What A Mess: Blackmail

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What A Mess: Betrayal

I will do once I finish blackmail, I'm currently at the part where Jim saw Frank aka Francis in the park crying.

If I'm honest I suspected Char to be the puppet master of all this quite early on from when she wanted to have a threesome with Matt that early. Wheather you meant to or not you drop hints that it's her, sometimes I think no maybe I'm wrong but then she does something and in right back to suspecting her again.

I think her and matt have been having sex for a while and shes been teaching him how to best control jim. I dont think matt has any issue with his dick what so ever I think him being scared was all apart of the plan char knowing full well jim would go straight into father figure mode to help him. That's my current theory
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What the fuck???!!?!?!

Holy shit!

I…I’m in Paul’s arms.

<dick throb>

He’s kissing me!

<dick throb>

Holy fuck – can this man kiss!

<dick throb>

I kiss him back, wrapping my arms around him.


What the fuck are you doing???

I…I don’t know. I’m kissing him.

Stop it! Stop it now!

I…I don’t want too.

For fuck’s sake, why??

This…this is my chance to make it up to Paul. For the affair. For the way I’ve thought about him. To make things right.

He doesn’t even know about the affair! What he doesn’t know, won’t hurt him.

It hurts me, damn it! It fucking hurts, man!

So you’re doing this to alleviate your guilt?

I’m doing this because it’s the right thing to do. It’s not about MY ego. It’s not about MY dick. It’s about what I did and why I did it. He doesn’t have to know my reasons. I do. And this could be my only chance to ever make it right.

By starting another affair?

This won’t be an affair. Just while the wives and Sir are gone.

Yeah, I wonder how Matt is going to react to the fact that you’ve fucked both of his parents.

Jesus, quit it! I’ve got to do this. I’ve got to what I can, to make it right with Paul. It doesn’t matter if he knows the reason why or not. I know the fucking reason.





We slowly break the kiss.

I am slightly looking up into his blue eyes. My left hand is on the back of his head. My right hand is on the center of his back. He has one hand on the back of my head and the other is gripping my waistband pulling me into him.

<Dick Throb>

I can feel his bulge against mine.

Then his eyes widen, and he tries to step back.

“I…I’m sorry, Jim,” he says, I keep him in place. “It must have been the beer. And the excitement.” I just look up at him. My best friend. My best friend since I lost Charlie.

Our conversation from earlier flows through my head.

“That he was gay and was in love with me,” I said. It’s funny I haven’t really thought about that comment since she made it to me.

“And you didn’t know?” Paul asks.

“No, I didn’t,” I say, wistfully.

“If you did, would you have changed how you treated him?” Paul asks.

“What? No! Charlie was my best friend,” I say. “I would never have altered that.”

“What if he told you that he was gay and was in love with you?” Paul asks, softly.

Is Paul gay? No. I’m not gay. I’m not! But I do enjoy what’s been going on with me. Is Paul similar? Does it matter? No. Don’t get hung up on labels. My best friend needs me.



Both of our phones are ringing.

And we stand there, looking at each other.

Held in each other’s embrace.

Bulges slowly grinding into each other.



I look up at him. Emotions war across his face. He is looking at me. I smile slightly.

And that’s all it takes.

He throws himself against me and we collapse on the couch.

I land on my back and he lands on top of me.

Someone’s leg kicks the coffee table away.

I breathe out quickly as his arms move to cradle my head. My legs spread out as his bulge rubs against mine.




“God damn it,” he mutters, lifting his crotch up and reaching into his pocket for the phone. Then he skips it across the floor and dives back down onto me.


My arms wrap around his torso and my left hand snakes down to his ass. I pull him in tight as he keeps kissing me.

The more he kisses me, the more relaxed I become.


We are connected at our bulges, rubbing against each other.

He laces both of his hands in my hair and starts to nibble on my neck.

My legs start to thrash as his stubble rubs across my neck.

My very sensitive neck.

“Holy fuck, Paul!” I shout. He continues the assault on my neck. My hands are locked in place on his body. Holding him in place.


