What Happens In Vegas


Legendary Member
Jan 16, 2019
50% Straight, 50% Gay
Depending on how this goes, I may post more stories from my past with Ted. This story is true and exactly how I remember it. The only thing I'm changing are the names of the others. I am going to have to throw in a bit of back story to start, if more comes later the back story will help.

Ted and I first met at off all places, church. Both of us were raised evangelic christians and so attending church every Sunday was just what you did. We both were volunteering in different groups within the church and became good friends. As we got to know each other we began to open up more about life outside the church.

I was a pastor's kid - my mother was an ordained minister. She wasn't the pastor of this church but I was still known as and seen as "the pastor's kid" AKA a PK. So finding a friend like Ted that I could swear around, drink with and later on smoke weed with was amazing.

Ted was raised in a stricter christian home and home schooled. He is one of the few home schooled kids that I had been around that wasn't socially awkward. When his family moved 3 hours away he chose to find a job and a place on his own at 18 and never moved back home since. Even though we were nearly 6 years apart his maturity was on a higher level then most 20 year olds I knew from around the church.

I have known from a very young age that I was into both girls and boys. The only problem with this was that I was being raised evangelical... read - it's a sin to like the same sex. But I had fooled around with other guys and was in denial - it was a phase, it would pass.

When Ted and I started hanging out I had been abstaining from anything sexual with men for quite a few years. As much as I found him attractive I didn't look at him sexually. He was a friend and that was it. So when I was going to Las Vegas for a business a few weeks after he'd turned 21 inviting him was more of a cool way to celebrate his birthday. I should note that we are Canadian, so turning 21 isn't as big a deal here, but this was just a cool opportunity. I told him "you pay for your flight and some of your meals, the room is on the company. We'll hang out when I'm not working. You can tour, gamble or hang by the pool". We booked his flights and counted down the days.

I got into Vegas earlier in the day as I had to set up for a trade show. His flight came in that evening. I took a cab to the airport to pick him up. We were so pumped this was going to be a fun few days. Just the boys without the girls.

We got to the room - 2 queen beds and a view of the strip. Dropped off his bags and hit the strip, bought a bottle of vodka and got a couple of drinks. The first few days were busy with work. My bosses were super cool and Ted was able to tag along with us for a few dinners and we even got him into of the corporate events. We ate great and drank a lot!

There were a few times through out the week that we got changed in front of each other and I'd peak over. I remember the first time seeing him fully naked - I was impressed with the size of his soft dick. I didn't say anything because I didn't want him to know I was looking and think I was gay or weird.

On our second to last night Ted decided to go to the strip club with one of my coworkers. I had "rebelled" against my church upbringing in many ways but going to a strip club was a line I wouldn't cross. I told him to go and have fun. I went back to room and fell asleep. I don't remember him coming in that night.

The next night was the final big event for the convention and trade show. Ted was able to get into the event with me. We sat at a table with a group of clients of mine from California. The event was hosted by a pretty well known comedian, the bar was open and the drinks were plentiful. Any time anyone got up for a drink they’d bring back a round for the table. At one point we each had six drinks waiting. The the event let out and we hit the strip for hours with one of my clients from California, if this was fiction or fantasy, he would have been a part of this story. It was our last night in Vegas and we partied hard.

When we got back to the room we were both drunk and were staying up to sober up, fortunately neither of our flights were super early.

Even though we both slept naked we we careful when getting ready to get into bed. This night we didn't care and stripped in front of each other no shame. I got a full free no guilt look at him fully naked. I wanted to see more of it. Inhibitions be damned.

"So how was the strip club last night?" I asked him. Starting with a fairly easy question, nothing overtly sexual. Just simple curiosity.

"Oh it was wild. I spent way too much money on lap dances though." he laughed

"Oh shit. How much did you spend? Are they allowed to touch you?" I asked, actually curious and wanting to live vicariously through him.

He filled me in on some to of the details and I was getting hard listening to him.

“So did or do you sometimes get hard when she was dancing for you?” The thought of him hard was only getting me more horned up.

“Oh yeah man. So hard.” He laughed. “Leaking a little too.” He said more sheepishly.

“Damn, ok. You must have had blue balls when you got back.” I said laughing a little. “Did you take care of things?”

He was open about talking about things so I just kept the conversation flowing.

“I had too. I was so horny when I got back.”

“Nice. Wait, did you jerk off in your bed while I was sleeping?”

“Nah, I jerked off in the shower. Easier to clean up.”

“Right on. That makes sense. Not that I’d have cared if you did in your bed. I was asleep. I snapped a batch while you were out.”

By this point my cock was rock hard and I was leaking.

“Fuck,” I said “this probably wasn’t a good topic of conversation.”

“Why do you say that?” he responded with something in his voice, that could have also been wishful thinking on my part.

“Well, I’m kind of hard and horny right now.” I was taking a chance here. Ted had never shown any signs of being into guys at all. He gave off the very much straight bro vibes. If he’d gone to university he’d have been in frat.

“Yeah me too.”

“You are? Bull shit.” I said “Dare you to show me.” Hoping that he would and that I didn’t sound to eager.

“I don’t care, I’ll show you if you want.”

“Really? I mean if you want to? I was just fucking with you.”

“Who cares?” he said and threw back the covers revealing his hard cock.

“Oh wow.” I said in shock and disbelief. I wasn’t expecting him to actually do it. “I guess it’s only fair I show you mine.” And, I threw back the comforter and sheets.

We lay there for a while stroking our cocks. I wanted to taste and touch his cock so bad. I was eyeing his cock and he was eyeing mine. We were stroking them and talking about sex and our past experiences.

“Have you ever done anything like this with a guy before?” I asked seeing how far I might be able to push the boundaries.

“I jerked off with my buddy Owen once. We were in the same room with the lights off. What about you?” he inquired.

Ok, I thought to myself, he’s asking questions back and doesn’t seem to weirded out. “Yeah, same.” I didn’t want to tell him how far I’d gone with guys. “Did you see his dick?”

“Not really. It was dark and we were in different parts of the room.”

“Have you ever measured yourself?”

“Not in ages. I don’t even remember how big it was when I measured it.” He said gripping his cock and holding straight up from the base.

“Your’s looks about the same size as mine.” I it put out there to see what he’d say. He looked over at mine and I looked at his. “We should measure them?”

“That’d be funny. Sure why not?”

We both got out of bed naked and our cocks erect and just flopping around. I went to my bags to see if I could find something to measure ourselves with. “I can’t find anything.”


“Well we could just compare them, you know, hold them side by side.” I approached cautiously.

“That works.”

We walked over to each other. Naked with throbbing cocks and held our cocks as close to each other as we could without touching. Close enough to feel the heat from our bodies.

Ted wasn’t the first guy I had compared my cock too. But he was the first guy who’s cock was clearly thicker than mine. There was no denying it.

“Holy fuck man. Your cock is thick! Looks like we are the same length though.”

“I didn’t realize my dick was thick. I’ve never compared it to anyone else’s before.”

We kept stroking our dicks standing between the beds for a bit before we ended up laying in the same bed together comparing our dicks for bit. We compared our circumcision scars, thickness, veins and thickness. Each of us asking “can I see this?” “what about that?” Eventually working up to “can I touch it?”

We ended up stroking each other for a bit. Having some laughs and joking around. At one point we opened the windows as best we could to trying to and jerk off out the window.

“Damn dude I’m so horny. I could use a blow job.” I pondered.

“That would be amazing.”

“I wish I could suck my own. I tried when I was younger. I could just like the tip enough to get it wet.” I laughed. “That’s all I could accomplish.”

“I tried too.” Ted admitted “But I couldn’t get that far.”

“Have you ever thought about it?” I said meekly

“Thought about what?”

“You know, sucking dick?”

“I mean maybe a little. Like right now I kind of want to.” Ted admitted to me. It took a lot to hold back my excitement at this admission.

“Really? Me too.” the silence hung in the air. “Do you want to?”

“I kind of do. But I’m not sure man. I know it’s gay, but everyone is a little bit gay right?” He said with a bit of embarrassment in his voice.

“I’m down if you are.”

“I really want to. I just don’t think that I can.” I could tell he was having a hard time coming to terms with the fact that he was thinking about taking a dick his mouth. I didn’t want to force him and I knew that I didn’t want to go first and then not have him reciprocate.

“Look, I’m cool either way. I don’t want you do anything you don’t want to. I’m just horny and drunk as fuck.”

“I’m with you there.”

“Well, I’m just going to bust one out. It’s getting late. Do you care if I finish?”

“No bro, I’m going to finish off too.”

So there we were laying next to each other. Naked. Hard and stroking our cocks. I don’t remember which one of us nut first. But we both felt our relief, got up and cleaned ourselves off. We had a good laugh and went to sleep.

