Your Typical Answer When Asked About Your Size?

My question is: How do you typically answer to questions about your size? (Excludes sending pics or dropping your pants)
Basically, in texts, conversations or whatever (bars, Tinder, etc.) how do you answer to people asking about your size?
Let's hear yours, cheers guys!

The only people who have asked me in person, are the women who have just given me an erection that they actively caused!

There have been some conversations in the past that had some innuendo about size, and my answer was "No complaints" or "Only compliments". These situations were with a past girlfriend who hinted to others we were with, that she was happy with I had to offer.
I just tell them. Above average, or give them precise measurements. I like having a 7x5 cock. Largish, but not too large.
"No complaints," seems to be my default. Technically it's true, and I don't come across as a douche who brags about their size to others.
I did cam, pretty much as an occasional recreational hobby; but now I am simi retired from the activity.
As far as stereotyped, not really. I would count a BBC comment, right up there with a stupid comment. Thankfully LPSG allows you to turnoff stupid viewers; or just not let them ever view again.

@ronin001 - Your reply is yet another example of why I consider you to be one of the most honest and intelligent man on LPSG!

If asked outright, I say just under 8". I believe in being honest about it, so if they think I'm bragging, it's their loss. If it seems like we're going down the sexual path, I offer the friendly warning, "I hope you don't mind if I'm a little on the large side". I started doing this because in my younger days, I had a few that were reluctant when it came out. Fortunately, being a gent paid off with this. I told them that if it hurt or was at all uncomfortable, I would stop. Seeing as a vagina can birth a baby, there shouldn't be any problem taking a decently hung cock. I got them all to agree and after that first time they sure wanted more. It's just kinda awkward being in bed with a woman and worried about if you're going to be able to finish.
