Vinnie Hacker (tik Tok)

Bro you chill out. I never understood people like you. "Take him at his word" lmfao this is literally a forum dedicated to posting pictures of this dudes bulge. I don't think it's all that "shitty" that people say he might be bi. It isn't "weird" or "ridiculous" to say hes bisexual. We aren't invading his privacy by joking around or believing he might be bisexual. Calling him bisexual doesn't erode his standing in society. Stop taking it so fucking personally.

And pls ask yourself why seeing someone being called bisexual or queer causes you so much distress. If Vinnie was gay and ppl were saying "oh he HAS to be straight" would we even think twice? No. Straight men will throw a fit if people say they are queer and it's because they see it as a negative thing, something to be ashamed of. You're doing the same thing dude.
Lol. Anytime someone on here points out that it’s weird to insist every straight man is lying about his sexuality, another person will inevitably jump in to say “actually this is peak homophobia, do you think being gay is bad?!” Like the way the point flies over y’all’s heads. Gay men will engage in essentially the same behavior as their homophobic high school peers who tried to force them out of the closet and then act scandalized if someone calls them out.
Lol. Anytime someone on here points out that it’s weird to insist every straight man is lying about his sexuality, another person will inevitably jump in to say “actually this is peak homophobia, do you think being gay is bad?!” Like the way the point flies over y’all’s heads. Gay men will engage in essentially the same behavior as their homophobic high school peers who tried to force them out of the closet and then act scandalized if someone calls them out.
It's definitely bullshit bc they often don't believe bisexual guys either usually. So the issue isn't homophobia. They're just horny and want to believe their straight crush secretly like cock. It's boring.
Lol. Anytime someone on here points out that it’s weird to insist every straight man is lying about his sexuality, another person will inevitably jump in to say “actually this is peak homophobia, do you think being gay is bad?!” Like the way the point flies over y’all’s heads. Gay men will engage in essentially the same behavior as their homophobic high school peers who tried to force them out of the closet and then act scandalized if someone calls them out.
What is the point that flew over my head? Literally, the forum where we post pictures of his bulge, and y'all think people saying he might be bi is FORCING HIM OUT THE CLOSET??? Lmfao
It's definitely bullshit bc they often don't believe bisexual guys either usually. So the issue isn't homophobia. They're just horny and want to believe their straight crush secretly like cock. It's boring.

On the flip side, there are guys (and of course many chicks) who want to believe that their male crush is “straight” and will defend their “straightness” come hell and high water. For dudes who do that it’s often driven by “straight worship” fetishes and hetero superiority complexes. So, it’s only just one type who does that. Very few (especially here) are interested in honesty, homophobia, privileges or the realities of sexuality, sexual journey, preferences, the gender, sexual, affection, romantic, emotion, commitment spectrum. It’s mostly about fetishizing other people’s identities or behaviors or trying to shame people, which is indeed mostly boring and basic. Either way, I don’t pay enough attention to this dude to at all even bother speaking on his dimensions.
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