Why Do People Make Pictures of Cartoon Characters being Penetrated by Black Penises? (Omitted and Reposted)

More white-top-black-bottom gay sex on Paheal (Remember, everyone is going to be canonically 18+!)

Lenny Leonard (correct spelling unlike above) and Carl Carlson Carl_Carlson, Homer_Simpson, Jaq_(artist), Lenny_Leonard, The_Simpsons

Officers Lou and Eddie Eddie, Jaq_(artist), Lou, The_Simpsons

Homer Simpson and Julius Hibbert (oral only) Homer_Simpson, Julius_Hibbert, The_Simpsons

Drederick Tatem and Rainier Wolfcastle (to my surprise, Tatem is actually the bottom in this one!) Drederick_Tatum, iyumiblue, Rainier_Wolfcastle, The_Simpsons

Total Drama. Here's a rare, at least to me, cartoon picture of two white males anally penetrating a black male at the same time. This is Duncan and Scott penetrating DJ DJ, Duncan, iyumiblue, Scott, Total_Drama Plenty of other pictures on Paheal showing DJ and Duncan having sex with each other, some white-on-black and some black-on-white but at least there's both of these two characters. I know there are other interracial gay Total Drama fan-pairings but I'm just going to provide Duncan and DJ for now (and seeing how evil Duncan seems, I figured he be a top in some cases! Would I bottom for Duncan? Probably!) But no shortage of Total Drama gay porn!

I thought Elder Barry was black, I guess not but I'll show this anyway and he's with Big Willy Big_Willy, Craig_of_the_Creek, Elder_Barry, Elders_of_the_Creek At least it's a white male topping a brown male!

This is all I'm going to show for now, I can't think of anymore black and white cartoon adult males having sex with each other, much less white men topping black men!
1. "Are people who do not respond sexually to an entire race of people racist?" Yes, because no race is monolithic and not all members of any race look alike.
2. "Are people who do not respond sexually to heavy or thin people superficial?" Yes, fatphobia is a thing and bodyshaming is a thing. And secondly, there is no systematic opression of thin people, so honestly this is not relevant to what the OP was about.
3. "Do we have any control over who we respond sexually to and SHOULD we even make an effort to respond if that group simply doesn't do it for us?" Your preferences weren't formulated in a vacuum, and traditionally are influenced by surroundings and environment. SHOULD you force yourself to fuck someone you're not attracted to? No, but ask yourself why you're not attracted to them and try to interrogate if you have any internal bias that may spill into other facets of your life, and how you treat other people who you may not deem worthy of your attention/attraction/whatever.

You may be surprised at what you find.
This response. Absolutely amazing.
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1. "Are people who do not respond sexually to an entire race of people racist?" Yes, because no race is monolithic and not all members of any race look alike.
2. "Are people who do not respond sexually to heavy or thin people superficial?" Yes, fatphobia is a thing and bodyshaming is a thing. And secondly, there is no systematic opression of thin people, so honestly this is not relevant to what the OP was about.
3. "Do we have any control over who we respond sexually to and SHOULD we even make an effort to respond if that group simply doesn't do it for us?" Your preferences weren't formulated in a vacuum, and traditionally are influenced by surroundings and environment. SHOULD you force yourself to fuck someone you're not attracted to? No, but ask yourself why you're not attracted to them and try to interrogate if you have any internal bias that may spill into other facets of your life, and how you treat other people who you may not deem worthy of your attention/attraction/whatever.

You may be surprised at what you find.
Hon, I'm 60. I've done all the self-reflection I'm going to in this lifetime. Thank you for your reply.
To be clear, I feel about men the way I feel about vanilla and Baskin Robbins. With all those flavors out there why on EARTH would I limit myself to vanilla? I love Senegalese men, Samoan men, Russians, Chinese bodybuilder bottoms (Yum!).... if they're hot, I'll fuck them.
Now, I do not respond sexually to men who present with stereotypically feminine behavior or to men who are not muscular. Why that is I'll leave to my therapist, but my dick simply doesn't get hard for them.
This is not about relationships or judging people's worth, this is about sexual response. In a perfect world we'd all be attracted to each other's souls, but in this world I love watching hairy straight bodybuilders put things in their (or better, each others!) assholes.
Do I need therapy? Probably. Do I care? Not really.
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Well thanks to seeing more black on white gay sex cartoons and seeing some lack of white on black be it Rule 34 or whatever (some white male cartoon characters are only shown bottoming while the black characters are only shown topping,) and what I think is the popularity of black on white, now when I see white male cartoon characters, I see them as potential candidates for being bottoms for black males! In other words, I can't look at white male cartoon characters without feeling like eventually they're going to be getting black penises put in them anally or orally though orally sounds better! And if there are any white male cartoon characters that don't have pictures of them bottoming for black males, I think eventually there will be though some of them might also top black male characters.

But any white male cartoon character I never saw bottom for a black or other brown male character, I want to continue not to see it! I'd rather not see white male cartoon characters have sex at all, or not see them having any sex with a black male, than see them only bottom for blacks and have it left at that! There are some white male cartoon characters I've never seen take black penis and I don't want to now, unless the white also tops the black.