Finally, my legs seem to wrap themselves around his and I pull with both my arms and legs to stretch him out as his assault on my neck and the grinding on my groin continues.

He breathes out as I stretch him.

My turn, mother fucker.

I squeeze harder with my arms and legs, keeping him stretched out more. Then roll to my right.

And off the couch.

We crash onto the floor, still assaulting each other’s bodies. We roll over until Paul is now on the bottom.



I shove my groin into Paul’s groin. He breathes out. I interlace my fingers on top of Paul’s head. Then I force it to the side and start licking the inside of his ear.

He starts laughing.

“Stop! Jimmy, oh my God! Stop! Fuck that’s…”

I tune him out as I keep it up.

I use my legs to spread his and he wraps them around my waist as I slide my bulge all over his.

<Dick Throb>
<Dick Throb>

He pulls me in with his legs as I keep assaulting his ear.

He tries to pull me off his ear. But I don’t move.

I’m not going anywhere, mother fucker!



Right when the ass clench happened, Paul snaked his left arm up and braced it against my right arm holding his head. Then he quickly twisted to his left, rolling me back against the couch. The force of the roll moved the couch back and suddenly I am back on my back. My break knocked out of me.

He is now looking down on me. He takes both his hands and grabs my t-shirt and rips it open, exposing my chest. He dives onto my stomach, licking all around, as my legs start to thrash again.

I feel his chest against my hard cock.


He licks his way up my torso to my left nipple. And gently starts to flick it.



Every time he gently licks me, I feel lightning striking my body!

My body jumps

It shudders

Paul is holding me down as I can’t control my body. He has his left forearm braced on the top of my chest as his groin is holding mine down.


“FUCK!” I yell out. He is coordinating his groin thrusting with his licking and it’s setting up a rhythm in my body.

My breathing is getting shallower as his rhythm is getting faster.

That white wall of pleasure is oozing out of my every pore. I sink down into it and accept it. Bathe in it.

Then Paul starts to lick back up my chest and finds my mouth. I relax into that, too. And the white wall just stays there.




We stay like that. I’m lost, floating on that white wall of pleasure.

As Paul slowly finishes the kiss, the white wall of pleasure is reabsorbed into my body.

And I come to myself.

We are both breathing fast.

But relaxed.

I am still on my back. Paul is still in my embrace.

As we look at each other.

My best friend.

“Want to go to the bedroom?” he asks me quietly.

“Race you,” I grin at him.

“Go!” we both say at the same time.
Wow this was a good chapter but it's now got me coming up with another theory.

With everything we know about "Paul" I starting to think he's not paul but the gay twin Michael. I think paul was the one that died in the building. And possibly the reason he know longer speaks to his parents is because they finally worked out that he's Michael not paul and he doesn't want to risk them telling matt

I still suspect char, paul could possibly be in on it to or has his own agenda when it comes to jim
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We sit there.


I have been near IED’s when they’ve gone off. I’ve had bullets bury themselves into my body. I’ve been bitten by snakes, spiders, dogs and that fucking Tasmanian Devil.

And none of them can compare to this fear and shock I am…WE are going through right now.

I don’t even know how long we sat there.



My phone is going off. I look at it.


“Answer it,” Char says. They know we are home, our cars in our driveway.

“Hey, Paul,” I say, putting him on speaker, trying to sound normal. And failing miserably.

“Jim?” He asks. “Are you okay?”

“We’ve…We’ve just got some news,” I say, flatly.

“Is everything all right?” He asks with concern.

“We don’t know,” I say, staring off into the distance.

“We have dinner tonight,” Paul says.

“I don’t think…” I start to say.

“We’ll be there,” Char says. “We’ll come over now.”

“Great?” Paul says, quizzically.

“Bye,” I say, in a monotone voice. I look over at Char. “Neither of us should be leaving the house today.”

“Lisa has an announcement she want’s to make to everyone,” Char says, getting up and starting to cry again.

“Char,” I say with concern, “ we are not at our best right now.”

“We are fucking going, Jim!” She says forcefully.

Holy Christ, who is this woman?

