We sit there.
I have been near IED’s when they’ve gone off. I’ve had bullets bury themselves into my body. I’ve been bitten by snakes, spiders, dogs and that fucking Tasmanian Devil.
And none of them can compare to this fear and shock I am…WE are going through right now.
I don’t even know how long we sat there.
My phone is going off. I look at it.
“Answer it,” Char says. They know we are home, our cars in our driveway.
“Hey, Paul,” I say, putting him on speaker, trying to sound normal. And failing miserably.
“Jim?” He asks. “Are you okay?”
“We’ve…We’ve just got some news,” I say, flatly.
“Is everything all right?” He asks with concern.
“We don’t know,” I say, staring off into the distance.
“We have dinner tonight,” Paul says.
“I don’t think…” I start to say.
“We’ll be there,” Char says. “We’ll come over now.”
“Great?” Paul says, quizzically.
“Bye,” I say, in a monotone voice. I look over at Char. “Neither of us should be leaving the house today.”
“Lisa has an announcement she want’s to make to everyone,” Char says, getting up and starting to cry again.
“Char,” I say with concern, “ we are not at our best right now.”
“We are fucking going, Jim!” She says forcefully.
Holy Christ, who is this woman?
“Fine,” I capitulate. “Let’s go then.”
“Let me wash my face first,” she says, as she heads to the bathroom.
What is so fucking important that Lisa has to say that has to be said
tonight??? Jesus, Char and I need time to process. This isn’t going to be helpful!
Char comes back a few moments later. She does look much better, but it’s obvious, she’s been crying.
As we walk towards their house, Char reaches out and grabs my hand. That makes me feel better.
“Jim,” she says, as we turn up their driveway, “I love you. I will always love you. These past few weeks, you’ve reminded me of the man I married and want to spend the rest of my life with.”
“Honey,” I say, stopping for a moment, “I love you, too. But you’re making it sound like you’re dying. As much as we didn’t plan on it, we have to get used to us being parents.”
“I know,” she says, sniffling. Then we continue the walk towards their front door.
Paul meets us at the door and physically blanches.
“What the hell was the news you got, Jim?” he says, concerned. But he is apprehensive about something, too. He didn’t spill the beans too Lisa about us last week, did he?
We go and sit on the couch. Paul sits in the love seat. I can tell Sir is his bedroom and his door is slightly open. He can see out and listen, too. Lisa is in the bathroom. She opens the door and heads down to us and sits down next to Paul.
They do make a beautiful couple.
Lisa is beaming and Paul is very apprehensive. What can they be wanting to tell us.
“Thank you both for coming over,” Lisa says.
Char starts to cry again. I look at Char.
She knows what Lisa is going to say.
“Forgive me for being rude, Lisa,” I say, not liking that Char knows what this is about but I don’t. “But, what is this about?”
Lisa takes a deep breath.
“There’s no easy way to say this, Jim,” she says. “But I’m pregnant. And you’re the father.”
Char starts to cry harder.
What the fuck????