The next morning was hectic. Getting showered and packed and ready for our flights. We didn’t have a chance to really talk about the night before. We got to the airport and because we weren’t on the same flight, I walked him to his gate, gave him an awkward hug and told him I’d see him at home.

Hungover with butterflies in my stomach. I left Ted as his gate and made my way to mine. There were so many thoughts and feelings going through me. Most importantly, what did this mean for our friendship.

I didn’t see Ted for about a week after we got home from Vegas. We saw each other at a country corn roast. “Hey, how are you?” I asked.

“I’m good man. You?” he said in his usual way.

“I’m ok. We should probably talk about Vegas, eh?”

"Yeah, I think so too." Ted said.

And if there’s enough interest. I will tell you how that talk went.
Depending on how this goes, I may post more stories from my past with Ted. This story is true and exactly how I remember it. The only thing I'm changing are the names of the others. I am going to have to throw in a bit of back story to start, if more comes later the back story will help.

Ted and I first met at off all places, church. Both of us were raised evangelic christians and so attending church every Sunday was just what you did. We both were volunteering in different groups within the church and became good friends. As we got to know each other we began to open up more about life outside the church.

I was a pastor's kid - my mother was an ordained minister. She wasn't the pastor of this church but I was still known as and seen as "the pastor's kid" AKA a PK. So finding a friend like Ted that I could swear around, drink with and later on smoke weed with was amazing.

Ted was raised in a stricter christian home and home schooled. He is one of the few home schooled kids that I had been around that wasn't socially awkward. When his family moved 3 hours away he chose to find a job and a place on his own at 18 and never moved back home since. Even though we were nearly 6 years apart his maturity was on a higher level then most 20 year olds I knew from around the church.

I have known from a very young age that I was into both girls and boys. The only problem with this was that I was being raised evangelical... read - it's a sin to like the same sex. But I had fooled around with other guys and was in denial - it was a phase, it would pass.

When Ted and I started hanging out I had been abstaining from anything sexual with men for quite a few years. As much as I found him attractive I didn't look at him sexually. He was a friend and that was it. So when I was going to Las Vegas for a business a few weeks after he'd turned 21 inviting him was more of a cool way to celebrate his birthday. I should note that we are Canadian, so turning 21 isn't as big a deal here, but this was just a cool opportunity. I told him "you pay for your flight and some of your meals, the room is on the company. We'll hang out when I'm not working. You can tour, gamble or hang by the pool". We booked his flights and counted down the days.

I got into Vegas earlier in the day as I had to set up for a trade show. His flight came in that evening. I took a cab to the airport to pick him up. We were so pumped this was going to be a fun few days. Just the boys without the girls.

We got to the room - 2 queen beds and a view of the strip. Dropped off his bags and hit the strip, bought a bottle of vodka and got a couple of drinks. The first few days were busy with work. My bosses were super cool and Ted was able to tag along with us for a few dinners and we even got him into of the corporate events. We ate great and drank a lot!

There were a few times through out the week that we got changed in front of each other and I'd peak over. I remember the first time seeing him fully naked - I was impressed with the size of his soft dick. I didn't say anything because I didn't want him to know I was looking and think I was gay or weird.

On our second to last night Ted decided to go to the strip club with one of my coworkers. I had "rebelled" against my church upbringing in many ways but going to a strip club was a line I wouldn't cross. I told him to go and have fun. I went back to room and fell asleep. I don't remember him coming in that night.

The next night was the final big event for the convention and trade show. Ted was able to get into the event with me. We sat at a table with a group of clients of mine from California. The event was hosted by a pretty well known comedian, the bar was open and the drinks were plentiful. Any time anyone got up for a drink they’d bring back a round for the table. At one point we each had six drinks waiting. The the event let out and we hit the strip for hours with one of my clients from California, if this was fiction or fantasy, he would have been a part of this story. It was our last night in Vegas and we partied hard.

When we got back to the room we were both drunk and were staying up to sober up, fortunately neither of our flights were super early.

Even though we both slept naked we we careful when getting ready to get into bed. This night we didn't care and stripped in front of each other no shame. I got a full free no guilt look at him fully naked. I wanted to see more of it. Inhibitions be damned.

"So how was the strip club last night?" I asked him. Starting with a fairly easy question, nothing overtly sexual. Just simple curiosity.

"Oh it was wild. I spent way too much money on lap dances though." he laughed

"Oh shit. How much did you spend? Are they allowed to touch you?" I asked, actually curious and wanting to live vicariously through him.

He filled me in on some to of the details and I was getting hard listening to him.

“So did or do you sometimes get hard when she was dancing for you?” The thought of him hard was only getting me more horned up.

“Oh yeah man. So hard.” He laughed. “Leaking a little too.” He said more sheepishly.

“Damn, ok. You must have had blue balls when you got back.” I said laughing a little. “Did you take care of things?”

He was open about talking about things so I just kept the conversation flowing.

“I had too. I was so horny when I got back.”

“Nice. Wait, did you jerk off in your bed while I was sleeping?”

“Nah, I jerked off in the shower. Easier to clean up.”

“Right on. That makes sense. Not that I’d have cared if you did in your bed. I was asleep. I snapped a batch while you were out.”

By this point my cock was rock hard and I was leaking.

“Fuck,” I said “this probably wasn’t a good topic of conversation.”

“Why do you say that?” he responded with something in his voice, that could have also been wishful thinking on my part.

“Well, I’m kind of hard and horny right now.” I was taking a chance here. Ted had never shown any signs of being into guys at all. He gave off the very much straight bro vibes. If he’d gone to university he’d have been in frat.

“Yeah me too.”

“You are? Bull shit.” I said “Dare you to show me.” Hoping that he would and that I didn’t sound to eager.

“I don’t care, I’ll show you if you want.”

“Really? I mean if you want to? I was just fucking with you.”

“Who cares?” he said and threw back the covers revealing his hard cock.

“Oh wow.” I said in shock and disbelief. I wasn’t expecting him to actually do it. “I guess it’s only fair I show you mine.” And, I threw back the comforter and sheets.

We lay there for a while stroking our cocks. I wanted to taste and touch his cock so bad. I was eyeing his cock and he was eyeing mine. We were stroking them and talking about sex and our past experiences.

“Have you ever done anything like this with a guy before?” I asked seeing how far I might be able to push the boundaries.

“I jerked off with my buddy Owen once. We were in the same room with the lights off. What about you?” he inquired.

Ok, I thought to myself, he’s asking questions back and doesn’t seem to weirded out. “Yeah, same.” I didn’t want to tell him how far I’d gone with guys. “Did you see his dick?”

“Not really. It was dark and we were in different parts of the room.”

“Have you ever measured yourself?”

“Not in ages. I don’t even remember how big it was when I measured it.” He said gripping his cock and holding straight up from the base.

“Your’s looks about the same size as mine.” I it put out there to see what he’d say. He looked over at mine and I looked at his. “We should measure them?”

“That’d be funny. Sure why not?”

We both got out of bed naked and our cocks erect and just flopping around. I went to my bags to see if I could find something to measure ourselves with. “I can’t find anything.”


“Well we could just compare them, you know, hold them side by side.” I approached cautiously.

“That works.”

We walked over to each other. Naked with throbbing cocks and held our cocks as close to each other as we could without touching. Close enough to feel the heat from our bodies.

Ted wasn’t the first guy I had compared my cock too. But he was the first guy who’s cock was clearly thicker than mine. There was no denying it.

“Holy fuck man. Your cock is thick! Looks like we are the same length though.”

“I didn’t realize my dick was thick. I’ve never compared it to anyone else’s before.”

We kept stroking our dicks standing between the beds for a bit before we ended up laying in the same bed together comparing our dicks for bit. We compared our circumcision scars, thickness, veins and thickness. Each of us asking “can I see this?” “what about that?” Eventually working up to “can I touch it?”

We ended up stroking each other for a bit. Having some laughs and joking around. At one point we opened the windows as best we could to trying to and jerk off out the window.

“Damn dude I’m so horny. I could use a blow job.” I pondered.

“That would be amazing.”

“I wish I could suck my own. I tried when I was younger. I could just like the tip enough to get it wet.” I laughed. “That’s all I could accomplish.”

“I tried too.” Ted admitted “But I couldn’t get that far.”

“Have you ever thought about it?” I said meekly

“Thought about what?”

“You know, sucking dick?”

“I mean maybe a little. Like right now I kind of want to.” Ted admitted to me. It took a lot to hold back my excitement at this admission.

“Really? Me too.” the silence hung in the air. “Do you want to?”

“I kind of do. But I’m not sure man. I know it’s gay, but everyone is a little bit gay right?” He said with a bit of embarrassment in his voice.

“I’m down if you are.”

“I really want to. I just don’t think that I can.” I could tell he was having a hard time coming to terms with the fact that he was thinking about taking a dick his mouth. I didn’t want to force him and I knew that I didn’t want to go first and then not have him reciprocate.

