When She Approaches You First

Me being able to reconize that she is trying to show interest in me is another story.
I think I wouldn’t mind too, but your phrase resonated on me.

Never happened to me at least that I’m aware of but on perspective now I can tell that some women expected a move from me in the past. Luckily I’ve evolved.
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I've gotten much braver about this since creating this thread. I've seen my life flash before my eyes recently and it's given me a new perspective on living every day like it is my last. Hell it could be your last day too. If I see something I want I am going to make an attempt at getting it. This applies to every area in my life now. Most men and women appreciate the assertiveness and I've had many handsome men tell me in post orgasmic bliss they love that I know what I want and I go after it. But I go after it knowing I have a chance of being turned down. It probably bothered me at one time to be rejected. But I've learned I'm not everyone's cup of tea and that's ok. I change myself for no one. I'll just say no worries and when I see someone I'm intrigued by again...I'll be my assertive self and ride the adventurous ride again.
Probably 50% of my relationships started with women asking me out, something I have no problem with at all. My wife and I totally encouraged our daughter to speak her mind and not wait for others to make things happen, whether that meant just getting friends together to go downtown or asking a guy on a date.
What do men think when a woman takes the initiative to ask them out? Do you prefer to be the one to bring it up? Because I've asked out half the guys I've dated I never thought how he might feel about it. Discuss.

Personally, I wish it would happen more. Too many times in my life I've found out long after the fact that a woman found me attractive and wished I would have asked her out. Not that I haven't asked women out, I just sucked at picking up the signs from women when I was younger.

Just the other day, I was talking to a girlfriend of mine from college, and she told me that literally ever girl in my social circle in college wanted to date me. They talked about me all the time, and all had a huge crush on me. News to me!!! haha.
I don't get asked out. Women I barely know want me to fuck them. and they know I've been married for years and years. some are much younger than me and some are around my age. I'm sort of flattered. sometimes embarrassed because some of these advances are not so subtle.
Would make things so much easier. Though i'm a specific kind of guy. With the odds of it not working out in a serious way being very high. Not that i'm a creeper or anything just that when women generally picture the kind of guy they want for a serious relationship i'm no where in sight. So i'm thinking that if a woman were to openly express themselves before i said anything odds are good we could have a really good time without hitting any brick walls.