When Did You Realize That Your Dick Was Considered Large? (18+ Only)

Matt Murray

Legendary Member
Oct 21, 2017
99% Gay, 1% Straight
Just wondering when/how other guys realized that their dicks were considered big.

For me personally, I knew from simple google searches that my size fell into the "above average" category, but I wasn't exactly sure how common my size was. Because most of the only other dicks I'd seen were from porn, I just assumed that that's how most other guys were too. I'm 8x6.5, so I've always just thought my size was "nice", but nothing special.

It wasn't until I started having sex with other men when I realized that my dick was considered big. Every single one of my hookups has commented on how big I am, with some guys seeing my pictures on grindr first, but then refusing to let me fuck them once we meet in person, with fear that it might "cause too much damage". I think my girth is what surprises guys the most. It's kind of annoying actually, because it makes it hard to enjoy blow jobs due to teeth rubbing against it.

All that being said, I still don't really feel like my cock is actually that big, and I just like to categorize it as nice and slightly above average.
Situation similar for me. Before I "came out" at age 30, and having virtually no exposure to gay porn, my only reference was high-school locker rooms - and I was convinced I was way below average. After coming out, and actually having sex with quite a number of men, I felt better about being close to average. Then, at age 40, I discovered pumping and, as the years passed, I entered the realm of above average - now significantly above average according to statistics (95th to 98th percentile, length and girth respectively). At 40, I measured about 5.5" x 4" but, after 40 years of fairly regular pumping, I'm at about 7.5" x 6". And, yes, it's hard to find a guy who can deep-throat me without the teeth scraping. But experienced bottoms, and women, love the girth, especially with the head being as thick as the shaft.
Early in my gay coming-out phase, I was having dinner with a big group of friends at the Manatus restaurant in New York's Greenwich Village. Apparently Angel, who was sitting across from me, noticed a guy at the next table was seriously cruising me. Angel kept pointing to me, and making hand gestures to the cruiser to indicate the size of my cock. In particular, he would use both hands to make a circle representing the girth. Angel was a tattoo artist, specializing in asses and dicks, so I assumed he was somewhat knowledgeable on the matter of cock size.
Only a few years ago when I first started posting pictures. I swore I was small, especially for a black man. Porn and stereotypes really mess with perceptions.

I *still* don't think it's that big. Just good camera manipulations. Maybe If I ever become a normal weight my perception will change.
The first time I can remember being called big was in my mid-twenties. My boyfriend showed me a picture of myself wearing white pants. Apparently, I showed quite a basket. The boyfriend said he had shown the picture to a friend who commented that I must be hung. I didn't think much of it. I thought I was average at best. For most of my youth, I sucked dick and didn't fuck much at all, due to erection difficulties (and lack of interest).

Finally, when I was about 48, I had a boyfriend (very well-hung himself) who wouldn't let me fuck him. "Too big, and I haven't been fucked in a while," he said. "Not big like a porn star!" And he said, "Yeah, like a porn star."
I knew as a teenager the well known 6 inch average figure, so at 7.5 inches (x 5.8 girth) I had myself down as 'large average', and as a painfully shy young man didn't really learn from anyone experienced who knew. There was no Google in the mid 90s.

My first inkling that I might be big was trying on a Durex extra safe condom and being just confused by the whole experience. Why did I have trouble getting it over the head? Why did it misshape my cock like a vacuum packed salami? (and why was the cum all the way round my penis rather than staying in that little bit at the front?)

It was only when I got a laptop in my late 20s and ended up on the old dick.net that people actually told me I was big (and that my cum loads were unusually huge). I also googled the stats which put only 2% of guys as bigger, which I didn't believe, but now I think is broadly correct.

Lastly, when my sporadic sex life with women finally got going properly I had all those issues with penetration etc. that go with the territory.
Just wondering when/how other guys realized that their dicks were considered big.

For me personally, I knew from simple google searches that my size fell into the "above average" category, but I wasn't exactly sure how common my size was. Because most of the only other dicks I'd seen were from porn, I just assumed that that's how most other guys were too. I'm 8x6.5, so I've always just thought my size was "nice", but nothing special.
Any pics of your 8 x 6.5?
Well it all started when I was little. Of course, I didn't specifically that I was large, but did always wonder why my parents didn't let me wear boxers or short pants that fitted kinda loose. Though as the years went on, I got more curious, mainly since well I began to watch porn, and noticed that the Top weren't exactly that big. But I brushed it off, as it just being POV porn and them wanting to use smaller guys, so the viewer felt bigger while watching.

Though then came my first serious boyfriend in university. We were going to spend our first night together, and when he pulled down my pants, he just had a shocked expression. Yet when I got hard, he simply said "Stop!" and actually went to see if there was something to measure with in the apartment. So instead of having sex, he ended up measuring my cock and I finally got confirmation that I simply was waay bigger than the usual guy.
I'm around 7x7. As a few others mentioned as a teen internet wasn't as readily available as it is these days so my only real comparison was porn. I'd had several women comment on the size but i always chalked it up to just something they were saying to be nice or in the heat of the moment. It wasn't till my early 20s where i hooked up with a few close female friends that really drove it home. One in particular was my bar hoping buddy, she was a little older and smoking hot but there was nothing between us until one night things just happened and afterwards she was making a big deal about how she'd have fucked me a whole lot sooner had she known and whatever my response was, she said something like no she was serious she'd fucked a lot of guys and i was well above average especially in the girth department.
I agree with HorseHung40. I was always the biggest of my friends, growing up. After I got into seeing other grown men I saw larger ones and realized that if it's a small group then you might be considered big but if you expalnd the number of men, you'll find larger. It was when I started seeing other adult men with erections that I realized that my length was well within the normal range but my girth was exceptional. Overall it's a matter of the company you're in. HorseHung wouldn't be impressed but my length at all whereas a smaller men would be impressed.
For me, I got hard in gym. Someone saw and said something along the lines of 'easy there hoss...' hence the nickname Horse.

I'm not overly large (7.5" long) - but very girthy (6.25). I didn't really realize I was bigger than average until I found the old m4m rooms on AOL and has some conversations about size with older guys. One guy convinced me to send him a pic (yeah - I one of the first digital cameras back then) and he told me. "That's no where near average."