Youth Hostels with Communal Showers

So, as promised, here is a report from Barcelona. PSG 8-bed male dorm.

Disclaimer: I have tried to make things as anonymous as possible without taking away the fun - what happens in the room, stays in the room.

Layout: I am sure many of you have been there but for those who haven't, the room is small with 4 bunk beds, one door, one ensuite and one window. The door and window are on opposite walls and the ensuite (with 2 sinks) is to the right as soon as you enter the room. Because the presence of ensuite creates a small passage, there is always a 3-5 second delay between when someone inserts the electronic key card (alerting people inside) and when they truly enter the room and can view all the beds.

In the sketch, I have labelled the beds 1 to 8, with odd number being the lower bunk and even being the upper bunk. Ovals on the beds are the pillow locations so that you can figure out lines of sight. The smallest squares in the floorplan are lockers, 4 double-decker lockers in total. The bed numbers are also used to refer to the guys with a letter suffix (a, b, c… to denote when they appear in the room).

Thursday: I arrived on Thursday evening around 2015 and three beds were unmade (i.e. occupied): beds 1, 6 and 8. The Guy on bed 1 (G1a) was in the room and he sleeping completely inside his covers. I was assigned bed 3, with the heavy-curtained window towards my feet. I stripped down completely and started putting things in my locker (between beds 1 and 3). G1a peaked out of this covers, saw me naked and slept again. I was planning to shower but then dropped the plan, got dressed and went to have dinner.

When I returned at around 2200, G1a was on a phone call and G6 was sitting on bed 5. Bed 2 was now unmade. I got an awkward vibe from G1a so decided to play safe there. G6 was a sweet guy in his 20s, happy to introduce himself. Luckily, in some time G1a went to the washroom. I then talked more with G6 and started to strip myself down, finally sitting down naked on (my) bed 3 facing him. I sneakily pulled the cover on my legs such that my (now semi-hard) dick was clearly visible only to him (G6) but not to anyone standing or from bed 1. As I was talking to him - very conscious of my hard-on, a very handsome fellow (in mid-20s) came in and introduced himself (G2a). His eyes glowed as he talked to me, clearly excited. He stripped to his underwear and then climbed to his bed (number 2) - I took a clue there. Meanwhile G1a came back to his bed, wore his shoes and headed out. G6 was on his phone and I was really hard by this time so I decided to use the opportunity. I got up and slowly wrapped my towel while facing bed 2 (i.e. G2a) with my butt towards bed 5, giving G2a a very clear view of me being hard. I didn't look at him for his reaction and, with my towel wrapped, started going through the stuff in my locker. I took out my toothbrush and shower gel.

Then, I sat on my bed in the towel and started browsing on my phone as if I plan to go and shower in some time. Then came in G8, who was a friend of G6 - and my internal gaydar beeped loudly for him ;). He saw me in towel and we did introductions. With a big smile, he talked G6 about dinner and they left together; leaving me and G2a alone in the room.

G2a got down, removed his underwear and went to the washroom with his towel in his hand. I immediately followed him into the washroom with the idea of - at the very least - brushing my teeth as he showered. I removed my towel, was still completely hard and looked at him. He complemented me "You have a nice cock" and started getting hard. We took each others in our hands and talked a bit… I like being blown so I asked him if he wants to do me the favor but he politely declined saying has a mouth sore (safety first). I then played a bit with his nipples. Now I have been saving my cum for a month in anticipation of this trip - so I wanted to save it for a nice blowjob, and he was clearly new to the scene. Plus, he said he is not very comfortable with the idea that someone finds both of us together in the small bathroom. Therefore, I left him in peace and went back to my bed. I waited for him to come out so that I can have one last view of His Sexiness. Then I dressed, left the room and went to a club to get my much-anticipated blowjob.


I have detailed diary-like notes on all the following 3 days. Let me know if you guys like to read it in such detail or should I shorten it a bit. I have modified a few things here and there, mainly to preserve privacy.


Continuing from the post above.

Friday: After my very satisfactory night out, I returned to the room at around 0300 in the morning. I stripped down and got into the bed, barely covering myself. I wasn't hard anymore but was with the post-blowjob chub. At around 0500, G2a got up and started packing. I was still half-awake so I made sure that His Sexiness can see everything if looks he in my direction - which I hope he did. However, the room was very dark so I can't be very sure; the only glow was from street lamps below brightening the far end of my bed. G2a then left and I dozed off completely.