“Look, I’m cool either way. I don’t want you do anything you don’t want to. I’m just horny and drunk as fuck.”

“I’m with you there.”

“Well, I’m just going to bust one out. It’s getting late. Do you care if I finish?”

“No bro, I’m going to finish off too.”

So there we were laying next to each other. Naked. Hard and stroking our cocks. I don’t remember which one of us nut first. But we both felt our relief, got up and cleaned ourselves off. We had a good laugh and went to sleep.

The next morning was hectic. Getting showered and packed and ready for our flights. We didn’t have a chance to really talk about the night before. We got to the airport and because we weren’t on the same flight, I walked him to his gate, gave him an awkward hug and told him I’d see him at home.

Hungover with butterflies in my stomach. I left Ted as his gate and made my way to mine. There were so many thoughts and feelings going through me. Most importantly, what did this mean for our friendship.

I didn’t see Ted for about a week after we got home from Vegas. We saw each other at a country corn roast. “Hey, how are you?” I asked.

“I’m good man. You?” he said in his usual way.

“I’m ok. We should probably talk about Vegas, eh?”

"Yeah, I think so too." Ted said.

And if there’s enough interest. I will tell you how that talk went.
Sure we are interested. Going to watch for your story👍🏻
Depending on how this goes, I may post more stories from my past with Ted. This story is true and exactly how I remember it. The only thing I'm changing are the names of the others. I am going to have to throw in a bit of back story to start, if more comes later the back story will help.

Ted and I first met at off all places, church. Both of us were raised evangelic christians and so attending church every Sunday was just what you did. We both were volunteering in different groups within the church and became good friends. As we got to know each other we began to open up more about life outside the church.

I was a pastor's kid - my mother was an ordained minister. She wasn't the pastor of this church but I was still known as and seen as "the pastor's kid" AKA a PK. So finding a friend like Ted that I could swear around, drink with and later on smoke weed with was amazing.

Ted was raised in a stricter christian home and home schooled. He is one of the few home schooled kids that I had been around that wasn't socially awkward. When his family moved 3 hours away he chose to find a job and a place on his own at 18 and never moved back home since. Even though we were nearly 6 years apart his maturity was on a higher level then most 20 year olds I knew from around the church.

I have known from a very young age that I was into both girls and boys. The only problem with this was that I was being raised evangelical... read - it's a sin to like the same sex. But I had fooled around with other guys and was in denial - it was a phase, it would pass.

When Ted and I started hanging out I had been abstaining from anything sexual with men for quite a few years. As much as I found him attractive I didn't look at him sexually. He was a friend and that was it. So when I was going to Las Vegas for a business a few weeks after he'd turned 21 inviting him was more of a cool way to celebrate his birthday. I should note that we are Canadian, so turning 21 isn't as big a deal here, but this was just a cool opportunity. I told him "you pay for your flight and some of your meals, the room is on the company. We'll hang out when I'm not working. You can tour, gamble or hang by the pool". We booked his flights and counted down the days.

I got into Vegas earlier in the day as I had to set up for a trade show. His flight came in that evening. I took a cab to the airport to pick him up. We were so pumped this was going to be a fun few days. Just the boys without the girls.

We got to the room - 2 queen beds and a view of the strip. Dropped off his bags and hit the strip, bought a bottle of vodka and got a couple of drinks. The first few days were busy with work. My bosses were super cool and Ted was able to tag along with us for a few dinners and we even got him into of the corporate events. We ate great and drank a lot!

There were a few times through out the week that we got changed in front of each other and I'd peak over. I remember the first time seeing him fully naked - I was impressed with the size of his soft dick. I didn't say anything because I didn't want him to know I was looking and think I was gay or weird.

On our second to last night Ted decided to go to the strip club with one of my coworkers. I had "rebelled" against my church upbringing in many ways but going to a strip club was a line I wouldn't cross. I told him to go and have fun. I went back to room and fell asleep. I don't remember him coming in that night.

The next night was the final big event for the convention and trade show. Ted was able to get into the event with me. We sat at a table with a group of clients of mine from California. The event was hosted by a pretty well known comedian, the bar was open and the drinks were plentiful. Any time anyone got up for a drink they’d bring back a round for the table. At one point we each had six drinks waiting. The the event let out and we hit the strip for hours with one of my clients from California, if this was fiction or fantasy, he would have been a part of this story. It was our last night in Vegas and we partied hard.

When we got back to the room we were both drunk and were staying up to sober up, fortunately neither of our flights were super early.

Even though we both slept naked we we careful when getting ready to get into bed. This night we didn't care and stripped in front of each other no shame. I got a full free no guilt look at him fully naked. I wanted to see more of it. Inhibitions be damned.

"So how was the strip club last night?" I asked him. Starting with a fairly easy question, nothing overtly sexual. Just simple curiosity.

"Oh it was wild. I spent way too much money on lap dances though." he laughed

"Oh shit. How much did you spend? Are they allowed to touch you?" I asked, actually curious and wanting to live vicariously through him.

He filled me in on some to of the details and I was getting hard listening to him.

“So did or do you sometimes get hard when she was dancing for you?” The thought of him hard was only getting me more horned up.

“Oh yeah man. So hard.” He laughed. “Leaking a little too.” He said more sheepishly.

“Damn, ok. You must have had blue balls when you got back.” I said laughing a little. “Did you take care of things?”

He was open about talking about things so I just kept the conversation flowing.

“I had too. I was so horny when I got back.”

“Nice. Wait, did you jerk off in your bed while I was sleeping?”

“Nah, I jerked off in the shower. Easier to clean up.”

“Right on. That makes sense. Not that I’d have cared if you did in your bed. I was asleep. I snapped a batch while you were out.”

By this point my cock was rock hard and I was leaking.

“Fuck,” I said “this probably wasn’t a good topic of conversation.”

“Why do you say that?” he responded with something in his voice, that could have also been wishful thinking on my part.

“Well, I’m kind of hard and horny right now.” I was taking a chance here. Ted had never shown any signs of being into guys at all. He gave off the very much straight bro vibes. If he’d gone to university he’d have been in frat.

“Yeah me too.”

“You are? Bull shit.” I said “Dare you to show me.” Hoping that he would and that I didn’t sound to eager.

“I don’t care, I’ll show you if you want.”

“Really? I mean if you want to? I was just fucking with you.”

“Who cares?” he said and threw back the covers revealing his hard cock.

“Oh wow.” I said in shock and disbelief. I wasn’t expecting him to actually do it. “I guess it’s only fair I show you mine.” And, I threw back the comforter and sheets.

We lay there for a while stroking our cocks. I wanted to taste and touch his cock so bad. I was eyeing his cock and he was eyeing mine. We were stroking them and talking about sex and our past experiences.

“Have you ever done anything like this with a guy before?” I asked seeing how far I might be able to push the boundaries.

“I jerked off with my buddy Owen once. We were in the same room with the lights off. What about you?” he inquired.

Ok, I thought to myself, he’s asking questions back and doesn’t seem to weirded out. “Yeah, same.” I didn’t want to tell him how far I’d gone with guys. “Did you see his dick?”

“Not really. It was dark and we were in different parts of the room.”

“Have you ever measured yourself?”

“Not in ages. I don’t even remember how big it was when I measured it.” He said gripping his cock and holding straight up from the base.

“Your’s looks about the same size as mine.” I it put out there to see what he’d say. He looked over at mine and I looked at his. “We should measure them?”

“That’d be funny. Sure why not?”

We both got out of bed naked and our cocks erect and just flopping around. I went to my bags to see if I could find something to measure ourselves with. “I can’t find anything.”


“Well we could just compare them, you know, hold them side by side.” I approached cautiously.

“That works.”

We walked over to each other. Naked with throbbing cocks and held our cocks as close to each other as we could without touching. Close enough to feel the heat from our bodies.

Ted wasn’t the first guy I had compared my cock too. But he was the first guy who’s cock was clearly thicker than mine. There was no denying it.

“Holy fuck man. Your cock is thick! Looks like we are the same length though.”

“I didn’t realize my dick was thick. I’ve never compared it to anyone else’s before.”

We kept stroking our dicks standing between the beds for a bit before we ended up laying in the same bed together comparing our dicks for bit. We compared our circumcision scars, thickness, veins and thickness. Each of us asking “can I see this?” “what about that?” Eventually working up to “can I touch it?”

We ended up stroking each other for a bit. Having some laughs and joking around. At one point we opened the windows as best we could to trying to and jerk off out the window.

“Damn dude I’m so horny. I could use a blow job.” I pondered.

“That would be amazing.”

“I wish I could suck my own. I tried when I was younger. I could just like the tip enough to get it wet.” I laughed. “That’s all I could accomplish.”

“I tried too.” Ted admitted “But I couldn’t get that far.”

