what's the best way to grow quickly?

Jonb, Jonb,

Stay away from Yahweh; the last guy to ask for sex help from him ended up getting part of his penis cut off. LOL

Biggie_Smalls: well ok, forget about those pills. but where can i find those exercises for free?
[quote author=Biggie_Smalls link=board=pe;num=1034100049;start=15#21 date=10/30/02 at 15:24:31]well ok, forget about those pills. but where can i find those exercises for free?[/quote]

They've been posted on this board by some kind soul. See "FREE Penis Enlargement Guide-1" under the heading "Making It Bigger."

What I can't figure out is how your dick is supposed to stay flacid while you slap it against your leg a few hundred times over the course of the workout....
Biggie_Smalls: yeah, found it through the search function, thanks for that.

should be as good as these exercises on pay-pages.

ya know, i have only 5 1/2 inches, it even affects sex (in some positions) to have such a rather short penis.
RicanNYC: Yeah I went and paid for one of those sights with the all the stretching methods a while back and it worked but the only thing is that I had to spend like a half hour a day. I was 5 1/2 inches before starting and in about 2 weeks I was a full six but I gave up on it because I took so much time. At the same time I was on the longitude pills but it almost acted like a viagra for me and I found myself jerking off like 6 times a day lol. Well im still 6 inches so im thinking about doing it again to see if I could grow it some more but I need to find the print out of the workouts.
msudawg96: There is a supplement called Mioplex that supposedly helps guys have the ability to have multiple and more intense orgasms.... I have never tried them but there is info at http://www.mioplex.com
Yknarf: I have been jerking, jelquing, pulling, pumping, sucking and fucking with my cock for 50 years and all that has happened is that it has got thicker and the 4skin longer and my balls hang a lot lower. I have made no odds to the length despite some serious workouts.
wilco: [quote author=RicanNYC link=board=pe;num=1034100049;start=15#24 date=11/10/02 at 09:59:35]Yeah I went and paid for one of those sights with the all the stretching methods a while back and it worked but the only thing is that I had to spend like a half hour a day. I was 5 1/2 inches before starting and in about 2 weeks I was a full six but I gave up on it because I took so much time. At the same time I was on the longitude pills but it almost acted like a viagra for me and I found myself jerking off like 6 times a day lol. Well im still 6 inches so im thinking about doing it again to see if I could grow it some more but I need to find the print out of the workouts.

I have delayed jumping in here with my .02 worth.
Obviously, there are many different opinions on what will work (if anything) and just how quickly at that.
And, there are many who will say NOTHING works.

I have posted numerous references to my success over three years of "PE" (penis enlargement) and my advice is forget all about the word "quick".

In reality, PE works for a number of men over a considerable period of time.  Using a combination of different approaches (LONG-term use of pumps, extenders, "natural stretching exercises" and jelqing) most men will (finally) see some results.

Apparently, there is some potential "built-in reserve" improvement for virtually any man to recognize by performing certain stretching maneuvers during his first couple of months (whereby some of the internal shaft begins to protrude a bit further outward due to coaxing it and loosening the tight hold of the supporting ligaments. The shaft may not necessarily "grow" as much as it just extends abit further (maybe 1/2" to possibly up to 1 full inch...that's about it for most men in using their "built-in reserve". After that...the going gets (and stays) tough for increased sizes from PE.  But, progress WILL occur!  -don't get me wrong...But understand...it's going to take a very, very  long time with a lot of hard work and dedication.

As to pills and potions which work overnight....FORGET EM!   They are "hokus-pokus".

I will concede though---some of these "chemical mixes" sometimes contain certain supplements (which you can purchase seperately in health food stores and on the web) which MIGHT assist you in growing a bigger penis when combined with the above PE methods--particularly exercises.  These supplements (the really beneficial ones) increase and encourage improved circulation to the genital area which, when given vigorous exercise, will obviously benefit with more blood to heal and grow tissue. That's common sense.

The main point that I stress is...THERE IS NO QUICK WAY TO ACHIEVE A BIGGER PENIS and it certainly won't come with merely taking a pill!   --At least we're not there in science just yet.

But, --maybe tomorrow?
Finnmark: Yes, there's one that works - for me anyway - the Jes-Extender. Trouble is ... it costs!!

You might like to see my post under:
"HAS ANYONE ACTUALLY MADE GAINS ?" - on this "Making it Bigger" page.

This subject seems to duplicate and overlap quite a bit ...
Jsky80: i have made small gains of about 1 cm of length and im thicker and also my curve is straightening on jelqing but im not as commited as some people ive only been doing it for a couple of weeks and thats only about 3 times a week if i can be stuffed. im 6 1/2 my goal is 7 1/2. its always good to have a goal it keeps u motivated
roedhunt: I have heard that the skin on the penis is the only skin on the human body that creates new skin. So lets say you stretch your skin and keep it stretched for a length of time, the cells reproduce and fill in the gaps, creating new skin cells in its place. Over time and effort, your penis will now have a foreskin. Dont think it will make your penis longer, but hey, your penis has more room to grow!! hahahahah oh I crack myself up!! :D

One of the sites I recieved this information:


Good luck, though if you are great in bed (and give great head..hey that rhymes), it really, really doesnt matter to a woman... Trust me, I know....
Finnmark: I have seen a device called the "Power Jelquer" mentioned in some posts, but have ever heard of it before. What can it be ? Anyone got any information ?
MustBeDreaming: To grow quickly, take breaks and take vitamens (zinc, L-arginine, multiple vitamens, ect.). Dont forget to warm up, warm down. You could look into the ring of power, if that works, a few are claiming it is improving their sessions greatly. Chears.
infamous: [quote author=156indigital link=board=pe;num=1034100049;start=0#9 date=10/16/02 at 20:26:00]I too have gained a lot in about the course of two years.

Before I started PE, I was  6.1 x 4.9ish.

Two years later, I'm a bit over 8, and a bit over 5.5.

My eventual goal is 9x6, and I'm quite confident I'll reach it. (eventually, that is. :)  )

Again. Be careful. Nothin sucks more than a thrombosed vein.[/quote]

damn thats depressing, i mean dont be offended, its commendable; that is takes most men YEARS of constant hard work to get bigger. I am 9x6 and i am very young, i prolly will grow more which i want and recently i have decided to do jelqing to aid the natural growth process, cause i am unhappy and want a bigger dick. Wow, its all in a persons mind, your happy at 9x6 (which you have to work hard to get to) and i am just not:(
serj: The fastest possible way to increase penis size is to shave or at least trim, it realy does make your dick look bigger, it not just an "American Wedding" joke. Of course this is only a visual thing...
jerkin4-10: if there was a quick way to grow your penis...everyone would have a 10 inch one...ya know...kinda like the 'get rich quick schemes' they are a scam designed to suck in the over-anxious uninformed...stay away from the pills...and do PE...there is a real good system on one of these threads...and in the mean time...enjoy what God gave ya... :)
serj: Hey jerkin I don't agree with you, as much as I can tell you have never tried natural male enhancement supplements but you know what just as their are allot of fraud "Penis Enlargement" companies out there there are some that actualy have a real working product. I personally prefer VigRX but there are other ones out there. The results will not be "quick" though. For most men it takes around 3 to 5 months to see the results that VigRX advertises.