Your experiences going out with big bulge in public?


Superior Member
Jan 28, 2020
90% Gay, 10% Straight
So I'm a pretty hung guy and I'm a shower so I can get a pretty big bulge in the "right" pants. But I guess I'm too modest to flaunt it in public. I always wear jeans and never sweatpants in public. Sometimes I can't hide the bulge completely but I don't draw attention to it on purpose. But the idea kinda turns me on, especially after looking at r/PublicBulges on Reddit.

So those of you who've gone out with a really (inappropriately) big bulge in public. What's it been like? What places have you done ot? What reactions have you gotten?
I more of a grower than a shower, but I often go out in snug shorts commando. Sometimes my friends will say something (oh look, daddy's not wearing any underwear again), and sometimes I get crotch glances. But never had anything negative happen.
I feel two contradictory ways about it. I have a very large penis so I always bulge. I like it, I’m proud of it, but I can also be incredibly self conscious about it and try to hide it or get stressed about others staring or finding it obscene.
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As an admire of big cocks I can't understand why anyone would see it as "obscene". I only associate it with positive emotions.
It never gets to that stage. If I've got the right combination of trousers and underwear it can look ridiculous. And my wife will tell me I can't go out like that.
It's the same with my wife, she will usually tell me when I'm showing too much. In the wrong ( or right, depending on your viewpoint), I can also show a ridiculous bulge. I do think there are times that she wants to show me off as a little bit of a trophy though.
For most of my life I never have it a thought one way or the other. But then a little over a decade ago, when I seriously took up cycling, people started commenting about it.
My wife told me last year that her friends have always commented to her about me...For over 40 years.... I never had a clue. To me I was just a 'normal' guy...Average at best.
In the last several years I've been experimenting with underwear, and trying to find something that looks good on me. But she's begun to try to monitor my slight exhibitionism, to keep me from embarrassing her at the wrong times.
Since I mentioned my affection for cycling. One of the more obvious instances is when I'm in cycling bibs. We were finishing a group ride that was mostly comprised of women, and one noticed that I always changed from my sweaty cycling clothes in the truck. She teased me that if I was changing clothes, I needed to be generous and allow the ladies to watch. I sort of blew off her comment, so she joked that she would take up a collection among the women if they could watch. I didn't think any more about it until the next week when she waved a stack of bills at me.
My wife was along on those rides, so I respectfully declined.
Showing bulge in cycling skins, speedos, tight swim trunks or yoga/exercise tights in those situations always get looks and sometimes smiles but rarely elicit comments. It has led to people stopping and talking to me--a conversation starter, lol. It has led to dates and hook ups.

Where eyes go interest follows. :cool:
I've been getting a lot of appreciate attention as of late especially in the gym or when I am wearing my fitted uniform at work. As my homie said, there is no hiding it these days lol. I will post some shots of my comparisons of in shorts, boxers and it just hanging out.

Catching women's attention at the gym has been pretty cool especially since moving back to Europe. I don't even want to start talking about going to the sauna.
I didn't want to leave the thread high and dry with just a story. Here is the proof. The hang of my cock these days in the gym is next level. I have definitely enjoyed the extra wondering eyes I have been getting over the last few months.

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Well, my post will veer slightly from the actual topic, hope you don't mind because a proper bulge is a favorite subject of mine. I can pull of a sexy bulge but I'm not huge hung, even though I'm pretty thick on hard, just not quite as long as I'd prefer. I'm not a shower. Even normal sized and soft I don't like to be too showy in public. Making a show in public (to me) needs to be at a minimum. It needs to look unintentional and very real and such can be so sexy. I have seen my share of "bowling ball" bulges in your face displays and I'm sorry, it's ridiculous. I worked with a guy like that for years and literally, you could see his bulge coming before you saw him. He acted like it was his pride and joy and even though I believe he was the only one that didn't know, he looked absolutely ridiculous.

But, here's to a good proper bulge!
Well maybe I’m one of the few that actually loves bulging in public.

I do take into account the environment I’m in. Like work or family gatherings I will keep it ‘modest’ (though I never can hide it and everyone knows and jokes about how big I am).

But in gym or whilst going out I don’t try to tone it down at all. I love wearing tights as they give it the nicest shape. Stretchy jeans also work. Trousers that push everything flat are absolutely not flattering.
Well maybe I’m one of the few that actually loves bulging in public.

I do take into account the environment I’m in. Like work or family gatherings I will keep it ‘modest’ (though I never can hide it and everyone knows and jokes about how big I am).

But in gym or whilst going out I don’t try to tone it down at all. I love wearing tights as they give it the nicest shape. Stretchy jeans also work. Trousers that push everything flat are absolutely not flattering.
Yeah I haven't been to the gym in years but I gotta admit the thought of getting to show off bulge is kinda making me more motivated.
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I work with the public and am known in a small town, so I generally try to hide it. Once, it dropped down my right pants leg and was rubbing up against my thigh. I let it go, figuring no one would be checking out my crotch. I barely legal girl stopped and said to me, "Nice cock." That made my day.
I work with the public and am known in a small town, so I generally try to hide it. Once, it dropped down my right pants leg and was rubbing up against my thigh. I let it go, figuring no one would be checking out my crotch. I barely legal girl stopped and said to me, "Nice cock." That made my day.
That legal girl was correct, you do have a nice cock.
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I big, about 8.5X6, but I have HUGE balls. I don’t wear boxer shorts because my dick and balls flop around, so I usually wear tightly Whities. I’ve tried wearing a thong, jockstrap and boxer briefs and all seem to make me show a big bulge. Don’t get me wrong, I am proud of what I have, but it can be embarrassing especially when I pop a boner at the wrong time.