“Have you ever thought about it?” I said meekly

“Thought about what?”

“You know, sucking dick?”

“I mean maybe a little. Like right now I kind of want to.” Ted admitted to me. It took a lot to hold back my excitement at this admission.

“Really? Me too.” the silence hung in the air. “Do you want to?”

“I kind of do. But I’m not sure man. I know it’s gay, but everyone is a little bit gay right?” He said with a bit of embarrassment in his voice.

“I’m down if you are.”

“I really want to. I just don’t think that I can.” I could tell he was having a hard time coming to terms with the fact that he was thinking about taking a dick his mouth. I didn’t want to force him and I knew that I didn’t want to go first and then not have him reciprocate.

“Look, I’m cool either way. I don’t want you do anything you don’t want to. I’m just horny and drunk as fuck.”

“I’m with you there.”

“Well, I’m just going to bust one out. It’s getting late. Do you care if I finish?”

“No bro, I’m going to finish off too.”

So there we were laying next to each other. Naked. Hard and stroking our cocks. I don’t remember which one of us nut first. But we both felt our relief, got up and cleaned ourselves off. We had a good laugh and went to sleep.

The next morning was hectic. Getting showered and packed and ready for our flights. We didn’t have a chance to really talk about the night before. We got to the airport and because we weren’t on the same flight, I walked him to his gate, gave him an awkward hug and told him I’d see him at home.

Hungover with butterflies in my stomach. I left Ted as his gate and made my way to mine. There were so many thoughts and feelings going through me. Most importantly, what did this mean for our friendship.

I didn’t see Ted for about a week after we got home from Vegas. We saw each other at a country corn roast. “Hey, how are you?” I asked.

“I’m good man. You?” he said in his usual way.

“I’m ok. We should probably talk about Vegas, eh?”

"Yeah, I think so too." Ted said.

And if there’s enough interest. I will tell you how that talk went.
Was Ted hot????
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It had been about a week since Ted and I got back from Las Vegas and we hadn’t had a chance to hang out. I was feeling all kings of feelings about what had happened in Vegas, and not the good ones. I was worried that he wouldn’t want to hang out anymore. I was pretty certain that he wouldn’t say anything but my anxiety was in full swing.

When Ted showed up at the corn roast we greeted each other like nothing happened. Talked with different people and it was just like it was before.

“Hey, how are you?” I asked.

“I’m good man. You?” he said in his usual way.

“I’m ok. We should probably talk about Vegas, eh?”

“Yeah, I guess we should.” He said.

We found the right moment to go for a walk. Something that was not out of the norm for us to do at group events. As we walked we talked about the usual stuff and then I finally brought up the last night in Vegas.

“So, how are you feeling about Vegas?” I started trying to keep my tone as open and neutral as possible. I didn’t know how he was feeling. As much as I had anxiety and mixed feelings about what happened. I did enjoy it and I wanted it to happen again and maybe go further, if he was willing.

“I don’t know man. It was pretty wild.” he said.

“Oh for sure. I sure wasn’t expecting that to happen. I have been replaying it in my head a lot the last few days.”

“Me too. Never thought I’d consider sucking a dick as much as I did that night.” he admitted. “I really wanted to but was worried about what you would think.”

“Really? Same. Not going to lie, I have been a bit worried about things between us since then. But, I was in the same boat. I wanted to try it as well.”

We walked along a bit further. We had chosen an old country road that was no longer being used regularly.

“Any regrets?” I enquired.

“Not really other than not taking the chance.” He words hung thick in the air and I wasn’t sure how to proceed.

“Oh.” was all I managed to get out in the moment. I was starting to get some movement in my shorts as the blood flow was increasing. “Well, I mean, I’d be down to if you are.”

“How do you want to do this?” he asked. “Who goes first?”

“I can go first if you want? But you can’t chicken out.” I laughed. “Are you hard at all?”

“Kind of sporting a semi. What about you?”

“Same.” I said “Want to see?” And with that I took out my semi-hard cock and started stroking it on the side of the road. I had gotten head and jerked off before in different places, including church, with both girls and guys, but this was the first time I’d fooled around outdoors during the day.

Ted followed suit and took out his thick semi and I watched it get hard as he stroked it. I asked if I could stroke him and reached out and took his heavy cock in my hand and the returned the favour. His grip on my my cock felt so good. It was firm but gentle. We stood there stroking each other for a bit. I couldn’t get over his thickness. I had been told that I had a thick cock, something I still hear today from people. And all I can think is, you’ve never seen Ted’s.

We were enjoying stroking each other and just being in the moment. I really wanted to taste him but I didn’t want to go first. It wasn’t that I didn’t trust him but I was worried. What if I blew him and then he chickened out and used that against. If we were going to do this we needed to have “mutually assured destruction”. In other words, if this got out and made it public, we would both go down together, not just me. You have to remember, we were both members of the same church and raised evangelical. So, this was more than just as simple sin like drinking or swearing. This was crossing into whole other level. Even though I had crossed that line before, other than the other guys, no one knew. Of all the guys that I had been with all of them were straight/curious except maybe 2.

As I was there lost in my thoughts about how great this felt and thinking “what the fuck are you doing?” and how do we get to the next step. I was about to ask if he wanted me to go first he bent over and took my cock in his mouth.

I let out a moan as I felt the warmth of his mouth and lips wrap around me. There was no hesitation like you see in porn where the straight guy is sucking dick for the first time. He sucked me and stroked me at the same time. Went as deep as he felt comfortable, which was plenty deep. For his first time sucking dick, he was doing a good job. No teeth. Using his tongue to tease and apply pressure in the right areas. I don’t know how long he sucked me for, it just felt amazing. He came up for air and looked at me, wiping aways a little bit of extra spit from the side of his mouth.

“How was that?” he asked me.

“Holy fuck man. That was amazing.” I wasn’t lying either. Up until this point, I had only ever had 1-2 people get me off just from head. As great as he was, I didn’t have any anticipation of cumming. We never even talked about that.

“I guess it’s my turn to return the favour, eh.” I said and didn’t wait for him to respond.

I licked the tips of his cock, got it nice and wet and them took it in my mouth. I had sucked a few cocks at this point in my life so I knew what to expect as far as texture and feeling went. But what I had not expected, was how thick it was and how much it filled my mouth. I took him as deep as I could without gaging and making sure to protect his thick head from my back molars.

I sucked and jerked him a bit, every so often I’d here him moan and then feel and taste his precum in my mouth. Such a nice reward. After a while, my jaw was telling me to take a break. It had been years since I had cock in my mouth and this was the first time I had one this thick.

“Damn man. That thing is thick.” I said when I came up for air. “Did you like that?”

“Haha. Yeah I guess it’s kind of thick compared to your’s.” he chuckled humbly. “It felt pretty good, too.”

“That’s good. It was different but I kind of liked it. What about you? Did you like sucking me?”

“It was ok. I didn’t mind it.”

“Well at least I’m not as thick as you.” I laughed. “Do you want to cum? I kind of do.”

“I think I’m good. But you can if you want to.”

I wasn’t sure what to do. I really wanted to blow my load, but I didn’t want to do it alone or make it weird. “You sure, you don’t want to nut?”

“Nah, I think I’m going to save it for later.” He said with a look that I knew meant he was hoping to get laid later. I was one of the only people in our circle that knew Ted was sexually active. The assumption amongst everyone in our circle was that he was still a virgin and practicing abstinence.

“You cool if I bust one?” I asked again.

“Yeah, bro. Go for it.”

I didn’t wait for him to confirm again or change his mind and stroked myself to completion right there on the side of the road. The sun shinning done on my cock as a let my cum fly. I shuttered and moaned as I finished.

“Fuck, man. That was crazy and felt so good. We should probably get back to the others.” I said as I shook the last little bits of cum off my dick as it started to limp.

We walked back to the corn roast like nothing happened and enjoyed the rest of the afternoon.

That day changed our friendship… we crossed a line that we couldn’t come back from and I wasn’t sure how and if we could survive it.

More to come…
Depending on how this goes, I may post more stories from my past with Ted. This story is true and exactly how I remember it. The only thing I'm changing are the names of the others. I am going to have to throw in a bit of back story to start, if more comes later the back story will help.

Ted and I first met at off all places, church. Both of us were raised evangelic christians and so attending church every Sunday was just what you did. We both were volunteering in different groups within the church and became good friends. As we got to know each other we began to open up more about life outside the church.

I was a pastor's kid - my mother was an ordained minister. She wasn't the pastor of this church but I was still known as and seen as "the pastor's kid" AKA a PK. So finding a friend like Ted that I could swear around, drink with and later on smoke weed with was amazing.

Ted was raised in a stricter christian home and home schooled. He is one of the few home schooled kids that I had been around that wasn't socially awkward. When his family moved 3 hours away he chose to find a job and a place on his own at 18 and never moved back home since. Even though we were nearly 6 years apart his maturity was on a higher level then most 20 year olds I knew from around the church.

