Photos & Videos Yummyzine

Just a friendly warning:

This thread, and some other Yummyzine related threads, have been locked (with content deleted) before because people were sharing pics with no restraint. A pic from a spread is not an issue but the whole photo essay is too much. That's the type of thing that gets threads deleted or locked. I've seen people sharing the unwrapped pics - all of them! - that Yummy shares through their newsletter. The newsletter is free an anyone of age can sign up for it, and Yummy has expressed that the pics should remain on the newsletters only as some models would prefer they are not shared freely on every possible social media platform. So can we please try to honor those requests? It just takes one idiot to spoil the fun for everyone. Not only media has been deleted from this particular thread but also some great information about modeling, modeling world, photographers and their careers, etc. So it's a loss that goes further than just files. The constant "please, I'm poor, give me pictures" is tired and annoying as hell. Feel happy that you got to see at least something and stop demanding more and more. People who actually paid for the magazine have zero obligations when it comes to sharing plus we understand the value and amount of work that goes into putting a magazine like this together. I'm not reprimanding anyone for coming here to take a look as I've done the same. But there's a difference between sampling and being a greedy moron. Please develop some common sense and the habit of paying for your media consumption.
quoting this from another thread because it needs to be said
I replaced the plain-text Instagram handles with links.
(I assumed the asterisk by a model's name meant those are the ones who will be frontal in this issue. But who knows. There was no * by Smiggi's name when I looked at the page.)

Yummy 4 Model List:

Absence of Camouflage by Steven Klein
  1. Joshua Cummings Login • Instagram
  2. Ethan O’Pry Login • Instagram
Winter Sun in order of appearance
  1. Rob Knighton* Login • Instagram
  2. Tyler André Forbes* Login • Instagram
  3. Russell White* Login • Instagram
  4. Ivan* Login • Instagram
  5. Rayan Ricci* Login • Instagram
  6. Chad White* Login • Instagram
  7. Maynard Jacob* Login • Instagram
  8. Mark Krupanszki* Login • Instagram
  9. Marci*
  10. Benjamin Bowers* Login • Instagram
  11. Kyle Umemba*
  12. Gorge Cobain* Login • Instagram
  13. Mate Kovacs* Login • Instagram
  14. Kolos Balazs Instagram
  15. Martin* Login • Instagram
  16. Akonne Wanliss* Login • Instagram
  17. Alessio Pozzi* Login • Instagram
  18. Mario Adrion Login • Instagram
  19. Liam Henry Login • Instagram
  20. Yago Taboas Rivas Login • Instagram
  21. Aldo Londero Login • Instagram
  22. Augusto Baccarrelli
  23. Gioele Patroni Login • Instagram
  24. Giove Taioli Login • Instagram
  25. Jakob Jokerst Login • Instagram
  26. Nehuen Alauzet Login • Instagram
  27. Anton Sebel Login • Instagram
  28. Fiachra Ó Corragáin Login • Instagram
  29. Andrés Manzano Login • Instagram
  30. Sergey Yaroslavtsev Login • Instagram
  31. Kilian Isaak Login • Instagram
  32. Julien Tirotta Login • Instagram
  33. Ronan Murphy Login • Instagram
  34. Augusto Baccanelli Login • Instagram
  35. Oliver Rosslee Login • Instagram
  36. Jerel Anderson Login • Instagram
  37. David Christian Login • Instagram
  38. Caio Brum Login • Instagram