Wearing men's tights in public - a little scary, but exhilarating!

Ah, too bad it's not a brand I can look for online.
They are not expensive like 12.00 however they do get thin fast after a bunch of washes it’s more of a cotton than spandex blend I guess
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Last spring I began wearing tights when bicycling on errands (the plain blue on the left here). This week a new acquaintance that is much more bold loaned me some N2N tights for a night-time errand to the drug store. So comfortable physically but I'm not sure I would be quite so bold every day. So now maybe now I'm on a search for a nice compromise, not so squashed but not so extremely enhanced.TightsOnErrands.jpg
A comment from a fellow British Columbian:
I totally support you wearing tights in public, and as many previous posters have said it all comes down to "just do it"! I wear women's bike shorts in various colours all the time - with thong panties underneath to keep everything firm and not flopping around. People definitely notice and most reactions seem favourable so I am very comfortable with them. I don't care what prudes might think but also I would not want to "disgust" someone in my walking about - but so far that hasn't happened (to my knowledge). I love a nice firm bulge - it is part of the overall look! I just wear them with confidence and walk tall ...
The photo is me.

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Last spring I began wearing tights when bicycling on errands (the plain blue on the left here). This week a new acquaintance that is much more bold loaned me some N2N tights for a night-time errand to the drug store. So comfortable physically but I'm not sure I would be quite so bold every day. So now maybe now I'm on a search for a nice compromise, not so squashed but not so extremely enhanced.View attachment 79150561
I do like the ones on the right!
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interesting the other day at the groceries store I saw a frénele wearing tights ( this is not the woman) but the one I saw way almost the same, people have a look but just walk away with out taking another look or with out saying anything, seems like she was confortable and people were okay with that.
I don’t have a perfect body but Im
not disgusting either, I had compliments on both sides of my body, butt, and bulge !! I heir someone here saying the he hurd sone comment we people saw him on the lines of “that is gross” not exactly quote, but is the same principal not taking on woman or blame them for anything but is the society and this culture in general,
side comment: woman have the ability to show off their bodies, like a push-up bras. and other kinds of garments to enhance their physic. (boobs) how ever Man we do have also a lot of garments like enhancing underwear to push-up our boys and penis to enhance out looks. but wearing them and the reaction of other seeing that is remarcable different ..!


Last spring I began wearing tights when bicycling on errands (the plain blue on the left here). This week a new acquaintance that is much more bold loaned me some N2N tights for a night-time errand to the drug store. So comfortable physically but I'm not sure I would be quite so bold every day. So now maybe now I'm on a search for a nice compromise, not so squashed but not so extremely enhanced.View attachment 79150561
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A lot of bodybuilders wore tights which ended just above the knees in the late 80s. In our all-male gym, they weren’t concerned about them, even when the tights got soaked with sweat and you could see the guys’ bushes above and behind their cocks. I’m sure I wasn’t the only one who had an adrenaline rush when I looked. But it was kept undercover.
Haven't done anything like this for daily wear but I've definitely run into the grocery store or a restaurant on my way back from a workout in just my tights and compression shirt before. Might get a few looks but most people understand stopping for food after working out. I do have a spandex fetish so there's a bit of an exhilaration in getting away with it, but at this point it's just kinda normal for me.
So guys, get this, I recently purchased a few pairs of men's compression tights similar to the image attached (which is not me by the way) and I wear them around the house a lot, especially when I'm working from home and when I have nowhere to go and no errands to run. I find them extremely comfortable and stretchy, good for moving, bending, working out or whatever and I think I look fairly good in them.

I live in a condo, and I wear them when I have to take the garbage out, or when I'm going to check my mail. I don't really run into many people inside my building so I feel fairly confident that I won't necessarily be seen depending on the time of day. I don't wear underwear under them, so if my dick wants to move around on its own, it's free to do so.

