Why Do Some Straight Guys Get Turned On By Transsexuals?

As a straight person (I consider myself that) I would not want to do something with anyones penis besides my own. So the story you told here about people wanting to even "fuck" him probably came from someone not totally straight. Ofcourse I'm speaking for myself and I honestly don't mind seeing other peoples dicks and I can see if a dick looks good or not but that doesn't mean I get turned on by it.

I bet this counts for the majority of the people that call themselves straight. But if someone gets turned on by a dude and would want to do something to them. Regardless if it's sucking cock or fucking, licking someones nipples you can't consider them totally straight.
Post like this are so hilarious. If you are find a male attractive then you are bisexual or gay. She males are still males, Trannies are still males. If you are a 100 percent heterosexual male then you are only attracted to biological females end of story.
I think a lot of men are afraid to admit that some MtF can look as good as a real "natural" girl. A lot of men probably also don't understand that these people very much identify their gender as female and not male. Aside from having a penis instead of a vagina they absolutely feel like they are a woman.

Would I have sex with one? Probably not, no. Part of the sexual experience for me is oral sex, and a penis just doesn't do anything for me and I have no clue how things look down there after the surgeries. However, I would admit that some out there are very attractive. There are also a lot that look like men, though and those are not appealing to me in any way.
Lovinglife is you are born a male then you are male. If you cut off your dick you are a male without a dick. I don't care how he looks he is still a male. If you a turned on by a male the you aren't straight.

Maybe only white guys can't see that. I never heard a black man claim to be straight but was attracted to males.
Lovinglife is you are born a male then you are male. If you cut off your dick you are a male without a dick. I don't care how he looks he is still a male. If you a turned on by a male the you aren't straight.

Maybe only white guys can't see that. I never heard a black man claim to be straight but was attracted to males.
I am going to upload 2 pictures, and you tell me which one is male and which one is female


Lovinglife I am not gay so I am not going to look at either picture. As I said apparently closet homosexuality is a white guy thing.

Apparently white guys can't grasp what heterosexuality is. Again if you are attracted me males then you aren't straight period.
Lovinglife I am not gay so I am not going to look at either picture. As I said apparently closet homosexuality is a white guy thing.

Apparently white guys can't grasp what heterosexuality is. Again if you are attracted me males then you aren't straight period.
Alright then, you can continue to have your beliefs and I will have mine. There is zero point in continuing this conversation since you are being willfully blind to anything I might say. Enjoy your day, I hope you some day run into a trap and put it up her butt because you are drunk then realize what happened in the morning :)
Lol I am not white lovinglife so I don't let guys fuck me in the ass. That is what you do. Then still think that makes you straight.
At least learn to read it right :(

I said you would put it up her butt, not that she would put it up your butt.

EDIT: You seem to have a pretty big fetish for porn star dick though
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I dude isn't a she. Lol like I said I am not white so males don't turn me on. I come here to watch straight porn. You come here to look at gay porn and pretend to be straight fruit loop so let me ignore you now.

If you like to suck dick and let guys fuck you in the ass then be proud of it lovinglife. There is nothing wrong at all with being gay. Embrace your homosexuality but you clearly aren't straight.
I dude isn't a she. Lol like I said I am not white so males don't turn me on. I come here to watch straight porn. You come here to look at gay porn and pretend to be straight fruit loop so let me ignore you now.

If you like to suck dick and let guys fuck you in the ass then be proud of it lovinglife. There is nothing wrong at all with being gay. Embrace your homosexuality but you clearly aren't straight.
When I say "she" I am referring to the gender of the person, not the assigned sex. When a transgender is filling out a form for the government, they can legally sign as a female even if they were born a male (so long as they have gone through the proper steps to do so). I won't respond to the rest of the troll bait that you are posting though, and if it isn't troll bait you might be projecting a little.
As someone who is actually transgender, I am never surprised at how some people don't seem to be able to separate physiology from identity. My born sex is male. My gender (which is not the same thing as my sex) is female. This, in and of itself, has absolutely nothing to do with sexual preference. I am not a man, I am a transgender woman. That is the most succinct way I have found to explain it. For someone to repeatedly insist that my assessment of my own identity is incorrect is simply preposterous. I understand that there are some people who, for whatever reason, either refuse to get it or simply have a difficult time wrapping their minds around the concept.
Also, the reassignment surgery is not "cutting the penis off", but instead inverting it and using existing tissue to create the vagina. I'm sure everyone has had enough with the lesson now. LOL
At any rate, my only point is that insisting that a trans person is their born sex is often construed to be rude and is taken offensively. There is no reason to willfully be rude. I appreciate those who do understand this.
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If you were born a male MissThing then you are a male. You may want to female like a female but you are still a male without a penis now. I couldn't careless about a person's sexual preference. It is what it is.

No matter what you do MissThing you will always be a male who had surgery to look like a female. And if a male is attracted to transgender person then they are gay or bisexual.
If you were born a male MissThing then you are a male. You may want to female like a female but you are still a male without a penis now. I couldn't careless about a person's sexual preference. It is what it is.

No matter what you do MissThing you will always be a male who had surgery to look like a female. And if a male is attracted to transgender person then they are gay or bisexual.

Hey, someone else to stick on my ignore list.