At around 0900, I woke up a bit and saw that G8, the one who triggered my gaydar, was stroking. There was sun outside but the light levels were still low because of the heavy curtains. I removed my covers and wanked a little to see if I can encourage something. By this time, my eyes had adjusted and I figured that he was under his covers. Again, I am not sure if he did see any of what I did. Then one of the mobiles in the room buzzed and he stopped. I decided to get up and head to shower. G1a was sleeping in his boxer briefs and had a little boner. Eventually he turned around and hid it.

For shower, I went to the common floor shower which has 4 sinks and 2 small shower cubicles with shutters. In there was a not-so-hot guy showering with his shutter closed. I stripped naked and started to shave my beard. He finished showering, wore underwear and then opened his door. He continued dressing and I continued shaving stark naked - I didn't get a semi cause he wasn't looking much and I wasn't very motivated either. He sneezed, I said bless you, followed by a Thank you from him. He left. I then went to shower and did so with my shutters open in case someone comes in and gets interested but no luck. After shower, I returned to my room in towel and t-shirt. In the room, I removed them and sat naked on my bed waiting for the phone to finish charging. Only G1a was there - still sleeping. I then got dressed and went off for the touristy stuff. (Side note: BCN is an awesome city with a never ending supply of interesting buildings if you like architecture as much as I do!)

After dinner, I returned to the room at around 2000. There were three new arrivals, G2b, G4a and G7 and everyone was asleep fully covered or lying clothed in their beds. G2b and G4a were both old-ish and clearly not into anything fun. Keeping the response to my earlier post in mind, I decided to do my best to not offend anyone. I got naked, immediately got into the covers and had a 2 hour nap. Later, at around 2300 I went out to a club (didn't do anything naughty).

Saturday: I returned at around 0300 and went to bed naked. All beds other than G5 were occupied. This time G7 was up - I jerked a bit half-covered - hoping he to entice him but was not successful. However, he clearly understood what I am doing and did not react negatively to it, for example by turning away or something. In fact, most of the light in the room was from his phone and I think he was watching porn. I was too tired to give it a lot of effort and slept off.

In the morning - nothing at all happened in the dorm room. In the common floor shower - I had a peek on a total of two softies. I got naked and asked a guy for some toothpaste, and brushed while he dressed up and left. I shaved again (though a shave wasn't required :p) and I showered with the shutters open. The other cubicle finally got occupied while I was showering but he used it shuttered.

In the evening, I was quite tired when I returned. It was raining so I decided I will stay in room and try to spice things up if possible. G2b and G4a had left and the beds were remade. Now it was me, G1a, G6, G7 and G8 in the room.

When I arrived, G7 was alone. He seemed friendly - in spite of me giving him a show earlier - and I chatted a bit with him; I took this as a sign of being sex positive. Meanwhile, I got naked and sat on the bed; covering my lap with my cover. He didn't mind that either. Soon G1a and then G6 and G8 returned. I laid down naked in the bed, covered myself with the quilt and had a nap.

Later around 2100, two more guys came in, one in the bed above me - G4b - very smart young guy and G5. G4b was very friendly and noticed that I am naked under the covers as he stood in the room and talked to some of us. He said he'll be back in an hour and left. G5 slept off immediately after that. G8 dressed and left for a party while G6 (G8's friend) and G1a went to bed. G7 said he's going out for dinner at around 2200 and the lights were turned off.

I made it a point to wait for G4b and, after some time, removed my quilt waiting for him to return. He came back and had in his view my full glory as he climbed to the bed above me. This night I moved the curtain a bit so that more light from the streets could enter the room. Eventually G8 also returned, followed by G7 in sometime. They would have seen a semi had they looked towards me; I can't say for sure as I pretended to be asleep (and was, in fact, half-asleep).

Sunday morning: I finished sleeping at around 0200 and noticed that the G7 is up. He had been sleeping in only his underwear and with earlier experience with him, I figured that I could take some risk head-on. The room had no light expect the mild light from his phone screen in addition to the glow from the window. I started playing with my dick and got it hard. I am sure he watched me from time to time. First I was half asleep, and played with it time to time. Then I woke up and read some porn on my phone to increase the light and encourage him. He didn't do anything. I think he was waiting for me to cum and finish - but I didn't want to. Eventually around 0400, he turned around and slept off. I did the same... All this while, G8 and G5 could have seen me had they woken up.

