What happened to Joe Thunder AKA Apollo Phoenix

Joe was pretty big back in the day he did straight porn first then moved on to men but kept the real sexy stuff offline just worship videos. Thy're so hard to find save a few
what he doing now apollo phoinex aka joe thunder that sexy motherfucker need make more xx rated movies for real !!!!! we all miss that sexy fucker for real
Can someone who access to any of the videos he did please post them here for us all to see? He did some CFNM stuff too I think but I can only seem to finds clips of it online. Also would love to see some more recent naked pics of him :):)
Can someone who access to any of the videos he did please post them here for us all to see? He did some CFNM stuff too I think but I can only seem to finds clips of it online. Also would love to see some more recent naked pics of him :):)
whaaat he did those a prob lost damn what a shame
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Saw our boy last week. He looks better than ever. I can’t even explain how good he is in person. The dick, the body, everything. And honestly one of the sweetest nicest guys. Always responsive, kind, trustworthy and genuine. And no I’m not being put up to say any of this. Just feel strongly about this dude. Here are a couple of pics I took last week. (With permission to share).View attachment 85911311View attachment 85911321View attachment 85911341
Fuck me