ... Could you stop using the word "mutilate" out of context? If you want an example of what it is to mutilate, look up Female genitalia mutilation .

It's all relative, it is unnatural and unnecessary, a penis isn't meant to look that way. Not suggesting it is the same as FGM. And rayray I don't need to look up FGM I lived in a country where roughly 18% of the women had gone through that, so I'm aware of how extreme that can be. I'm also aware that FGM can vary massively from removal of the clitoral hood to complete effacement of the female genitalia. If I cut my pinkie off, it is mutilation, just as it is mutilation if I cut my leg off. You're sensitive about the word, because your body is no longer natural.

Cool, you managed to not address anything I wrote. Why did you quote my post? Coulda just got on your soapbox without dragging me along.

Because all of what I said was pertinent. You're bringing up "health benefits" to someone from a continent with lower HIV rates and generally lower STD rates than the USA, despite the fact that the vast majority of men here are uncircumcised. Your country's HIV prevalence rate in particular shows you how "effective" circumcision is.

If the purported health benefits of circumcision were considered considerable enough, our evil socialised healthcare systems would be doing them routinely. They aren't, and that's because it isn't medically necessary. That's the reason why our circumcision rates are far lower than in the USA.

I honestly couldn't give much of a fuck about the topic dear. Certainly nowhere near as much as you clearly do, given that you're suggesting I'm on a soap box. And you said this:

I never understand why people here feel they have a right to judge the validity of the decisions others make for themselves and their families.

It's a cultural oddity of your country, that's it. Honestly, you lot are getting so worked up about a flap of skin at the end of the penis, when you live shorter lives than we do with poorer health outcomes, despite spending considerably more money on healthcare than we do. When I look at majority British or other European sexuality related forums, this topic rarely ever comes up. I realise that sounds harsh, but it's all true.
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It's all relative, it is unnatural and unnecessary, a penis isn't meant to look that way. Not suggesting it is the same as FGM. And rayray I don't need to look up FGM I lived in a country where roughly 18% of the women had gone through that, so I'm aware of how extreme that can be. I'm also aware that FGM can vary massively from removal of the clitoral hood to complete effacement of the female genitalia. If I cut my pinkie off, it is mutilation, just as it is mutilation if I cut my leg off. You're sensitive about the word, because your body is no longer natural.

Well if you cut off your pinkie or leg you can no longer use them, so yes that is considered mutilation . When you cut off a Foreskin it is considered a modification and does not render the Penis useless.

As for the sensitivity of the word, I'll just say i was correcting your use of that word. And how in the hell would you know my circumcision status?
Well if you cut off your pinkie or leg you can no longer use them, so yes that is considered mutilation . When you cut off a Foreskin it is considered a modification and does not render the Penis useless.

Well if you remove any part of your body, it can't be used anymore either. Nobody was talking about a penectomy. I only use words like modification for things like piercings and tattoes. It's not a modification, it's a removal of a body part. It is certainly a lot more substantial than a prince albert piercing.

As for the sensitivity of the word, I'll just say i was correcting your use of that word. And how in the hell would you know my circumcision status?

Good point, I thought you were getting sensitive about the word mutilation and I don't know your status on the matter.
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Because all of what I said was pertinent. You're bringing up "health benefits" to someone from a continent with lower HIV rates and generally lower STD rates than the USA, despite the fact that the vast majority of men here are uncircumcised. Your country's HIV prevalence rate in particular shows you how "effective" circumcision is.

If the purported health benefits of circumcision were considered considerable enough, our evil socialised healthcare systems would be doing them routinely. They aren't, and that's because it isn't medically necessary. That's the reason why our circumcision rates are far lower than in the USA.
No, what you wrote was not pertinent.

I mentioned that you claimed the US promoted circumcision to prevent masturbation, then linked an article that never mentions this at all, and in fact the US campaign promoted it for purported prevention of neurological diseases.

You replied by telling me you'll stay uncircumcised and use condoms.

I honestly couldn't give much of a fuck about the topic dear. Certainly nowhere near as much as you clearly do, given that you're suggesting I'm on a soap box. And you said this:

Maybe you don't notice how wordy your posts are. Others do. For someone who couldn't give much of a fuck, you invest a lot of time writing about it. And my suggesting that your tomes amount to soap-boxing doesn't remotely indicate that I care about this. The fact that I clearly said, "live and let live" and that I don't understand the uproar this site creates over what other people do to their penises should show it doesn't matter to me.

It's a cultural oddity of your country, that's it. Honestly, you lot are getting so worked up about a flap of skin at the end of the penis, when you live shorter lives than we do with poorer health outcomes, despite spending considerably more money on healthcare than we do. When I look at majority British or other European sexuality related forums, this topic rarely ever comes up. I realise that sounds harsh, but it's all true.
Again, worked up? Me? How so? The sum total of my posting here is pointing out that your link wasn't relevant to your claim of the US promoting circ to stop masturbation, that I think people should chill over what is a personal family matter, and that your replies to me were unrelated to those statements from me. Meanwhile you've been grandstanding on this for pages, and managing to be condescending, patronizing and generally insulting. You think you're superior to everyone here, you think the US is stupid, and you think you're always right. We get it.