When did you realise you were over average and what did it change into knowing it? (18+ only)


Legendary Member
Jun 27, 2014
Napoles (Campania, Italy)
100% Straight, 0% Gay
I don't really have the requirements to attend such a forum but I am interested in the male and female psychology with regards to sexuality and I find interesting how the male sexual organ perceptions swings so much between men and women.

Easy route would be to us males it is always too small/never big enough, women tend to perceive it bigger than it is but they also have weird attitude vs penis.

To say one, had a long relationship with the same (beautiful) woman long time ago and we were also watching at porn together, it helped both into having more fun in bed as well as to be more confident with each other, issue being that both of ut at the first experiences not having other parameters we got fooled by porn and you know what I mean, boobs were all big, and I love them big, dicks all big, and which girl doesn't like it big, cum shots same, damn Peter North... at the end we had fun but in our own minds we were debating our "endowments" at the end of the day she always felt threatened by girls with bigger boobs and me by bigger dicks with the difference, on my advantage, that while you can clearly spot big boobs it'd more difficult to spot a big dick and, above it all, women are not really into the dick size to choose a man, it actually seems more of a bonus...

So, we got the idea that anal sex is normal (and thanks to porn we both discovered an amazing source of pleasure) as well as facial and swallowing and if I were here to tell you how many times she wanted to try and I pulled back on the very last second but, hey, when it finally happened (can still remember that very first time) it almost became part of our routine and emulation was not just a mere emulation but we kept what made our sex life spicier and kept the rest on the side.

The story was, by the way, that after fun is over we both started to struggle with our own self being, she with boobs, me with penis... as a long time couple we had breakups and also some extra couple experience and that helped too, we both figured that boobs and penis size are not that big of a magnitude in a couple but the most interesting was that with added experience and more water under the bridges we figured that both she wasn't small at all neither I was but we had the porn flick crews to compare to and it was misleading.

I seem to understand that our very own point of view is totally different than the camera angle and width used in movies and that's why porn has to be watched with the knowledge it can damage your confidence if one doesn't know there are tricks: small actresses to make male features look bigger, wide angle lens and closeups to exaggerate proportions, cum shots wise forget it, still have very clear in my mind a BTS I watched of the beautiful Janine Lindemuler being covered with yogurt in between the final angles of the scene...

So even tho I know there are tricks to make things look bigger or smaller (I'm a part time photographer and learnt something about it), even tho I know those who shoot porn are a very small percentage of the human race with certain characteristics, even tho I know they take drugs to keep erections, to be lean, to last longer and add that many a times a scene is being shot in multiple instances... I still compare myself to those and when I look south I go like "really?" as if all women watch porn or date 8+ fit men...

What happened once was eye opening, dating a girl much younger than me (yeah, a common sense but girls are attracted by the middle aged men...), she was very much into me but the very first couple times sex was nothing memorable due to illness and tiredness on my side, a third time happened a year or so later after a casual meet and to my surprise she passed appreciation onto my tool asking to apologise as, before, she thought I was small...

Similar happed with an on and off long date with a very experienced woman who the first time we had intimacy passed a nice compliment to my endowment and did it a few more times even in public which made me blush like a blown balloon.

To cut it to the end I now know, out of direct comments from those who had experience with it, that I am thick and girls like the fullness it gives, I also know I make good use to it but if it wasn't because of these few instances where I could momentarily forget about my embarrassment to show or caught by surprise (well, can't be much of a surprise when you are in intimacy with somebody) and get comments I'd still think that I am maybe average while, by reading onto here, even tho those pornstar stats are real, I almost as thick as Danny D to say one but, hey, I look at him in clips and then hold mine and go like "I gotta get a new tape... this must be faulty" I know about the camera/lens tricks, I know he's super skinny and I have a fat pad and a bigger frame, I know the hands of girls handling it are small...

Lot of people claim willing to try being cucked, I had a discussion online with one of them who proposed an encounter where he said he'd do everything to please his wife, even to watch her having fun with somebody else, I told him if he thought of what could happen once blood pressure goes back to normal once back home, porn is kind of the same, we should watch it being conscious that it represents a very very small percentage of masculine sample (there is more swing with female, several features there to suit every taste while men, hey, fit and big almost does it all).

So, when and how did you realise where you fit in the stats before you hit the tape and measure yourself???
I'm bi and I first realized I was above average when I started having sex with men and I was usually bigger than the guys I was hooking up with. I had of course seen other men naked in locker rooms before that but they were not erect.

It definately gave me more confidence in the bedroom whether I was with a man or a woman. With a woman I knew I was probably going to be larger than most guys she has been with. With a guy I knew that I was probably going to have the bigger dick than his.
I have always kind of known that I just a little tiny bit above average.. Porn is so exhaustingly fake and not representative of real life. I have yet to hook up with a guy that has an 8" cock! But then again, maybe I have been unclucky as no one I have hooked up with thus far has even had a bigger cock than me :joy:
I know the studies say I am( 7" BP) but I have trouble believing them. I do try to fantasize that im longer than average (dont know if its true) when having sex with my wife though. It seems to improve the experience especially when she starts taking me real deep and I start feeling her deep spot and she subsequently reacts to it.
My dad gave me a book on sexuality and it said average penis length was 6 inches erect. I was bigger so it made me more confident. I was always afraid at that age that I was going to get an erection in a public shower or locker room or somewhere like that because it just popped up with no warning sometimes. But I thought at least I have nothing to be ashamed of in size.
This is a question I almost always ask hung guys I have interacted with. I'm below average so I'm fascinated by guys who are hung and have realized at some point in their early life they are above average. From my conversations with such men, it does seem to be a confidence booster for those who consider themselves hung or above average.
I never thought I was above average. Personally, I think I'm average, but most of the other guys I've been with have been a bit smaller. Except for this one huge black guy! Goddam, he had to be over eight inches.