But I have no control what others do, only what I do. One way to avoid seeing white male cartoon characters bottoming for blacks is to stop viewing porn altogether, or to not look at porn of those characters. Unfortunately though it won't always be avoidable since some people post porn in the wrong places and where you least expect them!

At least I can control what I imagine and sometimes that's just what I have to settle for! It doesn't always feel like enough but it's all I can do!

Told y'all I was annoying!
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Weird thread and all I have got to say is maybe we should get rid or make work to get rid of BIPOC fetishization all together. It’s dehumanizing and disgusting, people can have preferences but if it’s a racial preference then it’s weird
Weird thread and all I have got to say is maybe we should get rid or make work to get rid of BIPOC fetishization all together. It’s dehumanizing and disgusting, people can have preferences but if it’s a racial preference then it’s weird
Everyone has their kinks. How would you go about getting rid of the fetishization of black men anyway? Seriously, where does that slippery slope stop? I'm not giving up my straight bodybuilder dildo hobby, that's for sure! :)
Treating people a certain way in real life is appalling, but fantasy in the bedroom isn't necessarily a reflection of how people are going to treat others in reality. Otherwise, all those uptight CEO's wouldn't be getting whipped by Dominatrix's.
Pure and simple it's a gross fetishization of black men as something other than human. I've talked about this a lot in other forums and have even contributed a few of my own concerning this problematic issue. You will be attacked by the weirdos that participate in that type of fetishism but don't let it deter you. Feel free to take a look at some of the comments that were posted under my thread about the fetishism of black men and you will see that there are many who are against it and a few who will defend it. "BBC", "Mandingo," Is it racial fetishization of black men?
Note, a previous version of this post was made but deleted due to inclusion of material inappropriate even for this website and I was given a warning for it. So I asked if I could repost this minus the inappropriate material and was told I should be fine as long as I don't make certain references.

What is the deal with making black penises penetrating and being sucked by male cartoon characters including white male characters??? Why are people making pictures of cartoon characters submitting to black penises?

Most times when I see or run into interracial gay sex art whether on Rule 34 websites or other porn sites, or nonporn sites like DeviantArt, it's almost always black male tops on white male bottoms or black penises used on another kind of male creature (I mean anthropomorphic animals but this can include any fictional male!) Typically the black characters are in the same cartoons as the white characters, but sometimes it's a made-up black male, that is, an OC, or maybe even a cartoon version of a real black male! Could also be a crossover of a black character from one cartoon penetrating a white character on another cartoon though I don't remember any examples of a black male character from one cartoon penetrating a white or other male from a separate cartoon.

I've even seen pictures of black males with hidden faces, some through 1st-person point-of-view, with their penises inside white males and other kinds of non-black males including anthropomorphic animal characters be it the butts or mouths! In at least two instances I saw it was two of the cartoon cereal mascots and I recently just found out one of them but I won't say which! The faceless penetrating black males or black penises are probably the artists themselves or maybe black male versions of themselves, I don't know! Or again completely made-up black males!

And a lot of times it's a big black penis penetrating other male characters, some even depict black cartoon characters having bigger penises than other males including but not limited to white males! Sometimes the so-called "BBC" is referenced and "BBC" seems to be something many people including even white people of both genders are fascinated with! And I'm sure cartoon porn artists who are white or another non-black race are making pictures of black males topping white males! Haven't seen any real males make pictures of themselves being penetrated by black cartoon characters though and I don't want to! As a black male myself, I am not fascinated or impressed with the term "BBC," I'm actually disgusted, annoyed, and offended by it and I don't believe in "BBC!" BBC is supposed to mean "British Broadcasting Corporation," not 'Big Black... C-word' I refuse to say!

There seems to be a growing number of black top white (or whatever male) bottom gay sex content (pictures, gifs, videos,) and very few content of the other way around (black bottoms and white or whatever tops!) I'd be lying through if I said there were no pictures of black male cartoon characters bottoming for white males and other males who top. And thankfully I have seen some white male characters that bottomed for black male characters also top for black males, mainly the ones that topped them. I've also thankfully seen black male characters I've seen top also bottom for white males, be it the whites they topped or other white males. But there are still some white and other male cartoon characters I've only seen bottom and not top for black males and some black male cartoon characters I'm yet to see bottom for white and other male characters! And I wait for that to change and sometimes it does but sometimes not only does it not change but instead I end up seeing even more pictures of black-on-white cartoon gay sex including of characters I've already seen do it before!

Now I get and respect that some, maybe many people have the passion for black male tops on non-black male bottoms and even non-human males and I respect everyone's right to make whatever art or content they want. But why are there a lot more black-on-white gay sex cartoon pictures than white-on-black versions? And why don't I see or why don't people make black males bottoming for white males or other kinds of males? Why are black male bottoms overlooked or left undone? Why do black males have to be the tops and whites or other males have to be the bottoms almost all the time? What is this fascination of black males topping white and other non-black males and black penises, especially the "BBCs," being sucked and penetrating the butts of white males and other males??? And why aren't there more pictures of black males bottoming for white males and other male cartoon characters? Why aren't (more) people making white-on-black gay cartoon sex pictures or other content with black cartoon bottoms submitting to non-black characters? I don't understand! That's what I would do!