I woke up again at around 0600, and G7 was also up again. I stroked a bit more for him to see, though it was mainly out of the feeling of being horny in a dorm room. I was still hoping for some fun from the smart G4b above me and waited for him to wake up. This was easy because he was sleeping above me and I could sense from his movements that he is about to wake up. He got down around 0700 and was greeted by the full view. I am very sure that he saw it but he packed and left in a hurry. Meanwhile, G5 got up for loo and saw me as well. At around 0800, there was more than enough light that everything was clearly visible. I continued stroking from time to time, giving a full view to G7, even completely doing away with covers. However, he slept off again, this time sleeping deeply and snoring a bit. I think he was bored by now.

Finally, G5 got up to get ready. I had stopped stroking but the hard-on was still uncovered. I think he did see it 2-3 times while getting ready but I don't know his reaction because I pretended to be asleep (there was enough light and I didn't want it to be awkward). Eventually he left for the day.

From 0800 to 0930, I waited for G6 and G8 to get up. I still thought that G8 is interested. So, feeling bold, I wanted to show him my tool with enough light in the room - maybe smile at him and get a response. But they didn't wake up. By 0935, I gave up hope started getting ready.

In the floor bathroom, there was a man in his 40s, starting to go to shower. I removed my towel and asked him if he has toothpaste. He was clearly enjoying looking at me and dumped two times the usual amount of paste on my brush. Then, he went to shower and closed his shutter. I finished brushing and showered with my shutter open. I stroked it a bit and he noticed my chub when he came out of his cubicle. He got dressed and went his way.

I finished showering and went to the room. Three remaining in the room, G1a, G6 and G8 were still asleep. I packed everything properly because I planned to leave early on Monday morning. By the time I was leaving, G1a was up and playing with his nipple a bit. As I never had a good feeling from him, I didn't act on it and I left the room for that day.


The last part with most fun, about Sunday evening, is coming in some time. Feedback is very welcome.
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Continuing from here and above.

Sunday evening: On Sunday, the weather wasn't as good and it was supposed to get cold at sunset. Therefore, I returned to the room at around 1700. The room was empty but a few beds had been made by the room service. This helped me figure out that G1a has left; leaving me, G5, G6, G7 and G8 in the room. With me on Bed 3, all these beds were in my view.

I stripped down, planning to take a nap before dinner. As I stood there, drinking water in the centre of the empty room, suddenly the door opened and in walked a new fellow, around 40. He seemed unfazed (borderline happy) to find me naked. I talked to him casually, did introductions (G4c, bed above me) - trying hard not to get hard (and living my CMNM fantasy). He then went to the washroom and I sat on my bed looking at my phone, barely covering my dick; testing the waters of course. He came out, changed his clothes - in front of me - and wore shorts. He then mentioned that he's going to climb to his bed (above me) and that I shouldn't bother if it shakes a little. If ever there is a clear message, this was one.

He then climbed to the bed above me, got comfortable, started jerking off and the bed shook a little. Of course I couldn't see anything :| but wanted to participate. He took a small break and I responded by jerking off vigorously during this break so that he knows that he is not the only one jerking off. He started off again with more enthusiasm.

I was of course very horny and this was very close to the hostel fantasy I have, so I tried my luck. I got up, he stopped. I drew the curtain a bit - making the room darker - and checked the door to ensure that it was closed. As I did this, I walked around hard and naked and he saw me very very well. He was covered with his sheets… I decided to be direct and asked him if he needed something. He said no. I thought maybe I wasn't clear enough - I then asked if he is interested in men. He said no. :( Respecting that, I told him that I will go back to my bed, that he can ask for help if needs any (i.e. if he changes his mind) and that I will not disturb him otherwise. I went back to my place. He started again and went full on, being loud and clear. I really wanted to see him jerk it but then did not want to impose myself anymore or make him uncomfortable when jerking (bro code). (In retrospect, maybe I could have asked permission to watch -- but that didn't occur to me then.)

He went on for about 7-8 minutes, starting slowly, taking breaks and really choking the cock towards the end - the entire bed creaked loudly. He wasn't bothered by my presence and didn't try to be quiet or tame. In fact, I think my presence and the idea of me listening to him turned him on further because he started moaning "Oh Yeh!"s in English (not his native tongue) towards the end. I took this as him flaunting his prowess to me. Finally he came loudly and kept lying in his bed, in the pool of his cum. It was all over by 1800, in less than an hour.

