You make a very fair point about the manual resubscriptions not unlocking the free PPV each month. I apologize, and I will make the change immediately to include manual resubs on the free monthly PPV going forward.
As I said in my previous posts regarding the custom request I failed to fulfill - this was a mistake on my part, but just an honest oversight. I had time to make the custom, and to this day I’m still not sure how this request managed to slip past me. I’m doing everything I can to make the situation right with that person.
I started out by doing customs exactly as you suggested - sending them via locked messages rather than requesting a tip upfront. However, I repeatedly ran into the problem of ppl requesting customs, which I made for them, and they then never paid to unlock. I’m at a loss for what to do in this situation. I understand that it really sucks to be asked to pay upfront for a custom, and there’s always a small chance that something could go wrong and I could fail to deliver, as happened to the gentleman who posted about this situation earlier. Which, once again, I fully take responsibility for, and deeply regret my negligence that has cost him a great deal of frustration and lost money until I’m able to get him repaid. However, on the other hand, it also doesn’t seem smart for me to only send customs through locked messages, since I’ve continued to have problems with ppl not buying the content I made for them when sent in locked messages.
I’m open to any feedback on this topic. I hope you guys see that I’m trying to do the right thing and find a sensible, fair approach to all of this.