Last week I decided to wear them to the grocery store for the first time but I have to tell you what happened. So I get to the underground parking lot, and walk into the store, not really noticing anyone staring or gawking, went and did my shopping and when I got in line to the checkout, everything was fine until I think I heard someone in the checkout adjacent to the one I was in say, "That's disgusting!". Now, I can't be sure anyone said this, and I didn't acknowledge or go looking for anyone around me who might have said this, it only sounded like this is what someone said that I thought I heard. I didn't think anything of it but what I thought I heard has been on my mind for a number of days now and I want to wear these in more and more places whenever I go out, but I don't know if I can handle the negative comments from those who think a man wearing these is "disgusting". Once was enough, but that hasn't discouraged me from wearing them in other places. A day or two after that, I went to Home Depot, and the liquor store, and one lady in the line at the liquor store had a look, but didn't say anything. It's kind of exhilarating to wear these outdoors while driving, shopping or doing other things.

People have to get over this stigma attached to men wearing tights as a comfort thing being disgusting. It's not, in my personal opinion, and if I'm not doing anything overtly sexual or walk around with a boner, I don't see why anyone shouldn't be able to wear whatever they want to in public and not be judged for doing so. I mean, look at women who wear tights as every day wear and nobody bats an eye. So why can't men do it? I'd love to eventually replace my jeans with tights but unfortunately I can't wear tights to work.

Do any of you have any issues with guys wearing tights as every day wear? And what would you say if someone said you were disgusting while you were standing in line at the grocery store?

Is it OK to wear these anywhere I want? I know you guys are great, and full of encouragement and I think I just need someone to tell me it's OK.

Thanks guys,

View attachment 78467781
(this is not me, I will upload an image of me later)
I, for one, love it if I get a boner wearing tights in public--
They are not expensive like 12.00 however they do get thin fast after a bunch of washes it’s more of a cotton than spandex blend I guess
The thinner a cotton/spandex pair of tights get, the better they look--little bit 'skin show-through', and it feels great!
Today we had dum sum with friends, and I wore my black N2N Titan Runner tights with a light pair of black and grey running shorts over top with my pair of Vessi shoes, and you know what? No one batted an eye. I wasn't going to wear the shorts over top but the tights are pouch tights and that could have freaked out some people (or made them happy, either way), so I opted to be on the more conventional side. I guess I'm not courageous enough to go without the shorts yet.

I'm attaching a photo of the original N2N tights (not me) but are almost exactly like mine, only my tights have a drawstring waist instead of the 3-snap pair pictured here.

Right after dim sum, I went to Walmart because I needed some necessities, and again, no one batted an eye. If they did, I'm sure I would have seen it if I was looking for it.

So from today's experience, I think I'm going to like wearing them out more and more and be eventually courageous or careless enough (in a good way) not to wear the shorts over top!

You guys are very supportive, thank you so much for your advice, stories, and encouragement!


Today we had dum sum with friends, and I wore my black N2N Titan Runner tights with a light pair of black and grey running shorts over top with my pair of Vessi shoes, and you know what? No one batted an eye. I wasn't going to wear the shorts over top but the tights are pouch tights and that could have freaked out some people (or made them happy, either way), so I opted to be on the more conventional side. I guess I'm not courageous enough to go without the shorts yet.

I'm attaching a photo of the original N2N tights (not me) but are almost exactly like mine, only my tights have a drawstring waist instead of the 3-snap pair pictured here.

Right after dim sum, I went to Walmart because I needed some necessities, and again, no one batted an eye. If they did, I'm sure I would have seen it if I was looking for it.

So from today's experience, I think I'm going to like wearing them out more and more and be eventually courageous or careless enough (in a good way) not to wear the shorts over top!

You guys are very supportive, thank you so much for your advice, stories, and encouragement!
Good Luck! In time, as it did for me, you may well be courageous enough to wear the tights with out the shorts. At least maybe some tights without such a pronounced bulge. I'l well-acquainted with N2N, and some of their stuff is truly outrageous and great fun, and a little titillating to look at, but sometomes I wonder 'WHERE would I ever wear THAT' Bulge tights are not included in that group. I find them very comfy, and a cockring will keep your balls in the pouch and not slip down behind, which feels rather UNcomfy and annoying.
...and a cockring will keep your balls in the pouch and not slip down behind, which feels rather UNcomfy and annoying.
I never had that problem with the Titan Runners which incidentally N2N hasn't carried for a number of years. Things stay where they are whenever I'm wearing them, which is part of the reason I like them so much. It's almost like they stopped selling one of their flagship pairs of tights and didn't give a damn. When you go to their website now, there's nothing that is really the same there, granted, there are some nice tights there, but nothing I'm really interested in buying. I wrote N2N a couple years back and was promised that the Titan Runners were coming back, but nothing ever materialized. You can occasionally find a pair on eBay if you wait long enough, but they're horribly expensive because they're so rare now.

