
I’m just one person, but I can confidently say with your current set up I’ll never subscribe. No content creator’s content is worth a subscription fee plus having to then purchase each and every individual video. It’s honestly absurd that any of you do this at all. More power to you I guess.

And I hate to tell you this, but your content is out there already. Making it ppv or having it be available when you take someone’s money for a subscription doesn’t change that.
Girl, if you're horny and broke just say so. No one is judging (except you). Plenty of dusty guys out there. U can go get off to their 30 second to maybe a minute clips online for free. He asked for advise and perspective, not your negativity. Stay pressed and broke <3
Girl, if you're horny and broke just say so. No one is judging (except you). Plenty of dusty guys out there. U can go get off to their 30 second to maybe a minute clips online for free. He asked for advise and perspective, not your negativity. Stay pressed and broke <3
I have nothing against him personally and said this is just my perspective on it. His content is out there. That’s a fact.

Listen if this is what works for him, more power to him. I don’t blame him one bit for not changing his plan. He responded to my comment and I responded back. A lot of tone can get lost in text.

And I mean yea if money wasn’t an option I’m sure I’d be more willing to subscribe to creators who charge a subscription and then charge for videos. Unfortunately I don’t have unlimited money and the little I do spend on porn I give to content creators who don’t charge on top on a sub fee. That’s just the way of life. I’m thrilled you can throw all the money you want at whatever you want, girl.

Again no hate to XLCowboy at all. I think it’s fucking incredible that he’s on this forum, a place for pirating porn from people like him, talking to us and hearing our opinions to make his platform better/more successful. Of course he doesn’t have to take everyone.

Have a lovely night.
I have nothing against him personally and said this is just my perspective on it. His content is out there. That’s a fact.

Listen if this is what works for him, more power to him. I don’t blame him one bit for not changing his plan. He responded to my comment and I responded back. A lot of tone can get lost in text.

And I mean yea if money wasn’t an option I’m sure I’d be more willing to subscribe to creators who charge a subscription and then charge for videos. Unfortunately I don’t have unlimited money and the little I do spend on porn I give to content creators who don’t charge on top on a sub fee. That’s just the way of life. I’m thrilled you can throw all the money you want at whatever you want, girl.

Again no hate to XLCowboy at all. I think it’s fucking incredible that he’s on this forum, a place for pirating porn from people like him, talking to us and hearing our opinions to make his platform better/more successful. Of course he doesn’t have to take everyone.

Have a lovely night.
Literally over here acting like he's robbing you. He charges $10 a month for a subscription, and has long, hot cum videos for $15, which no one is even forcing you to buy. His page has plenty of content without them, and I've been loving it. And the last few I bought, he was putting things in his ass as well, which is hard to get straight guys to do. If you aren't gonna pay, fine, but shut up about it and stop putting him down. He's hot af and $10 isn't going to put food on his plate. I don't see you exposing yourself to a bunch of judgmental assholes on the internet for $8 a month(because OF also takes their cut from them). Instead you're hiding behind a keyboard acting like you deserve fine dining for scraps. I support you cowboy, and I don't support those people stealing your content. It's a shame stealing from OF creators is something most of these guys think is ok. Wish there was a way for those downloads to be tracked and criminal action to be pursued. You should look into that.
Dude. Do you want to be my friend? Cuz I really, really want to be your friend.
I have nothing against him personally and said this is just my perspective on it. His content is out there. That’s a fact.

Listen if this is what works for him, more power to him. I don’t blame him one bit for not changing his plan. He responded to my comment and I responded back. A lot of tone can get lost in text.

And I mean yea if money wasn’t an option I’m sure I’d be more willing to subscribe to creators who charge a subscription and then charge for videos. Unfortunately I don’t have unlimited money and the little I do spend on porn I give to content creators who don’t charge on top on a sub fee. That’s just the way of life. I’m thrilled you can throw all the money you want at whatever you want, girl.

Again no hate to XLCowboy at all. I think it’s fucking incredible that he’s on this forum, a place for pirating porn from people like him, talking to us and hearing our opinions to make his platform better/more successful. Of course he doesn’t have to take everyone.