I have known from a very young age that I was into both girls and boys. The only problem with this was that I was being raised evangelical... read - it's a sin to like the same sex. But I had fooled around with other guys and was in denial - it was a phase, it would pass.

When Ted and I started hanging out I had been abstaining from anything sexual with men for quite a few years. As much as I found him attractive I didn't look at him sexually. He was a friend and that was it. So when I was going to Las Vegas for a business a few weeks after he'd turned 21 inviting him was more of a cool way to celebrate his birthday. I should note that we are Canadian, so turning 21 isn't as big a deal here, but this was just a cool opportunity. I told him "you pay for your flight and some of your meals, the room is on the company. We'll hang out when I'm not working. You can tour, gamble or hang by the pool". We booked his flights and counted down the days.

I got into Vegas earlier in the day as I had to set up for a trade show. His flight came in that evening. I took a cab to the airport to pick him up. We were so pumped this was going to be a fun few days. Just the boys without the girls.

We got to the room - 2 queen beds and a view of the strip. Dropped off his bags and hit the strip, bought a bottle of vodka and got a couple of drinks. The first few days were busy with work. My bosses were super cool and Ted was able to tag along with us for a few dinners and we even got him into of the corporate events. We ate great and drank a lot!

There were a few times through out the week that we got changed in front of each other and I'd peak over. I remember the first time seeing him fully naked - I was impressed with the size of his soft dick. I didn't say anything because I didn't want him to know I was looking and think I was gay or weird.

On our second to last night Ted decided to go to the strip club with one of my coworkers. I had "rebelled" against my church upbringing in many ways but going to a strip club was a line I wouldn't cross. I told him to go and have fun. I went back to room and fell asleep. I don't remember him coming in that night.

The next night was the final big event for the convention and trade show. Ted was able to get into the event with me. We sat at a table with a group of clients of mine from California. The event was hosted by a pretty well known comedian, the bar was open and the drinks were plentiful. Any time anyone got up for a drink they’d bring back a round for the table. At one point we each had six drinks waiting. The the event let out and we hit the strip for hours with one of my clients from California, if this was fiction or fantasy, he would have been a part of this story. It was our last night in Vegas and we partied hard.

When we got back to the room we were both drunk and were staying up to sober up, fortunately neither of our flights were super early.

Even though we both slept naked we we careful when getting ready to get into bed. This night we didn't care and stripped in front of each other no shame. I got a full free no guilt look at him fully naked. I wanted to see more of it. Inhibitions be damned.

"So how was the strip club last night?" I asked him. Starting with a fairly easy question, nothing overtly sexual. Just simple curiosity.

"Oh it was wild. I spent way too much money on lap dances though." he laughed

"Oh shit. How much did you spend? Are they allowed to touch you?" I asked, actually curious and wanting to live vicariously through him.

He filled me in on some to of the details and I was getting hard listening to him.

“So did or do you sometimes get hard when she was dancing for you?” The thought of him hard was only getting me more horned up.

“Oh yeah man. So hard.” He laughed. “Leaking a little too.” He said more sheepishly.

“Damn, ok. You must have had blue balls when you got back.” I said laughing a little. “Did you take care of things?”

He was open about talking about things so I just kept the conversation flowing.

“I had too. I was so horny when I got back.”

“Nice. Wait, did you jerk off in your bed while I was sleeping?”

“Nah, I jerked off in the shower. Easier to clean up.”

“Right on. That makes sense. Not that I’d have cared if you did in your bed. I was asleep. I snapped a batch while you were out.”

By this point my cock was rock hard and I was leaking.

“Fuck,” I said “this probably wasn’t a good topic of conversation.”

“Why do you say that?” he responded with something in his voice, that could have also been wishful thinking on my part.

“Well, I’m kind of hard and horny right now.” I was taking a chance here. Ted had never shown any signs of being into guys at all. He gave off the very much straight bro vibes. If he’d gone to university he’d have been in frat.

“Yeah me too.”

“You are? Bull shit.” I said “Dare you to show me.” Hoping that he would and that I didn’t sound to eager.

“I don’t care, I’ll show you if you want.”

“Really? I mean if you want to? I was just fucking with you.”

“Who cares?” he said and threw back the covers revealing his hard cock.

“Oh wow.” I said in shock and disbelief. I wasn’t expecting him to actually do it. “I guess it’s only fair I show you mine.” And, I threw back the comforter and sheets.

We lay there for a while stroking our cocks. I wanted to taste and touch his cock so bad. I was eyeing his cock and he was eyeing mine. We were stroking them and talking about sex and our past experiences.

“Have you ever done anything like this with a guy before?” I asked seeing how far I might be able to push the boundaries.

“I jerked off with my buddy Owen once. We were in the same room with the lights off. What about you?” he inquired.

Ok, I thought to myself, he’s asking questions back and doesn’t seem to weirded out. “Yeah, same.” I didn’t want to tell him how far I’d gone with guys. “Did you see his dick?”

“Not really. It was dark and we were in different parts of the room.”

“Have you ever measured yourself?”

“Not in ages. I don’t even remember how big it was when I measured it.” He said gripping his cock and holding straight up from the base.

“Your’s looks about the same size as mine.” I it put out there to see what he’d say. He looked over at mine and I looked at his. “We should measure them?”

“That’d be funny. Sure why not?”

We both got out of bed naked and our cocks erect and just flopping around. I went to my bags to see if I could find something to measure ourselves with. “I can’t find anything.”


“Well we could just compare them, you know, hold them side by side.” I approached cautiously.

“That works.”

We walked over to each other. Naked with throbbing cocks and held our cocks as close to each other as we could without touching. Close enough to feel the heat from our bodies.

Ted wasn’t the first guy I had compared my cock too. But he was the first guy who’s cock was clearly thicker than mine. There was no denying it.

“Holy fuck man. Your cock is thick! Looks like we are the same length though.”

“I didn’t realize my dick was thick. I’ve never compared it to anyone else’s before.”

We kept stroking our dicks standing between the beds for a bit before we ended up laying in the same bed together comparing our dicks for bit. We compared our circumcision scars, thickness, veins and thickness. Each of us asking “can I see this?” “what about that?” Eventually working up to “can I touch it?”

We ended up stroking each other for a bit. Having some laughs and joking around. At one point we opened the windows as best we could to trying to and jerk off out the window.

“Damn dude I’m so horny. I could use a blow job.” I pondered.

“That would be amazing.”

“I wish I could suck my own. I tried when I was younger. I could just like the tip enough to get it wet.” I laughed. “That’s all I could accomplish.”

“I tried too.” Ted admitted “But I couldn’t get that far.”

“Have you ever thought about it?” I said meekly

“Thought about what?”

“You know, sucking dick?”

“I mean maybe a little. Like right now I kind of want to.” Ted admitted to me. It took a lot to hold back my excitement at this admission.

“Really? Me too.” the silence hung in the air. “Do you want to?”

“I kind of do. But I’m not sure man. I know it’s gay, but everyone is a little bit gay right?” He said with a bit of embarrassment in his voice.

“I’m down if you are.”

“I really want to. I just don’t think that I can.” I could tell he was having a hard time coming to terms with the fact that he was thinking about taking a dick his mouth. I didn’t want to force him and I knew that I didn’t want to go first and then not have him reciprocate.

“Look, I’m cool either way. I don’t want you do anything you don’t want to. I’m just horny and drunk as fuck.”

“I’m with you there.”

“Well, I’m just going to bust one out. It’s getting late. Do you care if I finish?”

“No bro, I’m going to finish off too.”

So there we were laying next to each other. Naked. Hard and stroking our cocks. I don’t remember which one of us nut first. But we both felt our relief, got up and cleaned ourselves off. We had a good laugh and went to sleep.

The next morning was hectic. Getting showered and packed and ready for our flights. We didn’t have a chance to really talk about the night before. We got to the airport and because we weren’t on the same flight, I walked him to his gate, gave him an awkward hug and told him I’d see him at home.

Hungover with butterflies in my stomach. I left Ted as his gate and made my way to mine. There were so many thoughts and feelings going through me. Most importantly, what did this mean for our friendship.

I didn’t see Ted for about a week after we got home from Vegas. We saw each other at a country corn roast. “Hey, how are you?” I asked.

“I’m good man. You?” he said in his usual way.

“I’m ok. We should probably talk about Vegas, eh?”

"Yeah, I think so too." Ted said.

And if there’s enough interest. I will tell you how that talk went.
I am in interested. I will like to know
Sorry all - been busy with work and life. Haven’t gotten around to writing more. As soon as I have some time I will continue.