Much as I love N2N clothing, there just isn't much in the way of anything I really want, but nothing better cradles my man-bits like the Titan Runners and I wish they never gave them up.
Today we had dum sum with friends, and I wore my black N2N Titan Runner tights with a light pair of black and grey running shorts over top with my pair of Vessi shoes, and you know what? No one batted an eye. I wasn't going to wear the shorts over top but the tights are pouch tights and that could have freaked out some people (or made them happy, either way), so I opted to be on the more conventional side. I guess I'm not courageous enough to go without the shorts yet.

I'm attaching a photo of the original N2N tights (not me) but are almost exactly like mine, only my tights have a drawstring waist instead of the 3-snap pair pictured here.

Right after dim sum, I went to Walmart because I needed some necessities, and again, no one batted an eye. If they did, I'm sure I would have seen it if I was looking for it.

So from today's experience, I think I'm going to like wearing them out more and more and be eventually courageous or careless enough (in a good way) not to wear the shorts over top!

You guys are very supportive, thank you so much for your advice, stories, and encouragement!
Once you start to lose the shorts over top you going to ask yourself “ why did I wait so long?” I like that brand you showed here …thanks
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So guys, get this, I recently purchased a few pairs of men's compression tights similar to the image attached (which is not me by the way) and I wear them around the house a lot, especially when I'm working from home and when I have nowhere to go and no errands to run. I find them extremely comfortable and stretchy, good for moving, bending, working out or whatever and I think I look fairly good in them.

I live in a condo, and I wear them when I have to take the garbage out, or when I'm going to check my mail. I don't really run into many people inside my building so I feel fairly confident that I won't necessarily be seen depending on the time of day. I don't wear underwear under them, so if my dick wants to move around on its own, it's free to do so.

Last week I decided to wear them to the grocery store for the first time but I have to tell you what happened. So I get to the underground parking lot, and walk into the store, not really noticing anyone staring or gawking, went and did my shopping and when I got in line to the checkout, everything was fine until I think I heard someone in the checkout adjacent to the one I was in say, "That's disgusting!". Now, I can't be sure anyone said this, and I didn't acknowledge or go looking for anyone around me who might have said this, it only sounded like this is what someone said that I thought I heard. I didn't think anything of it but what I thought I heard has been on my mind for a number of days now and I want to wear these in more and more places whenever I go out, but I don't know if I can handle the negative comments from those who think a man wearing these is "disgusting". Once was enough, but that hasn't discouraged me from wearing them in other places. A day or two after that, I went to Home Depot, and the liquor store, and one lady in the line at the liquor store had a look, but didn't say anything. It's kind of exhilarating to wear these outdoors while driving, shopping or doing other things.

People have to get over this stigma attached to men wearing tights as a comfort thing being disgusting. It's not, in my personal opinion, and if I'm not doing anything overtly sexual or walk around with a boner, I don't see why anyone shouldn't be able to wear whatever they want to in public and not be judged for doing so. I mean, look at women who wear tights as every day wear and nobody bats an eye. So why can't men do it? I'd love to eventually replace my jeans with tights but unfortunately I can't wear tights to work.

Do any of you have any issues with guys wearing tights as every day wear? And what would you say if someone said you were disgusting while you were standing in line at the grocery store?

Is it OK to wear these anywhere I want? I know you guys are great, and full of encouragement and I think I just need someone to tell me it's OK.

Thanks guys,

View attachment 78467781
(this is not me, I will upload an image of me later)
why not wear them-women wear those damn stretch pants that reveal their camel toe- and people are fine with that
go for it