Average is just comparison. It means nothing in REAL size.
If the average penis is 5”, then average is small. Again, people are confusing statistical sizes (below average, average, above average) with real sizes (small, medium, large).
Statistics only quantifies, it does not qualify. All average means is where majority of a range fall divided by the total number of the sample.
If the average temperature in X part of the world is -35F, and in another the average temperature is 120F, it does not mean the average temperature in those places is by any means temperate, warm, or cool. It is cold in one place, and hot in the other.
Likewise, if for some reason 90% of men with 7”+ cocks would be eliminated (war, disease, or whatever) and sample measurements would be taken thereafter, the “average” size would significantly decrease. Does not mean a 3” dick is suddenly medium or large.
Likewise, if for some reason 90% of men with 6”- dicks would be eliminated (war, disease, or whatever) and sample measurements would be taken thereafter, the “average” size would significantly increase. Does not mean a 7” cock is suddenly medium or small.