There are a lot of stories over the last 20 or so years. Some more memorable than others. Outdoor play. Car play. Nearly getting caught by his roommate. Actually just writing these down is helping me remember some. We haven’t always remained close throughout the years and now live across the country from one another. But in some ways that has helped our friendship. I am writing this for your enjoyment but also as my own sort of memoir and perhaps a cautionary tale too. Ted and I usually “talk” everyday and by talk I mean sending each other porn that we find hot and occasionally send each other some fun photos and videos.

Someone early asked what Ted looks like and I debated sharing this as I find can distract the reader from their own imagination. But perhaps it will help. Ted when I first met him was more twunk than twink if we are using labels. He had a toned body not overly muscular but you could tell he was athletic. Smooth upper naturally and a perfect treasure trail. Dark hair and beautiful hazel/green eyes. His smile was perfect, just writing this and remembering him then makes me smile.

He always took care of his body and began focusing on it more since moving across the country. He now has the body of an Adonis. I often look at his photos - self portrait nudes - and think to myself how the fuck did I ever get to do all those things with. His photography is worthy of the Artistic male nudes thread.

Me I am just your average guy.

Anyway as soon as I figure it and have time I’ll get something out. As an aside. He just sent me some hot gay porn he was edging too. It always a surprise what he sends. But it’s always hot.

On that note we will talk about watching porn together next.
Sorry all - been busy with work and life. Haven’t gotten around to writing more. As soon as I have some time I will continue.

There are a lot of stories over the last 20 or so years. Some more memorable than others. Outdoor play. Car play. Nearly getting caught by his roommate. Actually just writing these down is helping me remember some. We haven’t always remained close throughout the years and now live across the country from one another. But in some ways that has helped our friendship. I am writing this for your enjoyment but also as my own sort of memoir and perhaps a cautionary tale too. Ted and I usually “talk” everyday and by talk I mean sending each other porn that we find hot and occasionally send each other some fun photos and videos.

Someone early asked what Ted looks like and I debated sharing this as I find can distract the reader from their own imagination. But perhaps it will help. Ted when I first met him was more twunk than twink if we are using labels. He had a toned body not overly muscular but you could tell he was athletic. Smooth upper naturally and a perfect treasure trail. Dark hair and beautiful hazel/green eyes. His smile was perfect, just writing this and remembering him then makes me smile.

He always took care of his body and began focusing on it more since moving across the country. He now has the body of an Adonis. I often look at his photos - self portrait nudes - and think to myself how the fuck did I ever get to do all those things with. His photography is worthy of the Artistic male nudes thread.

Me I am just your average guy.

Anyway as soon as I figure it and have time I’ll get something out. As an aside. He just sent me some hot gay porn he was edging too. It always a surprise what he sends. But it’s always hot.

On that note we will talk about watching porn together next.
Did you guys have sex?
Depending on how this goes, I may post more stories from my past with Ted. This story is true and exactly how I remember it. The only thing I'm changing are the names of the others. I am going to have to throw in a bit of back story to start, if more comes later the back story will help.

Ted and I first met at off all places, church. Both of us were raised evangelic christians and so attending church every Sunday was just what you did. We both were volunteering in different groups within the church and became good friends. As we got to know each other we began to open up more about life outside the church.

I was a pastor's kid - my mother was an ordained minister. She wasn't the pastor of this church but I was still known as and seen as "the pastor's kid" AKA a PK. So finding a friend like Ted that I could swear around, drink with and later on smoke weed with was amazing.

Ted was raised in a stricter christian home and home schooled. He is one of the few home schooled kids that I had been around that wasn't socially awkward. When his family moved 3 hours away he chose to find a job and a place on his own at 18 and never moved back home since. Even though we were nearly 6 years apart his maturity was on a higher level then most 20 year olds I knew from around the church.

I have known from a very young age that I was into both girls and boys. The only problem with this was that I was being raised evangelical... read - it's a sin to like the same sex. But I had fooled around with other guys and was in denial - it was a phase, it would pass.

When Ted and I started hanging out I had been abstaining from anything sexual with men for quite a few years. As much as I found him attractive I didn't look at him sexually. He was a friend and that was it. So when I was going to Las Vegas for a business a few weeks after he'd turned 21 inviting him was more of a cool way to celebrate his birthday. I should note that we are Canadian, so turning 21 isn't as big a deal here, but this was just a cool opportunity. I told him "you pay for your flight and some of your meals, the room is on the company. We'll hang out when I'm not working. You can tour, gamble or hang by the pool". We booked his flights and counted down the days.

I got into Vegas earlier in the day as I had to set up for a trade show. His flight came in that evening. I took a cab to the airport to pick him up. We were so pumped this was going to be a fun few days. Just the boys without the girls.

We got to the room - 2 queen beds and a view of the strip. Dropped off his bags and hit the strip, bought a bottle of vodka and got a couple of drinks. The first few days were busy with work. My bosses were super cool and Ted was able to tag along with us for a few dinners and we even got him into of the corporate events. We ate great and drank a lot!

There were a few times through out the week that we got changed in front of each other and I'd peak over. I remember the first time seeing him fully naked - I was impressed with the size of his soft dick. I didn't say anything because I didn't want him to know I was looking and think I was gay or weird.

On our second to last night Ted decided to go to the strip club with one of my coworkers. I had "rebelled" against my church upbringing in many ways but going to a strip club was a line I wouldn't cross. I told him to go and have fun. I went back to room and fell asleep. I don't remember him coming in that night.

The next night was the final big event for the convention and trade show. Ted was able to get into the event with me. We sat at a table with a group of clients of mine from California. The event was hosted by a pretty well known comedian, the bar was open and the drinks were plentiful. Any time anyone got up for a drink they’d bring back a round for the table. At one point we each had six drinks waiting. The the event let out and we hit the strip for hours with one of my clients from California, if this was fiction or fantasy, he would have been a part of this story. It was our last night in Vegas and we partied hard.

When we got back to the room we were both drunk and were staying up to sober up, fortunately neither of our flights were super early.

Even though we both slept naked we we careful when getting ready to get into bed. This night we didn't care and stripped in front of each other no shame. I got a full free no guilt look at him fully naked. I wanted to see more of it. Inhibitions be damned.

"So how was the strip club last night?" I asked him. Starting with a fairly easy question, nothing overtly sexual. Just simple curiosity.

"Oh it was wild. I spent way too much money on lap dances though." he laughed

"Oh shit. How much did you spend? Are they allowed to touch you?" I asked, actually curious and wanting to live vicariously through him.

He filled me in on some to of the details and I was getting hard listening to him.

“So did or do you sometimes get hard when she was dancing for you?” The thought of him hard was only getting me more horned up.

“Oh yeah man. So hard.” He laughed. “Leaking a little too.” He said more sheepishly.

“Damn, ok. You must have had blue balls when you got back.” I said laughing a little. “Did you take care of things?”

He was open about talking about things so I just kept the conversation flowing.

“I had too. I was so horny when I got back.”

“Nice. Wait, did you jerk off in your bed while I was sleeping?”

“Nah, I jerked off in the shower. Easier to clean up.”

“Right on. That makes sense. Not that I’d have cared if you did in your bed. I was asleep. I snapped a batch while you were out.”

By this point my cock was rock hard and I was leaking.

“Fuck,” I said “this probably wasn’t a good topic of conversation.”

“Why do you say that?” he responded with something in his voice, that could have also been wishful thinking on my part.

“Well, I’m kind of hard and horny right now.” I was taking a chance here. Ted had never shown any signs of being into guys at all. He gave off the very much straight bro vibes. If he’d gone to university he’d have been in frat.

“Yeah me too.”

“You are? Bull shit.” I said “Dare you to show me.” Hoping that he would and that I didn’t sound to eager.

“I don’t care, I’ll show you if you want.”

“Really? I mean if you want to? I was just fucking with you.”

“Who cares?” he said and threw back the covers revealing his hard cock.

“Oh wow.” I said in shock and disbelief. I wasn’t expecting him to actually do it. “I guess it’s only fair I show you mine.” And, I threw back the comforter and sheets.

We lay there for a while stroking our cocks. I wanted to taste and touch his cock so bad. I was eyeing his cock and he was eyeing mine. We were stroking them and talking about sex and our past experiences.

“Have you ever done anything like this with a guy before?” I asked seeing how far I might be able to push the boundaries.

“I jerked off with my buddy Owen once. We were in the same room with the lights off. What about you?” he inquired.

Ok, I thought to myself, he’s asking questions back and doesn’t seem to weirded out. “Yeah, same.” I didn’t want to tell him how far I’d gone with guys. “Did you see his dick?”

“Not really. It was dark and we were in different parts of the room.”

“Have you ever measured yourself?”

“Not in ages. I don’t even remember how big it was when I measured it.” He said gripping his cock and holding straight up from the base.

“Your’s looks about the same size as mine.” I it put out there to see what he’d say. He looked over at mine and I looked at his. “We should measure them?”

“That’d be funny. Sure why not?”