“Fine,” I capitulate. “Let’s go then.”

“Let me wash my face first,” she says, as she heads to the bathroom.

What is so fucking important that Lisa has to say that has to be said tonight??? Jesus, Char and I need time to process. This isn’t going to be helpful!

Char comes back a few moments later. She does look much better, but it’s obvious, she’s been crying.

As we walk towards their house, Char reaches out and grabs my hand. That makes me feel better.

“Jim,” she says, as we turn up their driveway, “I love you. I will always love you. These past few weeks, you’ve reminded me of the man I married and want to spend the rest of my life with.”

“Honey,” I say, stopping for a moment, “I love you, too. But you’re making it sound like you’re dying. As much as we didn’t plan on it, we have to get used to us being parents.”

“I know,” she says, sniffling. Then we continue the walk towards their front door.

Paul meets us at the door and physically blanches.

“What the hell was the news you got, Jim?” he says, concerned. But he is apprehensive about something, too. He didn’t spill the beans too Lisa about us last week, did he?

We go and sit on the couch. Paul sits in the love seat. I can tell Sir is his bedroom and his door is slightly open. He can see out and listen, too. Lisa is in the bathroom. She opens the door and heads down to us and sits down next to Paul.

They do make a beautiful couple.

Lisa is beaming and Paul is very apprehensive. What can they be wanting to tell us.

“Thank you both for coming over,” Lisa says.

Char starts to cry again. I look at Char. She knows what Lisa is going to say.

“Forgive me for being rude, Lisa,” I say, not liking that Char knows what this is about but I don’t. “But, what is this about?”

Lisa takes a deep breath.

“There’s no easy way to say this, Jim,” she says. “But I’m pregnant. And you’re the father.”

Char starts to cry harder.

What the fuck????


Ummmmm I didn't see that coming at all. What the hell is lisa and Michael playing at.

My mind is all over the place maybe I was wrong about char. Maybe its Paul aka Michael that's the antagonist I mean he seems pretty calm about jim getting his wife pregnant. Well done you've honestly thrown me lol
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Hello everyone.

I need a favor, please.

For those of you who have enjoyed this story, would you be willing to write a review on my publishers website?

If so, please DM so I can provide the link for you to do that.

Thank you all so much!

I appreciate all of you and the feedback I've received.

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Hello all, I hope you have been enjoying the new story What A Mess: Betrayal that I have started here.

I have received permission to post the sales link to my book!

If you would like to order a copy for yourself, here it is:

WHAT A MESS : BLACKMAIL by Mark Levy | Writers Republic Bookshop

Also, with the link, aside from being able to but the book, you can also leave a review, too!

Thank you all!

I really appreciate all of you!

Hello all, I hope you have been enjoying the new story What A Mess: Betrayal that I have started here.

I have received permission to post the sales link to my book!

If you would like to order a copy for yourself, here it is:

WHAT A MESS : BLACKMAIL by Mark Levy | Writers Republic Bookshop

Also, with the link, aside from being able to but the book, you can also leave a review, too!

Thank you all!

I really appreciate all of you!

Congratulations dude this is super cool to see. I know I dont know you personally but I feel really proud lol
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Hi Sklar, the application to review is "down" at the moment. Having problems getting over there and getting thru to review so far. Hopefully this clears up.
I won!


What A Mess: Blackmail won the 2024 International Impact Book Awards in the LGBT+ category!

Thank you, everyone, who have been on the ride with my, enjoying my story!

You are all amazing!

Congratulations! That's awesome.
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Hello Everyone,

I want to thank everyone, so much, that has followed to the story of Jim & Matt and the rest of the gang.

As you know, What A Mess: Blackmail did win the International Impact Book Award last year.

I have even better news: It's been nominated for book of year, too!

However, I need your help to get me there.

There will be public voting, along with the judges decision, to how far my book can go.

Please follow this link to vote for my book.


I will be notified in May if I make it to the final rounds.

If I do, I am off to Hollywood, in October, to see if I will win.

I would love it if you can help me make my very first book, not on a finalist for this, but also the winner, too!
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