Which is best for you women? Cut or uncut men

which is the best for you? Cut or uncut partners?

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Is that guy is just licking the sweet of the popcorn? Appropriate for the kind of thread but eww.
@circonciso if you joined on 2007 you witnessed at least on a thread like this every month.
In case you were on coma you just missed a global pandemic, trump presidency, trump capitol insurrection, got, prince William and prince harry got married (not together) , brexit and bin laden is gone.
Next time read the room and use the search function asking the same over and over the same thing is just boring.
I didn't know the question was a taboo and so disturbing; Now I know it; Thank you so much
Though I would never presume to speak for the female members, but the question is not so much "taboo" or "disturbing", but merely redundant and been asked a million times, usually by men who don't understand the different dynamic in what most men versus most women are concerned about when it comes to sex. I also think some of the negative responses you received are understandable since many times the ones who pose these dick-centric questions cannot seem to accept the answers they receive from the ones they were expecting and think or accuse the women of lying and I do get the impression your response is mildly indicative of that. This issue of some not accepting the answer they want seems to be a general theme when it comes to women and straight men responding to questions on this forum.

Real life is not like porn, anonymous online survey statistics or what the male mind think is most important, I.E. dicks and dick size. Yes, there are women for whom various dick variations are very important, but I think, you will find them far and few between and personally I have the habit of accepting the answer I'm given, not the one I want to hear. As was said by others, we dudes seem to care more about the nitty gritty of our equipment than women and as the kids say nowadays, it is what it is.

My introduction to Rosemary's Baby was through USA or maybe Syfy, back when it was Sci-Fi, resulting in never seeing the uncut version until later in life. My impression was the film was almost quaint in its lack of anything graphic and Farrow's wardrobe.

Watching the unedited Polanski version - different movie. The pops of sexual and ritual violence deffo impact on a whole new level. The nittering away at Rosemary's independence sense of identity and touch with reality is, well, horrifying.

Two take aways...

However you feel about Polanski *he's a POS* his film hits different as a womang in the US post Roe v Wade.

You totally see Mia Farrow's boobs. Like, I never knew the film had nudity even after repeated versions. Mia has awesome boobs.
and you feel free to answer only the threads you are interested in; you'll avoid to waste time with poor patients affected by coma.
Is that guy is just licking the sweet of the popcorn? Appropriate for the kind of thread but eww.
@circonciso if you joined on 2007 you witnessed at least on a thread like this every month.
In case you were on coma you just missed a global pandemic, trump presidency, trump capitol insurrection, got, prince William and prince harry got married (not together) , brexit and bin laden is gone.
Next time read the room and use the search function asking the same over and over the same thing is just boring.
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Doggo mutti/pedi day. Got about an hour until I am no longer "the enemy."

Keeping them off the road/sidewalks all summer reduces any infrastructure emery board effect, requiring a more hands/clippers on approach from July to September.

Doggo mutti/pedi day. Got about an hour until I am no longer "the enemy."

Keeping them off the road/sidewalks all summer reduces any infrastructure emery board effect, requiring a more hands/clippers on approach from July to September.
Our little guy is getting cut this weekend; both his coat and nails!

Seems when he's uncut when it's been so warm he's not as comfortable so we'll get him snipped/clipped this weekend. Doggo comfort is key to more snuggles.

He'll grow out a good bit before it starts to get chilly here, and if we get a cold snap, he's got plenty of doggo sweaters!
Ohhh, doggos in sweaters!

@MisterB 's house xmas season

By the way intorwebzing Dogs in sweaters is awesome.
50/50 gonna say trimmed.

Dudes, y'all can't rock the horizontal landing strip. If everything thing south of the belly button is bare the remaining hair patchwill be a Larry, Moe or Curly.

Nobody wants Three Stooges Puubes.

Step back from that blade, my friend.

I made massive breakfast burritos for dinner. Too massive. Cut in half to share with my bestie.

I am a burrito zombie. *mindless nomming*

I've never cut a burrito. I didn't think it was allowed. It's probably a felony in Texas. Everything else appears to be.
I've never cut a burrito. I didn't think it was allowed. It's probably a felony in Texas. Everything else appears to be.
If you cut it in half on the diagonal... It makes it fancy.