We both got out of bed naked and our cocks erect and just flopping around. I went to my bags to see if I could find something to measure ourselves with. “I can’t find anything.”


“Well we could just compare them, you know, hold them side by side.” I approached cautiously.

“That works.”

We walked over to each other. Naked with throbbing cocks and held our cocks as close to each other as we could without touching. Close enough to feel the heat from our bodies.

Ted wasn’t the first guy I had compared my cock too. But he was the first guy who’s cock was clearly thicker than mine. There was no denying it.

“Holy fuck man. Your cock is thick! Looks like we are the same length though.”

“I didn’t realize my dick was thick. I’ve never compared it to anyone else’s before.”

We kept stroking our dicks standing between the beds for a bit before we ended up laying in the same bed together comparing our dicks for bit. We compared our circumcision scars, thickness, veins and thickness. Each of us asking “can I see this?” “what about that?” Eventually working up to “can I touch it?”

We ended up stroking each other for a bit. Having some laughs and joking around. At one point we opened the windows as best we could to trying to and jerk off out the window.

“Damn dude I’m so horny. I could use a blow job.” I pondered.

“That would be amazing.”

“I wish I could suck my own. I tried when I was younger. I could just like the tip enough to get it wet.” I laughed. “That’s all I could accomplish.”

“I tried too.” Ted admitted “But I couldn’t get that far.”

“Have you ever thought about it?” I said meekly

“Thought about what?”

“You know, sucking dick?”

“I mean maybe a little. Like right now I kind of want to.” Ted admitted to me. It took a lot to hold back my excitement at this admission.

“Really? Me too.” the silence hung in the air. “Do you want to?”

“I kind of do. But I’m not sure man. I know it’s gay, but everyone is a little bit gay right?” He said with a bit of embarrassment in his voice.

“I’m down if you are.”

“I really want to. I just don’t think that I can.” I could tell he was having a hard time coming to terms with the fact that he was thinking about taking a dick his mouth. I didn’t want to force him and I knew that I didn’t want to go first and then not have him reciprocate.

“Look, I’m cool either way. I don’t want you do anything you don’t want to. I’m just horny and drunk as fuck.”

“I’m with you there.”

“Well, I’m just going to bust one out. It’s getting late. Do you care if I finish?”

“No bro, I’m going to finish off too.”

So there we were laying next to each other. Naked. Hard and stroking our cocks. I don’t remember which one of us nut first. But we both felt our relief, got up and cleaned ourselves off. We had a good laugh and went to sleep.

The next morning was hectic. Getting showered and packed and ready for our flights. We didn’t have a chance to really talk about the night before. We got to the airport and because we weren’t on the same flight, I walked him to his gate, gave him an awkward hug and told him I’d see him at home.

Hungover with butterflies in my stomach. I left Ted as his gate and made my way to mine. There were so many thoughts and feelings going through me. Most importantly, what did this mean for our friendship.

I didn’t see Ted for about a week after we got home from Vegas. We saw each other at a country corn roast. “Hey, how are you?” I asked.

“I’m good man. You?” he said in his usual way.

“I’m ok. We should probably talk about Vegas, eh?”

"Yeah, I think so too." Ted said.

And if there’s enough interest. I will tell you how that talk went.
Would love to hear how it went and thanks for letting us know this is a true story. Those are my preference.
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NOTE: I want to start this off by saying I am going to be using terms and thoughts that were a part of my evangelical christian upbringing. This is to explain and help you, the reader, understand my mindset at the time. I understand that not everyone was raised this way. This is all a part of my journey and where I was at.

I wish I could say that everything was amazing after Ted and I blew each other at the corn roast. But that wasn’t the case. Things had changed between us and there was no going back. To add to that we have the guilt of our upbringing weighing us both down. Added to that I had moved to the city about 40 minutes away so seeing each other as much was more difficult.

“So, we need to talk about shit man. I don’t know about you but I’m feeling pretty guilty and shitty about everything. It was fun and all but I don’t think we can do it again.”

“Yeah, i know what you mean.” he said. “I don’t think we should either.”

We talked more about what we had been going through, I’m not going to bore you with it all, because this, would be an on going part of our friendship. Since both of our moments crossing the line had been while drinking we decided that it was best we no longer drink alone or be alone together while drinking. We had decided to that we would hold each other accountable for our actions.

I was serious about wanting to change. As much as I enjoyed things, and knew I liked fooling around with guys, it was a sin and I needed to change. I couldn’t keep living like that and be true to my faith. I also didn’t want the guilt of bringing him “down” with me.

As we continued to hang out we managed to avoid moments of temptation and just did the usual things. One day when Ted was at my place he told me about this website he had heard about at work - I actually just looked it up to see if it was still around, the domain is but they content is no longer the same. We went to the computer and each pulled up a chair.

“So what’s this website?” I enquired “What kind of stuff is on it?”

“It’s all kinds of crazy shit man. Crazy car accidents, funny posts and videos, some fucked up stuff too.” he said “I haven’t really looked at it too much. Just some of the guys were talking about it.”

“Ok cool, what’s it called?” He told me and I entered the address into my browser and waited for the page to load. The website was pretty basic and was basically a list of links with catchy titles. In some ways it was click bait because you wanted to see what was on the other side and it might be misleading but you knew most of the time it would be worth it. Other times the titles were exactly what they said “This guy didn’t plan his landing” - click - opens up to a photo of a man who jumped out of a window landing on wrought iron fence, clearly having met his maker based on the gore of the photo. (That was an actually post that has stuck with me.) This was on the extreme end of things, but there are a few links that I didn’t need to click on and see. Those were more rare.

Every so often though we would find a link to some hot porn. It was always straight porn, sometimes it was better than others. It might photos, it might a videos. We both knew that while we browsing through the content we would find porn. We’ve since admitted to each other we were hoping for it. We weren’t actively looking for porn, so this was “ok”.

As we would sit there watching the porn, I would peak over at Ted’s crotch to see if I could get a glance or hint that he was hard. Every so often I would need to adjust myself to hide my hard on. I would notice him doing the same.

“Damn man, she’s so hot” one of us would say with the other agreeing.

“I’d eat that.” or “Fuck I’d rail her so good.”

Eventually one of us would go in for the full on into the pants adjustment of our cock. “You hard?” we’d ask the other.

“Yeah.” we’d sheepishly admit.

“Should we take them out? Rub one out?”


Every time Ted took his hard cock out I was impressed by his girth. We ended up measuring them once, I don’t remember what my girth was, but his was over 6.5” in diameter.

We would find something hot, throw it on and jerk off next to each other. Sometimes we would jerk each other a bit. I always enjoyed the feel of his cock in my hand. Its thickness felt good. When he’d reach over and take mine in his hand it was incredible. He worked with hands so he had rouged hands but they felt nice and it was something different than my corporate world callous free hands.

Anytime Ted came over and we would end up that site I would secretly wish for more to happen. Sometimes it did and sometimes it didn’t. While I was still trying to overcome my attraction to men, I was also more comfortable with it. For Ted doing anything sexual with a guy was new and it was causing him confusion. So there were many times that I would want to initiate and he would shoot it down. Our night in Vegas had awaken something in him that he hadn’t known about or had acted on. He was dealing with not only societies views on bisexuality but also with our upbringing. There were a lot of things going on for him and at times it was overwhelming. He would make me feel like it was my fault. I also felt responsible for the inner conflict I saw in him and the strain it had put on our friendship.

We spent countless times at that computer. Always waiting for the other to make the first move. So times we would play together and other times not. It always depended on his mood. We went for a long period where we would only jerk off together. It wasn’t ideal for me, but it was better than nothing.


I know this chapter is probably not what you were hoping for. But, like I said at the beginning. This is a true story, my story with Ted, and like all things in life there are good times and not so good times. Coming to terms with your sexual identity can take time and crossing the line from friends to friends with benefits can put a strain and a toll on your relationship. There are going to be chapters that are more fun than others, hopefully you stick around for those.

Should I continue?
Depending on how this goes, I may post more stories from my past with Ted. This story is true and exactly how I remember it. The only thing I'm changing are the names of the others. I am going to have to throw in a bit of back story to start, if more comes later the back story will help.

Ted and I first met at off all places, church. Both of us were raised evangelic christians and so attending church every Sunday was just what you did. We both were volunteering in different groups within the church and became good friends. As we got to know each other we began to open up more about life outside the church.

I was a pastor's kid - my mother was an ordained minister. She wasn't the pastor of this church but I was still known as and seen as "the pastor's kid" AKA a PK. So finding a friend like Ted that I could swear around, drink with and later on smoke weed with was amazing.

Ted was raised in a stricter christian home and home schooled. He is one of the few home schooled kids that I had been around that wasn't socially awkward. When his family moved 3 hours away he chose to find a job and a place on his own at 18 and never moved back home since. Even though we were nearly 6 years apart his maturity was on a higher level then most 20 year olds I knew from around the church.

