We are building a New Erotic Stories Section from scratch. Any feature requests?

It would be great if the gay and straight stories are separate with sub category each(Ex: BDSM,Romance, Daddy, and etc)

Also, a rating system for the stories so that we could easily find which stories are worth reading.

Hi Everyone!

We are in the process of building a New Erotic Stories Section. We need your help to make this amazing :)

Are there any features you'd like us to include?
Any design or layout suggestions?
Any ideas you have please let us know :)
Create a section for illustrated erotic stories for those of us who like to create erotic imagery using AI.
Filters! Pre-set filters (like levels of explicitness, gay, straight, celeb, non-celeb etc) but also ability to search within just the stories (and not the wider website) e.g. 'Justin Bieber' so that i can see the JB stories and not the thousands of other post elsewhere.

A 'tab' thing in a person's profile so that you can click on their profile and see what stories they've written, vs trying to figure out which of their posts is a story. Not sure how this would be done as some people obviously write their stories as a 'comment' to their original chapter.

Maybe ability to tip an author?

Incredible feedback! Thank you
I agree! Literotica has so many stories but it’s hard to find what I want. Keywords and tags or something that’s easy to know/search for the kink you want.
A good search function would be great. So it would be easier to find the kind of story you are into at that moment.
Off course we need to be able to comment and celebrate the authors. They do all the important work
I'm so excited I could burst. The stories are probably my favourite part of LPSG and I've been waiting for these changes for quite some time now....

Please consider creating separate categories for the erotic stories. At least two categories: one for straight stories and one for queer stories so we can also have the bi ones in there. So many stories start with a man and a woman and at times there is no way of telling how it will develop (especially if the title is vague too).

I'd start reading a story, note the clear tensions introduced early on between two guys and feel disappointed when that part of the story doesn't go anywhere. The story might have been perfectly enjoyable otherwise but not if I'm sat there wondering if I was being queer baited again. I'm OK with the straight bits a lot of the times. I'll even tolerate annoying elements if the rest makes up for it but only if I know what I'm getting into and not when I'm in the mood to read a queer story.

Apologies if this has already been addressed but please consider it as another endorsement for it.

... I agree that it would be nice to have a category for solo also and a separation of true stories and fiction so the comments aren't filled with, this doesn't sound real or they don't have to start with, this is 100% true.
I do like surprises in my stories too of course but we could easily fit that in a category, say like the "Everything Else" one in "Adult Websites"
Before i see a movie i can decide if its for me based on the rating of g, pg, pg13, r or x. Id like to decide what kind of content im comfortable with. To me, so many erotic stories start out good but they become a major turnoff when dark things are included. Can we please have a way of searching for a story by whether or not it includes drug use, drunkeness/alcohol, violence, nonconsensual or forced sex, death, cheating/adultery, group sex, kink, anal sex? Id really like to search for stories without those elements.
Also, i really like it when an author might add photos, and readers can too, to help visualize the words
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It’d be great to allow users to rate stories, the same way other sites let users rate videos or other content.

Also, LPSG’s character limit works fine for regular posts, but it’s too low for most stories. When I post in the current story section, I usually have to split my chapters into 2-3 posts to get them under the character limit. It’d be great not to have to do that!
We need a way of posting a complete story rather than episodes. Perhaps it could be as simple as a pdf.

Years ago I had a go at writing a multi-section story. it’s still on the site somewhere. It would be good to be able to pull it together as a complete story. It needs what amounts to a back cover text (selling the story) and it also needs some classification including genre but going further. In effect readers should be able to get a short novel in a single click.

Yes there needs to be the space for feedback. I guess all writers love this.

I wonder if it is even possible to cross the line into paid for books. Half a dozen short stories by different authors on a theme is going to be attractive as a kindle or kindle-style purchase. Author and site royalties would presumably be small but at least it would be something. I have considered writing for existing erotic book publishers. Many of them are xx not xxx. Manu really want Mills and Boon style stuff. There may be a niche for lpsg.
Filters! Pre-set filters (like levels of explicitness, gay, straight, celeb, non-celeb etc) but also ability to search within just the stories (and not the wider website) e.g. 'Justin Bieber' so that i can see the JB stories and not the thousands of other post elsewhere.

A 'tab' thing in a person's profile so that you can click on their profile and see what stories they've written, vs trying to figure out which of their posts is a story. Not sure how this would be done as some people obviously write their stories as a 'comment' to their original chapter.

Maybe ability to tip an author?

Yes, to tip the author is an incredible idea. So much work can go into a good story. I support that idea 100%.
We need a way of posting a complete story rather than episodes. Perhaps it could be as simple as a pdf.

Years ago I had a go at writing a multi-section story. it’s still on the site somewhere. It would be good to be able to pull it together as a complete story. It needs what amounts to a back cover text (selling the story) and it also needs some classification including genre but going further. In effect readers should be able to get a short novel in a single click.

Yes there needs to be the space for feedback. I guess all writers love this.

I wonder if it is even possible to cross the line into paid for books. Half a dozen short stories by different authors on a theme is going to be attractive as a kindle or kindle-style purchase. Author and site royalties would presumably be small but at least it would be something. I have considered writing for existing erotic book publishers. Many of them are xx not xxx. Manu really want Mills and Boon style stuff. There may be a niche for lpsg.
Write feedback, yes! And the ability to edit a story would be good too. Sometimes, you improve a story here and there and lose all the support you had when you post it anew.
One suggestion that really could make reading stories more easy throughout the years is by making the choice of picking the "most likes posts" based on the year. Cause i had this struggle on other threads where i only could see the most liked posts of older years that i already read before, but i couldn’t see the most liked posts to read from this year.
Literotica is good. I love stories, am always searching for MY vibe and preference. I like your stories, as well.... all I know is I LOVE stories that catch me. Subjectivity, is personal... so maybe I am not so helpful! Thanks.
Yes erotic stories are all about fantasy. So whatever organization is done it has to be a long fantasy subcategory lines such as threesome first time "straight" guy, etc. Less concerned about gay versus straight versus trans, etc. There are a lot of us who straddle the fence in terms of Interest and a MMF fantasy can be just as much about gay as it is straight. Lots of blurry lines for some