Why Would An Asexual Person Be On This Website?

Because of many things.
Personally, I’m demisexual, on the asexual side, but I’m interested with the person I care about. Sort of an extreme monogamy.

I’m also curious about how sexualize people think.

I originally found here looking for advice on handling a partner of gifted proportions. The amazing ladies of LPSG have kept me here.
Asexual men can have big dicks too. It would be logical for them to be here and not have as much sexual attraction and just have questions.

I am not asexual but find myself wishing there was a version of this site without photos as I am here exclusively for information about sexuality etc.
LPSG, offers cyber and at times real- life companionship. Many members are not here for the pictures , but as a free way to occupy excess time / socialize.

As I am fond of saying, one does not need to have a penis / love penis to enjoy and be a productive member of the site
Asexual people are capable of having and even enjoying sex. Being asexual means not experiencing sexual attraction. So, for example, I don’t really have any interest in the photos people share on these sites. I might like to see a friend’s photo and cheer them on or whatever but it doesn’t make me turned on really.

That said, I do have partners and usually they want to have sex and for my part I do enjoy the closeness of physical intimacy as well and want them to feel good. That’s how I originally ended up finding this site long ago, I had questions about what to do when there is a size-related sexual incompatibility.
I feel like I could be on the asexual spectrum. While I've experienced some sexual attraction in my life, it has usually been strongly tied to the individual and inherently more mental than physical. And as I've aged, less and less important at all. I firmly know i will never engage in another sexual relationship again -- the concept holds no interest to me.

I am however interested in self love, so the site's topic serves to titillate. Plus, the women (and some of the men! Waves at @Guy-jin ) are badass. I've been here too long, anyway. I'm never going to leave this site.
What if the image was of a partner? Are you interested in visual at all?

I admit I have been wowed by some things, I’m thinking of some offerings in Ms ML’s Smut Goes Here thread, and aside from some hair thickness envy, it’s mainly how a shot is taken.
What if the image was of a partner? Are you interested in visual at all?

Interested yes. Aesthetically interested. Emotionally interested. But not sexually interested. A partner sharing a nude photo, for example, would be an intimate act and have emotional meaning to me.

What you describe in your second paragraph sounds like aesthetic attraction to me.

Also to @Enid’s point (hi @Enid!), I’m largely on this site for fun and to chat with the cool people I’ve met over the years, not to like... post pics of my hog or whatever. Not that I’m against doing so, it’s just my aesthetic requirements for doing so are kind of beyond the average ding dong drop.
My comment on the pic is usually rooted in my own photographic experience. It’s not the subject, but how the subject and light interplay. It could be a breast, a cactus, a cloud, a bag of poop on a trail.


really, I shot that to send to the parks department. who does this?
It’s on a tree root, over Bear Creek, a good 30 feet from the trail. No evidence it washed down to this point.

Omg. I officially shit posted.
Yeah, the composition of the shot is very important! That’s why in pics including my horker, it is only one component of the overall composition. It takes effort to do that compared to a zoomed in close-up of a boner holding up a shampoo bottle or whatever the lads are up to these days.
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Yeah, the composition of the shot is very important! That’s why in pics including my horker, it is only one component of the overall composition. It takes effort to do that compared to a zoomed in close-up of a boner holding up a shampoo bottle or whatever the lads are up to these days.
Are you insinuating you need to pose with a fence post?
I totes read that as you need to pose with a really thick fencepost. ;)
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