Photos & Videos YoungJay (Gay Korean Youtuber)

He did nude photoshoot? Vvip membership is so pricey...
TK Boy is so cute...
I just binged through the whole season of "His Man 2" (13 episodes so far) and it's weird, he is by far the most attractive there but doesn't get the attention he deserves from the other guys. Also he is much more reserved in the show than in YoungJay's videos/live streams (maybe that's the problem).
Anyways, watch "His Man 2" it's addictive and @kimyh0423_ (the stern taekwondo figher) is hot.


Sorry if this was already discussed, but did anyone support the "Help Peru" campaign they ran on a few months ago?

I did, so I just checked that website and there have been no updates for anything at all since the campaign was ran.

Curious if it was just a cash grab or if all the money was used to buy "medical supplies" for Kye's workplace or not...
Sorry if this was already discussed, but did anyone support the "Help Peru" campaign they ran on a few months ago?

I did, so I just checked that website and there have been no updates for anything at all since the campaign was ran.

Curious if it was just a cash grab or if all the money was used to buy "medical supplies" for Kye's workplace or not...
@kye__green on Instagram: "현지인 친구와 통역단원, 사회복지단원님의 도움으로 24명의 아이들에게 옷을 한벌씩 선물했습니다 기부해주신 분들과 aldea 관계자분들께 감사드립니다. With the help of local friends, interpreters, and social workers, 24 children were presented with a set of clothes. Thank you to those who donated and aldea officials."

@kye__green on Instagram: "우여곡절이 많았지만 2달 전 시작한 프로젝트?를 다음 달이면 기증식까지 마칠 수 있게 되었습니다. 모금에 동참에 주신 많은 분들께 감사드립니다! 물건 구입, 항의, 설치 등 ㅋㅋ 모든 부분에서 도와준 통역 단원님 정말 감사합니다. 항상 고민 들어주고 고생해 준 민균, 승환 단원님도 감사합니다 관련 기관 협조 및 승인 배송등에 도움을 주신 FM 님 페루사무소 직원분들 코워커 플로르와 세르히오 등등 ㅎ 감사합니다 제가 모금한 돈을 사용한 내역은 크게 2가지입니다 1. 보건소 건강증진실 구축 (8월에 추가 물품 구입 후 기증 예정, 현재는 구축 후 환자 및 청소년을 위해 사용 중) 2. 보육원 우물 모터 설치 및 외부 보수, 내부 청소 세부내역은 유튜브 커뮤니티에 계시되어 있으니 문의사항 있으시면 커뮤니티에 댓글로 알려주세요! 감사합니다. There were many twists and turns, but the project that started two months ago can be completed by the donation ceremony next month. Thank you to the many people who participated in the fundraising Thank you very much to the interpreter who helped me in all areas, such as buying things, protesting, and installing them Thank you also to members Mingyun and Seunghwan who always listened to my concerns and worked hard. FM, Peru koica office staff, co-workers Flor and Sergio, etc. Thank you for helping with cooperation and approval of related organizations. There are two major uses of the money I raised. 1. Establishment of health promotion room at public health center (to be donated after purchasing additional items in August, currently being used for patients and adolescents after establishment) 2. Orphanage well motor installation, exterior repair, and interior cleaning. Details are posted on the YouTube community, so if you have any questions, please let us know in the comments to the community! thank you"