Youtuber brennen evangelista

He‘s probably too modest for that. :-(
I agree. He's obviously comfortable & happy to go topless in the adr rooms when they're hot, but I don't get the feeling he'd be into doing an of, even if was just selfies in his undies, which to me makes him cute.
Anyone know if he's taken any particular side in the Dan/Rick falling out?
What makes you think that?

Is it the fact that he's said he's straight or the fact that 90% of the people he follows on IG are attractive women?
When I was in my early 20's I was in the closet and told friends and family I was straight. I had male and female friends, some thought one of my female friends and I were together.
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I don't think he is. I'm thinking he's got a guy & not wanting to go "public" with it.
When I was in my early 20's I was in the closet and told friends and family I was straight. I had male and female friends, some thought one of my female friends and I were together.
Just watched S2E5 of ADR, it looks like he‘s horny for the entire episode, his shorts bulge pretty much.

Also, in S2E3, he‘s topless and his shorts ride pretty low and the band of his boxers show. Just a bit lower and his pubic hair would show, I think. Looks really hot.
Just found this thread. I went to Guelph and lived in the same dorm as Brennen for a year. I never shared a room with him, but the bathrooms and showers were communal, so I saw him there many times. We aren't best friends or anything, but we kept in touch after college. We went to a lot of the same parties and have mutual friends.

I've never seen him hard, but can confirm that he's definitely above average when soft.
Do you remember if he had a lot of pubic hair down around his dick or was it pretty clean?
Another cute young guy Dan Bell scared away. Kinda shocked Dan doesn’t have a thread here for all the hotties he tries to get into the sack with, fails and then shuns them through his YouTube. He had a break down video earlier this year blaming all the YouTubers that he claimed tried to get fame off of him. LOL. Hot guys don’t need some fat jerk to get fame. The video was awful. He comes out and says that basically anyone he collaborated with in the past was using him. That he hates them all. He is such an ass, blaming mental conditions for his lack of civility.
You can really see it in the video where he finds an abandoned car In LINKIN PARK. He instantly attacks the guys he got to tag along, the second he loses his nerve. He panics like mad. Mr. Tough guy, becomes an instant coward. He attacked one for signing a Cher song, cause he is not gay. Only gay men can enjoy Cher, by his definition. The guy tells him off. It was a very ugly video.