Have a lovely night.
Thanks dude. That’s mighty decent of you. I appreciate it. Got no problems with anything you said, and I wish you all the best.
I have nothing against him personally and said this is just my perspective on it. His content is out there. That’s a fact.

Listen if this is what works for him, more power to him. I don’t blame him one bit for not changing his plan. He responded to my comment and I responded back. A lot of tone can get lost in text.

And I mean yea if money wasn’t an option I’m sure I’d be more willing to subscribe to creators who charge a subscription and then charge for videos. Unfortunately I don’t have unlimited money and the little I do spend on porn I give to content creators who don’t charge on top on a sub fee. That’s just the way of life. I’m thrilled you can throw all the money you want at whatever you want, girl.

Again no hate to XLCowboy at all. I think it’s fucking incredible that he’s on this forum, a place for pirating porn from people like him, talking to us and hearing our opinions to make his platform better/more successful. Of course he doesn’t have to take everyone.

Have a lovely night.
I suppose it would be asking too much for one of y’all to tell me where my pirated content is located? It sucks to be doing this shit for a living and be putting real effort into it, only to have your work stolen.
I’m pretty sure none of you guys would appreciate it if strangers started stealing your paycheck and nobody cared to help.
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Sextape, please.....
Yeah homie. You want free sex tapes. I want to be having a threesome with SkyBri and Octokuro on the front porch of my 6,000 sq ft ranch house in the Yellowstone, with God’s own favorite view of the Montana Rockies for my backdrop. BUT! (cue The Rolling Stones)…🎶 you caaan’t🎶
🎶always geeet🎶
🎶what you waaa-aant!🎶
Girl, if you're horny and broke just say so. No one is judging (except you). Plenty of dusty guys out there. U can go get off to their 30 second to maybe a minute clips online for free. He asked for advise and perspective, not your negativity. Stay pressed and broke <3
There’s 40+ PPV on his page currently and they’re about $10 a piece. That is $400 to see everything, not including the subscription. You’re subscribing to see previews, not full videos. Calling someone broke and pressed for not wanting to spend the price of a console or almost the cost of a new PC on porn they can’t even download is not it.
Several people have offered feedback about how they feel about PPV and how it’s ruining the OF user experience.
There’s 40+ PPV on his page currently and they’re about $10 a piece. That is $400 to see everything, not including the subscription. You’re subscribing to see previews, not full videos. Calling someone broke and pressed for not wanting to spend the price of a console or almost the cost of a new PC on porn they can’t even download is not it.
Several people have offered feedback about how they feel about PPV and how it’s ruining the OF user experience.
These fools love nothing more than to jump on any chance they can to feel better or more superior to someone else. They can’t grasp that people can have open conversation without having to have some pop off gotcha moment.
There’s 40+ PPV on his page currently and they’re about $10 a piece. That is $400 to see everything, not including the subscription. You’re subscribing to see previews, not full videos. Calling someone broke and pressed for not wanting to spend the price of a console or almost the cost of a new PC on porn they can’t even download is not it.
Several people have offered feedback about how they feel about PPV and how it’s ruining the OF user experience.
What do you mean???? Lol nobody is forcing anyone to purchase every single one of his videos. That's 100% a personal choice, so why blame a creator for one's own financial stupidity? It's all the same guy, if u feel u HAVE TO pay for all 40 vids of his, that's completely on you.
These fools love nothing more than to jump on any chance they can to feel better or more superior to someone else. They can’t grasp that people can have open conversation without having to have some pop off gotcha moment.
And then he completely contradicted himself in his reply to me. Like, are we supposed to support and make bad financial decisions or not and be called broke?
Good thing the ignore button exists lol
Hey boys. You said you wanted more ass/hole content for free. Here is a first taste. Please lmk what you think. I’m open to suggestions, as always.
Hope y’all enjoy ❤️
Definitely amazing and appreciate the foot closeups too. Best of both worlds. Made me resub