Your experiences going out with big bulge in public?

I big, about 8.5X6, but I have HUGE balls. I don’t wear boxer shorts because my dick and balls flop around, so I usually wear tightly Whities. I’ve tried wearing a thong, jockstrap and boxer briefs and all seem to make me show a big bulge. Don’t get me wrong, I am proud of what I have, but it can be embarrassing especially when I pop a boner at the wrong time.
I tried thongs once. I takes a lot of getting used to. They had great support for my cock and balls, and, yes, they did make my bulge more prominent. However, there a real turnoff for some people, and sometimes you don't want to be showing to much--work, family events.
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I feel two contradictory ways about it. I have a very large penis so I always bulge. I like it, I’m proud of it, but I can also be incredibly self conscious about it and try to hide it or get stressed about others staring or finding it obscene.
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That would be very distracting to me at work. Would keep starring
So this is me - using the right brief or a stretchy skinny jean I can show , I'm an almost 8" in lenght so very enticing under the right circumstances (LOL) but would liked to flaunt it more "casually" I guess. Then again, I would love to keep it always (barely) family friendly but I guess its fine and we all work with what we have. Still LOVE the view of a good showing bulge. BTW how do you do it while exercising, mine totally shrinks2E1487AB-6259-4EDA-8822-58D7DA08C01F_1_105_c.jpeg

Short answer: I have had VERY good feedback when I want to show my bulge and have loved the desired effect. Not for everyday use thought.
OP I'm with you on remaining fairly modest in public. When my flaccid size could be mistaken for an almost-average erection, I don't feel the need to flaunt it further!

But I also don't try to hide it, so I wear what's appropriately comfortable: briefs under everyday clothes, fitted swimwear in the pool, and cycling kit while cycling. I've gotten occasional glances but no comments - and in public that's enough attention for me!

In every day life I try to hide my package because it attracts all kinds of people of which most I'm not interested in and once people find out, they either hate you or love you and there's nothing in between

Last week however I was invited to the xbiz amsterdam event as an adult content creator and I had full freedom to show off my big bulge in public, and even better I had a size queen squad promoting my size everywhere we went and everyone we talked to
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In every day life I try to hide my package because it attracts all kinds of people of which most I'm not interested in and once people find out, they either hate you or love you and there's nothing in between

Last week however I was invited to the xbiz amsterdam event as an adult content creator and I had full freedom to show off my big bulge in public, and even better I had a size queen squad promoting my size everywhere we went and everyone we talked to
Why did you wear black pants? :) Wouldve been more obvious, especially from a distance, with lighter pants :)
Why did you wear black pants? :) Wouldve been more obvious, especially from a distance, with lighter pants :)
Because anything else besides black wouldn't work with the blazer
I work with the public and am known in a small town, so I generally try to hide it. Once, it dropped down my right pants leg and was rubbing up against my thigh. I let it go, figuring no one would be checking out my crotch. I barely legal girl stopped and said to me, "Nice cock." That made my day.
I think you have a beautiful cock. Don’t hide it.
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Loved reading all of these responses and the different perspectives. I'm a shower, big but not massively hung, so while my bulge can be prominent in certain clothes, I never feel as though it's over the top conspicuous or inappropriate. In school I used to get the occasional comment asking if I was erect, because back then I used to lay it to the side in my briefs instead of straight down. Today I dress for comfort, which means briefs with a larger pouch. This means I always have a bulge or VPL down the left leg, and I love the feeling of not being compressed in a tiny pouch all day. Whether I'm in the office or walking to the store, I don't feel that people are paying that much attention to my crotch. In fact, my biceps seem to attract the most attention overall. The one difference is if I'm in a gay space, e.g. club, bar, pool party, etc. In those spaces, men are not shy about noticing, staring, touching, or discussing dicks. The exhibitionist in me comes out when I'm in these spaces. I know the right shorts or jeans to wear that will put it on display, and I enjoy the attention. As a gay man, I also appreciate the view of a nice bulge.
It can be great or not great depending on your mood and where you are. If you are cheerful and relaxed it will probably work. If you are too self conscious or trying to flaunt it, it won't come off as well ...

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