Yes apparently there is a newsstand version out there, but I’ve never seen it. Playgirl has had as many transformations and permutations through the years as Lady Gaga!Yep. Came back about a year ago.
Doing a lot of things right to get away from the hardcore porn identity the brand took on in its final years. Firmly focused on their roots and the male nude. One new "centerfold" a month and reissuing out classic issues and pictorials online every few weeks. Not quite worth the current subscription price, but I'm supporting them while they rebuild.
But I don't think they are quite at the "able to pay a celebrity" level, yet, anyway.
Nudes. No nudes. Frontals. No frontals. Women’s lifestyle magazine. Feminist Bible. Thinly-disguised gay porn. Nope, we don’t want the gays! Let’s court celebrity covers. No it’s all about cock. COCK and more cock! Straight men running it all. Now it’s gay representatives. Print version. No print version. Monthly. Bi-monthly. No, bi-annually. Online AND print. Online only. Online subscription-only…head spinning!
They’ve never really known who their demographic is. Or been able to be truly honest about it.
Despite all this I’ve tried to remain loyal because of what they meant to me in my youth. I bit the bullet and got an online subscription to PlaygirlPlus about a month ago. Not bad. Not great, but not bad. I was hoping for more archived issues. And I wish they had a forum set up where fans could discuss their favourites etc. It’s more about nostalgia for me. But the boys are pretty!