In the long nice pause after he finished, a new person came in for Bed 1 (G1b). He wasn't my type at all, though he did strip down to his underwear and went to bed. Now this bed had the worst view from my end (Bed 3) and when lying down, I could never sneak a peak at it without making it evidently clear that I am looking at it. Even when sitting, the view was partially blocked by the lockers. As I was already sitting all this while (while G4c was beating the heaven out of his loins), I could only see the feet of G1b as they twisted and twirled. He was clearly jerking off and enjoying silently. In less than 5 minutes, after a stretched feet and a sigh, he stopped and slept off for the night. Soon afterwards, G6, G7 and G8 came back and I got dressed to get dinner and buy souvenirs. As I locked my locker, lying on his bed G4c smiled at me and I smiled back at him.

By the time I returned at around 2000, I had made up my mind to push the limits if possible. My jerk mate, G4c, had meanwhile showered (evidence: towel on bed) but was missing from the room. G1b was still sleeping. G6, G7 and G8 were there, and G5 was still not there. I did a final packing of my stuff, undressed, got into the bed and sat there scrolling through my phone. Meanwhile G6 and G8 got ready and left. As soon as they left, I asked G7 if lights are required as he was already half-asleep, and with no as an answer, I got out of my bed (naked) and turned them off. When I returned to my bed, I started wanking openly. G7 saw it but did not react (I guess he was in a bad mood regarding his own issues (at one point that night he went to the washroom to shout and record an expletive for someone as an audio message). Unfazed, I played slowly till the door opened and in came G4c. He saw clearly what I am doing and looked twice. He changed to his shorts again while I jerked openly for him. Finally he climbed on to his bed, laid down and I felt a bit of movement. I took this as a clue and wanted to give back a clear response without offending him. So I climbed out of my bed naked and hard, and dug out a new condom from my packed stuff; ignoring the presence of G7 and G1b - both asleep - completely. I then silently dropped the condom on G4c's bed as I got back into mine.

Soon, in the semi-darkness, he found it quickly in the light of his phone and I could hear him open the condom wrapper followed by a few more movements of the bed. He then climbed out (clothed) and went to the washroom. I clearly heard that he did not lock the door. With my fantasy so close, I pondered about following him in there (remember he said he's not into men). As I gave it a thought and was about to arrive at a yes-follow-him conclusion, the phone of G7 buzzed loudly, waking him up and alerting G4c as well. Soon G4c flushed the toilet and came into the room. Meanwhile, lying there, I continued jerking slowly as G4c removed his t-shirt before climbing back to his bed, all in presence of G7 (who of course had no idea of what has already happened in the room, and the chemistry between me and G4c).

I then waited for G7 to sleep before doing anything else (my fantasies ranged from grabbing G4c's dick to asking him to cum on my underwear; yes, I had one even though I freeballed all the time in BCN :p). But this did not come to pass, as G6 and G8 returned to the room. I quickly covered by dick but left the balls uncovered - finally taking the risk of enticing G8 openly as they switched the lights on. As far I understood, G6 saw it first as he climbed to his bed and told about it to G8 - in their own language. G8 then walked to the window, in a faked attempt to adjust curtains, pointed at my balls and grinned widely looking at me (gaydar fail?). I giggled, covered my balls, smiled back, blushed and shook my head. Then I took a nap.

When I woke up at around 0100, G5 had also returned to his bed, and everyone than G7 was asleep. I had to spend time till 3 am in order to catch my flight and did not want to risk sleeping again; so I played some more with my dick. G7 was up but he definitely did not care by this time, and I didn't do it for him either - it was more to keep myself up and busy. At 0300, I got up, got dressed, went to the common shower to brush (one last time, ever hopeful) and then checked-out.


The purpose of me doing this very detailed log is to set the expectations straight in this forum. My 4 night stay involved 2 near hits and a lot of misses, at least 3 other guys wanking and hopefully no one getting offended by my nudity - the key is to take it slowly. A smaller recounting with only the fun parts would have been more exciting to read but then including the negative results helps in establishing fact from fantasy.

I think hostels can be a lot more fun and encouraging nudity in an all-male setting, while maintaining respect for consent, is essential for a healthy camaraderie. I took care of not causing offence, especially when people were up and about. Let me know what you guys think.
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This Backpackers place in Tokyo looks great.
Only a Japanese Bath to stay clean.
Male, Female and mixed rooms.

Hotel Plus Hostel TOKYO ASAKUSA 1​

stayed here and it was great. the male onsen is super nice, had some great views on hot naked guys there. also met some gays who were open to fun in the male only dorms. can highly reccomend it.
So, as promised, here is a report from Barcelona. PSG 8-bed male dorm.