I never felt intimated or shy; I just marveled as his perfectly chiseled cock.

My first wife had problems with PIV sex. She was very small, and it was always a chore for her to accommodate me. It got to the point where she rarely wanted to have sex. We realized we were not only incompatible emotionally but physically as well.
My dad gave me a book on sexuality and it said average penis length was 6 inches erect. I was bigger so it made me more confident. I was always afraid at that age that I was going to get an erection in a public shower or locker room or somewhere like that because it just popped up with no warning sometimes. But I thought at least I have nothing to be ashamed of in size.
I was assigned one of those books during sex education. I swear it said 6" at the start of puberty. I measured under this so it had the opposite effect on me. I was pretty devastated. Felt like an outcast because of it.
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Realised it like a month ago. Nearly fifty years old but only had one partner who has also discovered in the last month that she is big too... Has had a real positive impact on my ego and our sex life as we now realise we can't just have sex as normal. So a lot more talking is happening, which is great. It's just made me believe there should be more education and discussion about it. To help the big and small, men and women.
I used to have circle jerks with neighborhood guys as we found some porn in the woods. I was way longer and thicker than they were. This gave me confidence and they seemed to be impressed by my size. Later my girlfriends would brag to their girlfriends, in fact one of them still uses the nickname Magnum because she saw us using the XL condoms.
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This is a question I almost always ask hung guys I have interacted with. I'm below average so I'm fascinated by guys who are hung and have realized at some point in their early life they are above average. From my conversations with such men, it does seem to be a confidence booster for those who consider themselves hung or above average.
I'd first suspected when I was a senior in high school and watched a ton of porn when I worked at a small video store, and I had heard that "all of the guys" in porn were supposed to be huge, but I only really found one or two that looked actually large (aka - bigger than I am). The rest looked like me, or smaller! I remember thinking that they must put small guys in porn here and there, so if the viewer is average, he wouldn't feel to weirded out. Of course, every single actor I was seeing was larger than average - duhhhh.

CUT TO: About 2 years later, having only slept with 3 women who all casually mentioned how "full they feel with me", I'm 20 and in bed with a 26 year old woman who'd had 30 partners prior to me. As she got my pants off while we were kissing, she saw my swinging semi (about 7") and went, "Holy shit! That's not hard yet, and you are enormous!"After that, anyone who I've sexually interacted with has made some kind of comment, and some have been pretty fantastic...and, yep, ego-stroking :)
I knew prior to sex - locker room observations and a few guys referencing my dick size.

Sexwise... The very first girl I ever fucked said - wow, you're big. It didn't make an impact then, but as time went on, hearing girls tell their friends about my cock and the random comments about not fitting, or "that thing isn't going inside of me", OMG, "x" was right, you're huge... was the norm. I think it really set in when I started banging older women and MILFS who were anything but shy and quiet.
I was assigned one of those books during sex education. I swear it said 6" at the start of puberty. I measured under this so it had the opposite effect on me. I was pretty devastated. Felt like an outcast because of it.
That is unfortunate.:worried:
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I did not realize I was bigger than average until I was 20 yo. I had never had sex, yes I was a virgin. Someone had made arrangements for me to lose my virginity. She was probably 12-15 years older that me. Right after exposing my erection she made a comment that I was very big and would make some woman very happy someday. Of course this had a big effect on my ego. Fast forward many decades and two marriages later, one ended with the death of my wife the other in divorce. Both marriages resulted in much good sex. Again I was single. I began to play the field. I have had sex with many men and women. Comments have been made repeatedly about my "huge" size. I have been with people who have been around the block a few times. I cannot begin to tell how many times the comment has been made that I am the biggest they have ever seen. WOW! What an ego boost. I am now partnered with a man who is 70 and he has been active in the gay community for many, many years. He tells me he has only been with 2 men bigger that me.
As soon as I started seeing other guys in the shower after gym class, I knew I was bigger than 90% of them. I can think of 3 or 4 guys that were clearly bigger than everyone else. It didn’t really impact my perception of myself though until early 20s when I knew my girlfriend and her pals compared notes with each other. At that point I began to realize the value that people place on size, and that it was currency I could use to my advantage. This became even more true once I opened myself up to sleeping with guys. The size of my dick and novelty of having ginger hair have definitely gotten me a lot of attention over the years. I recently went on Sniffies, and added a public dick pic. I get multiple offers to get sucked off or to let me use their ass every time I log on. It amazes me since no one can see anything except my cock.
Even though I was usually bigger than the guys I hooked up with I never thought I was above average. At some point though I realized that I didn’t have a single toxic breakup where someone tried to insult me by calling my dick small. And I’ve dated some seriously toxic men and women so that gave me confidence.
Even though I was usually bigger than the guys I hooked up with I never thought I was above average. At some point though I realized that I didn’t have a single toxic breakup where someone tried to insult me by calling my dick small. And I’ve dated some seriously toxic men and women so that gave me confidence.
A few ex's would always come back just to fuck or wiggle back in my life for sex...