I don’t know if I’d go that far. It’s hard to explain. On one hand, I recognize that my value as a human being is not derived from my dick size. On the other, I look at the world around me, at the various TV shows, movies, and songs and have noticed that, in a culture that increasingly tries not to body shame people, a man’s penis size is still very much on the table. Regardless of what people may say, a man being small is still very much treated as a punchline while a big dick is always played up as the ultimate symbol of masculinity.
Over the years, I’ve tried to embrace SPH as a fetish, to try to keep myself from feeling now overwhelmed by shame. I do enjoy it now, but I also do kind of believe that there is a sort of social hierarchy - possibly unspoken - of dick sizes, and I’m trying to find some guys, big or small, to explore that with.