Disclaimer: I have tried to make things as anonymous as possible without taking away the fun - what happens in the room, stays in the room.

Layout: I am sure many of you have been there but for those who haven't, the room is small with 4 bunk beds, one door, one ensuite and one window. The door and window are on opposite walls and the ensuite (with 2 sinks) is to the right as soon as you enter the room. Because the presence of ensuite creates a small passage, there is always a 3-5 second delay between when someone inserts the electronic key card (alerting people inside) and when they truly enter the room and can view all the beds.

In the sketch, I have labelled the beds 1 to 8, with odd number being the lower bunk and even being the upper bunk. Ovals on the beds are the pillow locations so that you can figure out lines of sight. The smallest squares in the floorplan are lockers, 4 double-decker lockers in total. The bed numbers are also used to refer to the guys with a letter suffix (a, b, c… to denote when they appear in the room).

Thursday: I arrived on Thursday evening around 2015 and three beds were unmade (i.e. occupied): beds 1, 6 and 8. The Guy on bed 1 (G1a) was in the room and he sleeping completely inside his covers. I was assigned bed 3, with the heavy-curtained window towards my feet. I stripped down completely and started putting things in my locker (between beds 1 and 3). G1a peaked out of this covers, saw me naked and slept again. I was planning to shower but then dropped the plan, got dressed and went to have dinner.

When I returned at around 2200, G1a was on a phone call and G6 was sitting on bed 5. Bed 2 was now unmade. I got an awkward vibe from G1a so decided to play safe there. G6 was a sweet guy in his 20s, happy to introduce himself. Luckily, in some time G1a went to the washroom. I then talked more with G6 and started to strip myself down, finally sitting down naked on (my) bed 3 facing him. I sneakily pulled the cover on my legs such that my (now semi-hard) dick was clearly visible only to him (G6) but not to anyone standing or from bed 1. As I was talking to him - very conscious of my hard-on, a very handsome fellow (in mid-20s) came in and introduced himself (G2a). His eyes glowed as he talked to me, clearly excited. He stripped to his underwear and then climbed to his bed (number 2) - I took a clue there. Meanwhile G1a came back to his bed, wore his shoes and headed out. G6 was on his phone and I was really hard by this time so I decided to use the opportunity. I got up and slowly wrapped my towel while facing bed 2 (i.e. G2a) with my butt towards bed 5, giving G2a a very clear view of me being hard. I didn't look at him for his reaction and, with my towel wrapped, started going through the stuff in my locker. I took out my toothbrush and shower gel.

Then, I sat on my bed in the towel and started browsing on my phone as if I plan to go and shower in some time. Then came in G8, who was a friend of G6 - and my internal gaydar beeped loudly for him ;). He saw me in towel and we did introductions. With a big smile, he talked G6 about dinner and they left together; leaving me and G2a alone in the room.

G2a got down, removed his underwear and went to the washroom with his towel in his hand. I immediately followed him into the washroom with the idea of - at the very least - brushing my teeth as he showered. I removed my towel, was still completely hard and looked at him. He complemented me "You have a nice cock" and started getting hard. We took each others in our hands and talked a bit… I like being blown so I asked him if he wants to do me the favor but he politely declined saying has a mouth sore (safety first). I then played a bit with his nipples. Now I have been saving my cum for a month in anticipation of this trip - so I wanted to save it for a nice blowjob, and he was clearly new to the scene. Plus, he said he is not very comfortable with the idea that someone finds both of us together in the small bathroom. Therefore, I left him in peace and went back to my bed. I waited for him to come out so that I can have one last view of His Sexiness. Then I dressed, left the room and went to a club to get my much-anticipated blowjob.


I have detailed diary-like notes on all the following 3 days. Let me know if you guys like to read it in such detail or should I shorten it a bit. I have modified a few things here and there, mainly to preserve privacy.
Which hotel is Barcelona PSG ?
just found this thread through the other "hostel wanking" thread and boy am I happy and horny now.. staying at kiez hostel all male dorm beginning of february and hoping for some communal wanking action. will report.
Which weekend are you going?
Did you book an all male dorm or the mixed one?
Anyone planning Stuttgart (Alex30) this month?

Tips for Alex30 - 6 bed room or 4 bed room? I have choice between the following options. Confused, suggestions please.

Bed in 4-Bed Male Dormitory Room (Men Only!)
Only 6 beds left on our site

Single Bed in Male 6-Bed Dormitory Room (Men Only!)
Only 5 beds left on our site