I totally understand what your saying, I have wear tights to the groceries store, but with a long t shirt over it, but since none even noticed me. then I worked a shorter shirt so i can display my big bulge, and yes I had some reactions from people. what bud interesting is more negative reactions are from woman, then from man, I never heir any anything nasty or derogatory comentarios at loud, but some faces distorted with a disgusting expresión in them. but again not very pretty woman or young.. big other ages and looks .. it was one guy he did not hide the joy he showed wen his eyes lock at my crotch … ! I wore some almost silver like the ones under here also kit me (I wish) I got the pic from the brand’s website, and I’m wearing them anywhere I can. I work from home, only have to go to Court for my clients or a Cosultations at a conference room I rent, so not there evidently .. but I love them and I wish every man would wear them. and also I don’t care what people think.. !