I have known from a very young age that I was into both girls and boys. The only problem with this was that I was being raised evangelical... read - it's a sin to like the same sex. But I had fooled around with other guys and was in denial - it was a phase, it would pass.

When Ted and I started hanging out I had been abstaining from anything sexual with men for quite a few years. As much as I found him attractive I didn't look at him sexually. He was a friend and that was it. So when I was going to Las Vegas for a business a few weeks after he'd turned 21 inviting him was more of a cool way to celebrate his birthday. I should note that we are Canadian, so turning 21 isn't as big a deal here, but this was just a cool opportunity. I told him "you pay for your flight and some of your meals, the room is on the company. We'll hang out when I'm not working. You can tour, gamble or hang by the pool". We booked his flights and counted down the days.

I got into Vegas earlier in the day as I had to set up for a trade show. His flight came in that evening. I took a cab to the airport to pick him up. We were so pumped this was going to be a fun few days. Just the boys without the girls.

We got to the room - 2 queen beds and a view of the strip. Dropped off his bags and hit the strip, bought a bottle of vodka and got a couple of drinks. The first few days were busy with work. My bosses were super cool and Ted was able to tag along with us for a few dinners and we even got him into of the corporate events. We ate great and drank a lot!

There were a few times through out the week that we got changed in front of each other and I'd peak over. I remember the first time seeing him fully naked - I was impressed with the size of his soft dick. I didn't say anything because I didn't want him to know I was looking and think I was gay or weird.

On our second to last night Ted decided to go to the strip club with one of my coworkers. I had "rebelled" against my church upbringing in many ways but going to a strip club was a line I wouldn't cross. I told him to go and have fun. I went back to room and fell asleep. I don't remember him coming in that night.

The next night was the final big event for the convention and trade show. Ted was able to get into the event with me. We sat at a table with a group of clients of mine from California. The event was hosted by a pretty well known comedian, the bar was open and the drinks were plentiful. Any time anyone got up for a drink they’d bring back a round for the table. At one point we each had six drinks waiting. The the event let out and we hit the strip for hours with one of my clients from California, if this was fiction or fantasy, he would have been a part of this story. It was our last night in Vegas and we partied hard.

When we got back to the room we were both drunk and were staying up to sober up, fortunately neither of our flights were super early.

Even though we both slept naked we we careful when getting ready to get into bed. This night we didn't care and stripped in front of each other no shame. I got a full free no guilt look at him fully naked. I wanted to see more of it. Inhibitions be damned.

"So how was the strip club last night?" I asked him. Starting with a fairly easy question, nothing overtly sexual. Just simple curiosity.

"Oh it was wild. I spent way too much money on lap dances though." he laughed

"Oh shit. How much did you spend? Are they allowed to touch you?" I asked, actually curious and wanting to live vicariously through him.

He filled me in on some to of the details and I was getting hard listening to him.

“So did or do you sometimes get hard when she was dancing for you?” The thought of him hard was only getting me more horned up.

“Oh yeah man. So hard.” He laughed. “Leaking a little too.” He said more sheepishly.

“Damn, ok. You must have had blue balls when you got back.” I said laughing a little. “Did you take care of things?”

He was open about talking about things so I just kept the conversation flowing.

“I had too. I was so horny when I got back.”

“Nice. Wait, did you jerk off in your bed while I was sleeping?”

“Nah, I jerked off in the shower. Easier to clean up.”

“Right on. That makes sense. Not that I’d have cared if you did in your bed. I was asleep. I snapped a batch while you were out.”

By this point my cock was rock hard and I was leaking.

“Fuck,” I said “this probably wasn’t a good topic of conversation.”

“Why do you say that?” he responded with something in his voice, that could have also been wishful thinking on my part.

“Well, I’m kind of hard and horny right now.” I was taking a chance here. Ted had never shown any signs of being into guys at all. He gave off the very much straight bro vibes. If he’d gone to university he’d have been in frat.

“Yeah me too.”

“You are? Bull shit.” I said “Dare you to show me.” Hoping that he would and that I didn’t sound to eager.

“I don’t care, I’ll show you if you want.”

“Really? I mean if you want to? I was just fucking with you.”

“Who cares?” he said and threw back the covers revealing his hard cock.

“Oh wow.” I said in shock and disbelief. I wasn’t expecting him to actually do it. “I guess it’s only fair I show you mine.” And, I threw back the comforter and sheets.

We lay there for a while stroking our cocks. I wanted to taste and touch his cock so bad. I was eyeing his cock and he was eyeing mine. We were stroking them and talking about sex and our past experiences.

“Have you ever done anything like this with a guy before?” I asked seeing how far I might be able to push the boundaries.

“I jerked off with my buddy Owen once. We were in the same room with the lights off. What about you?” he inquired.

Ok, I thought to myself, he’s asking questions back and doesn’t seem to weirded out. “Yeah, same.” I didn’t want to tell him how far I’d gone with guys. “Did you see his dick?”

“Not really. It was dark and we were in different parts of the room.”

“Have you ever measured yourself?”

“Not in ages. I don’t even remember how big it was when I measured it.” He said gripping his cock and holding straight up from the base.

“Your’s looks about the same size as mine.” I it put out there to see what he’d say. He looked over at mine and I looked at his. “We should measure them?”

“That’d be funny. Sure why not?”

We both got out of bed naked and our cocks erect and just flopping around. I went to my bags to see if I could find something to measure ourselves with. “I can’t find anything.”


“Well we could just compare them, you know, hold them side by side.” I approached cautiously.

“That works.”

We walked over to each other. Naked with throbbing cocks and held our cocks as close to each other as we could without touching. Close enough to feel the heat from our bodies.

Ted wasn’t the first guy I had compared my cock too. But he was the first guy who’s cock was clearly thicker than mine. There was no denying it.

“Holy fuck man. Your cock is thick! Looks like we are the same length though.”

“I didn’t realize my dick was thick. I’ve never compared it to anyone else’s before.”

We kept stroking our dicks standing between the beds for a bit before we ended up laying in the same bed together comparing our dicks for bit. We compared our circumcision scars, thickness, veins and thickness. Each of us asking “can I see this?” “what about that?” Eventually working up to “can I touch it?”

We ended up stroking each other for a bit. Having some laughs and joking around. At one point we opened the windows as best we could to trying to and jerk off out the window.

“Damn dude I’m so horny. I could use a blow job.” I pondered.

“That would be amazing.”

“I wish I could suck my own. I tried when I was younger. I could just like the tip enough to get it wet.” I laughed. “That’s all I could accomplish.”

“I tried too.” Ted admitted “But I couldn’t get that far.”

“Have you ever thought about it?” I said meekly

“Thought about what?”

“You know, sucking dick?”

“I mean maybe a little. Like right now I kind of want to.” Ted admitted to me. It took a lot to hold back my excitement at this admission.

“Really? Me too.” the silence hung in the air. “Do you want to?”

“I kind of do. But I’m not sure man. I know it’s gay, but everyone is a little bit gay right?” He said with a bit of embarrassment in his voice.

“I’m down if you are.”

“I really want to. I just don’t think that I can.” I could tell he was having a hard time coming to terms with the fact that he was thinking about taking a dick his mouth. I didn’t want to force him and I knew that I didn’t want to go first and then not have him reciprocate.

“Look, I’m cool either way. I don’t want you do anything you don’t want to. I’m just horny and drunk as fuck.”

“I’m with you there.”

“Well, I’m just going to bust one out. It’s getting late. Do you care if I finish?”

“No bro, I’m going to finish off too.”

So there we were laying next to each other. Naked. Hard and stroking our cocks. I don’t remember which one of us nut first. But we both felt our relief, got up and cleaned ourselves off. We had a good laugh and went to sleep.

The next morning was hectic. Getting showered and packed and ready for our flights. We didn’t have a chance to really talk about the night before. We got to the airport and because we weren’t on the same flight, I walked him to his gate, gave him an awkward hug and told him I’d see him at home.

Hungover with butterflies in my stomach. I left Ted as his gate and made my way to mine. There were so many thoughts and feelings going through me. Most importantly, what did this mean for our friendship.

I didn’t see Ted for about a week after we got home from Vegas. We saw each other at a country corn roast. “Hey, how are you?” I asked.

“I’m good man. You?” he said in his usual way.

“I’m ok. We should probably talk about Vegas, eh?”

"Yeah, I think so too." Ted said.

And if there’s enough interest. I will tell you how that talk went.
Great story. That got me hard. You definitely should have sucked his cock. I would have.
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Keep reading ;)
I hope he knows it continues after the Vegas story, I don’t read stories on here but man, let me tell u, u are a damn good story teller, u got this 55 year old man getting hard by reading like back in my teenage years! Thank you! Please I hope u continue