What do older men seek in younger men?


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Sep 23, 2022
Glasgow, UK
22yo And I am very attracted to older men but can never find someone so am hoping I can get pointers on what to do to make myself stand out..

Btw am not looking for a one night stand I genuinely want a relationship but can’t find someone on the same wave as me
There are dating sites specifically for older men called Silver Daddies. I am a Daddy and I was surprised. Most hookups have been withing ten years of me but there have been a few that were a 30+ year gap younger than me.
I don't do exclusive relationships so this may not help but younger men seek me out not the other way round. For example the college lad I've been seeing for the last couple years chose me when we met by chance at a festival. He took a shine to me and after a short conversation didn't hesitate to tap his number into my phone. I'm now 62 he 20.

Our paths crossed almost randomly but he chose me.

Seek and ye shall find? :cool:

What stood out about him? He's very attractive, took a keen interest in me and didn't shy away from light conversation once it started. He admitted later that he followed me through the crowd and got in line right behind me at the food truck. I was targeted. It's not the first time I was.
It happens quite often, I don't go out looking for youth but youths often find me. Naturally I'm flattered and more often than not amazed at how easy it can be to have a decent conversation as well as decent sex when I don't find myself in the driving seat. The interesting part is how they become part of my life, one lad who was just legal was my window cleaner, is my window cleaner and its amazing how I'm always the last one of the day when he wants to rinse his chamois leather and drop his pants, and still does though he's no longer in the first flush or youth.
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I'm only 30 so I'm not exactly "older" yet, but I've always been into older men. These days, however, I have found my attraction to younger guys starting to peak out from behind the curtain. A thought that really turns me on is knowing how inexperienced they are, and how I can be the one to give them their first experience. Their innocence is very sexy. Not that I want to "ruin" it or anything, I just think that the innocent and inexperienced ones can have some of the most passionate and eager sex ever, haha. Nothing quite like giving a guy his first blowjob ever and listening to him absolutely loose his mind in all the pleasure he never knew he could have ;)
It happens quite often, I don't go out looking for youth but youths often find me. Naturally I'm flattered and more often than not amazed at how easy it can be to have a decent conversation as well as decent sex when I don't find myself in the driving seat. The interesting part is how they become part of my life, one lad who was just legal was my window cleaner, is my window cleaner and its amazing how I'm always the last one of the day when he wants to rinse his chamois leather and drop his pants, and still does though he's no longer in the first flush or youth.
He works for you and also gets sexual?
I've found it not easy to find much younger guys. I've had, but that was mostly some years after soviet collapse. Than many young guys did whatever for a foreign trip. They needed an official invitation to get a visa. So I've had really str8 guys to visit and OK with also doing some sex together. Apart from sex is pleasant, it's very interesting to meet over the age barrier. There's so mush you can learn from each other. I live on the countryside on an Island and we've had much fun doing things together and many WOW's. It's been city guys not so used to country living. We've done different things depending of interests. One very nice guy, str8, I even got very warm feelings for, helped me out at work for one month. After work we used to go fishing. Then sauna, shower and some mutual jo.
I've tried Silverdaddies without success. Only some guy close to my own age has written. Last fall I had a 23 y.o. guy visiting. We were not the best match, but we had a good time together. Would be happy to have a young best friend to meet now and then when possible. Anyway, I've sometimes quite actively searched for a young guy, but really not much of success. No domestic guys. The only guys who used to show interest are too far away and too expensive to travel. Would be fun to host a young guy and establish a longterm friendship.
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