I'm the furthest cry from asexual that there is, nonetheless I do have two friends that openly identify as asexual, and from my experience with them, I'd just like to comment that asexual definitely does NOT necessarily mean sex-phobic or repressed or uptight in any way. One of my asexual friends is especially easy to talk to about sex and they are very hip to sex & fetish culture and even has some good dirty jokes that catch me of fguard sometimes. Asexual does not mean anti-sexual by any means. I have to admit that at first I was nervous about allowing asexuals into the abstract known as LGBTQ+, thinking it wasn't something I could relate to in anyway as a highly-libido'd homosexual male. However after my experience with these individuals I feel enlightened that asexuals can absolutely be allies, that they won't hate me for being sexual, and that they should be encouraged to identify as they are because being able to admit how you feel sexually is very important. So I'm an ally to asexuals for sure and they totally belong in this awesomely inclusive community that is LPSG.