This to me also seems to reinforce the idea that blacks, mainly males, are automatically tops and more masculine, or assumed as such things while whites are seen as more effeminate, all of which I disagree with! See this thread "It's Annoying That Black Men Are Only Considered Tops" for more It’s Annoying That Black Men Are Only Considered Tops

I may be a black male myself and I am gay and attracted to other males as well, including fictional males (I'm not called "Toonaphile" or "BlackToonaphileBtm" for nothing!,) especially white males! Many would think I would enjoy black-on-white sex but sorry to burst your bubble but I actually hate it! It's very off-putting even to me though white males seem to enjoy it, and I'm beyond sick of seeing and running into black males penetrating white and other males and black penises in white butts and white mouths! And when I see that, especially without seeing the white male(s) penetrating those same or other black males, it ruins those cartoon characters for me and they're harder for me to look at anymore, at least until I finally see them penetrating those or other black males and then they're fun to look at again though sometimes I just have to settle for black males sucking white penises or Latino penises or other male cartoon penises! Sometimes I have to wait months or even years later to see that but sadly sometimes that just doesn't happen, and that makes me sad!

I also almost never see black male cartoon characters penetrated by white penises even if they are made-up white males or even possibly real white males and faceless! Does anyone ever make non-black male cartoon characters topping black male cartoon characters? If not, why not? And where are the artists that would make white top/black bottom gay sex instead of just black top/white bottoms? Same with artists that make black males bottoming for other kinds of male characters instead of just topping for them?

I'd make and post such pictures myself, that's what I should do instead of sitting here constantly lamenting about what I don't get to see or what others don't or won't do but not only am I not a good artist but even if I was I don't want anyone to recognize my art and I'm bad at fooling other people! I just feel helpless! And it hurts me that we black male bottoms are under-represented just like autistic people, which I also am! We black male bottoms are often overlooked! Seemingly nobody wants to make black bottoms, just black tops and white bottoms or other males as bottoms for blacks and that's not fair! It's not fair to me and I feel it's not fair to other black males and even some white and other-race males! Sometimes the only times we do see black bottoms is when they're topped by another black male, which is less exciting but better than just seeing blacks top only males of other races or species! But if I wasn't shy or worried about what others thought of me, I'd draw black males, myself included but with my face hidden, being penetrated by white males, including canon cartoon characters and I'd make black males submitting to cartoon males of other races including Hispanic and Asian and to males of different species, but anthro, I don't believe in bestiality, furry is okay to me!

But I'm just sick of seeing only black penises being used on white males and other males, especially anally and especially without seeing whites or other male penises in black butts or mouths! I am also put off by seeing those things! And while they're not real, my heart goes out to those cartoon characters that were only depicted being bottoms for blacks, be them black cartoon characters, canon or made-up, or even real black people!

Now I'm not saying to stop making artwork or other content of black tops on white or other male bottoms, but I really wish more people would make black bottom gay cartoon sex content and submitting to other males besides black tops! And I would really like it if the white or other male cartoon characters I only saw bottom for blacks top for blacks too!

I'd list cartoon characters but I probably better not so as not to put anyone off. You may have seen these cartoon characters sexualized too but some have not.

Some of my sources are Rule 34 Paheal, Baragg, DeviantArt, Fur Affinity, and Pixiv.

TLDR: I made this post to vent about seeing mostly or only black male top cartoon gay sex but little or no black bottom cartoon gay sex and to ask why people make black tops and other kinds of males, especially white male cartoon characters, be bottoms but not the other way around or why black penises are made used on non-black male cartoon characters and hope some reading this will make black bottom gay sex content and show more white males and other kinds of males including anthropomorphic creatures topping black males. I also would like it if some more white male cartoon characters I've only seen bottom for black males and other brown males also be tops for them and then I'll be happier!

Admittedly, while it's not my fault other people make certain art and don't make other certain art nor seem interested in doing so and it's not all my fault I can't find what I'm looking for, it is my fault my fault for viewing these things in the first place and it would have been better if I'd stayed away from it altogether though sometimes I'll run into content I don't want to see where I least expect it and without looking for it! I've run into porn pictures without trying to find porn and when looking for things that had absolutely nothing to do with sexual content!

You could always create a thread compiling the content you'd like. That way you can promote your niche aswell as provide a place for others who share your desires.

Here's an example of what I did
Gay Interracial (Black Bottom/Non White Top)
IDK how sufficient it is at supporting my niche.
Considering it was my first time creating a thread) or that i'm mainly the only poster but I hope its a nice start.

If your needs are not currently being met you can always work towards your ideal solution.
Wishing you well on your journey.

Here's a piece that i think fits your needs:

Artist: AppasArt
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