I went round to a mate's flat yesterday afternoon; he lives across the road from me in a 1 bed flat. He's a couple of years younger than me & he's a fit scally lad type, he wears grey trackie/jogging bottoms & t-shirts a lot, he has a bit of a drink problem. A couple of minutes of going round he said he said he was just going to the shop at the end of the road to get some smokes. I was really horny & packing a proper boner. He went to the shop & I went into his bedroom & there was a pair of blue Ted Baker briefs on the floor. I took my cock out & started stroking it, I was already hard at this point, fuck I was horny. After stroking for about a minute I picked up the blue briefs & laid back on my mate's bed. I wrapped the briefs around my hard cock, completely covering it, fuck it felt good. I started jerking, thinking about my mate, fuck my heart was racing, I was thinking about sucking my mate's cock, making him moan. Fuck I was so horny, I felt my cock starting to tingle, I was about to cum, fuck it felt so good, I couldn't hold back. Fuck I was cumming & looked down at the briefs covering my cock seeing the cum oozing through the briefs. Fuuuuck it felt good, I blew a huge load. I slumped back on the bed & let out a heavy breath. I dried myself off with the briefs. I put the briefs back on the floor where I found them & moved the t-shirt over, slightly covering them. I zipped up my jeans & went back into the living & a couple of minutes later my mate came back. He offered me a smoke, I took it. We just relaxed watching the tv. I haven't heard anything from him yet so I don't know if he noticed the underwear, hopefully it's something I will get away with.