What tends to feel better for you, sex or masturbation?
a) sex, but jerking off is a very close second ha.
Your 5 favorite spots to be stimulated.
a) ears, inner thighs, balls, foreskin, taint
Have you ever had your prostate stimulated?
a) mh, im not sure. not by hand no
Have you ever had an orgasm from anywhere other than your genitals?
a) ys, from being eaten out.
Are you well-acquainted with your G-spot?
a) haha no
Are handjobs boring, or underrated?
a) depends. ive never hand anyone jerk me off properly.
Do you like having your balls touched?
a) yes
Do you like having your nipples touched?
a) nah doesnt so it for me
Do you like having your anus touched?
a) touched? played with tounge yes.
Have you ever been fisted?
a) god no ha
Do you like mild roughness (scratching, spanking, hair-pulling, etc.)?
a) mh depends on the day
Do you have any kinks?
a) yes but nothin too crazy
Are you into anything under the BDSM umbrella?
a) tie someone up and fuck them relentlessly, yes.
Do you pee in the shower?
a) of course, who doesnt ha
Do you ever masturbate in the shower?
a) very rarely, i get hard during a shower tho
Have you had sex in the shower?
a) yes
Do you like being naked?
a) resounding yes
Do you sleep partially/fully naked?
a) fully naked.
Have you ever to a nude beach, naked party, or other situation involving casual nudity?
a) been to a number of nude beaches yes. and saunas
Are you comfortable with partners seeing you nude in non-sexual contexts?
a) yea absolutely, until im asked to put on clothes haha
Have you ever showered with someone (non-sexually)?
a) yes. some of my mates and in the gym and in school.
Do you care if a partner sees you going to the bathroom?
a) i dont quite understand the question. are we talking about them being in the same room? not rly no ha
Do you have naked pictures/videos of yourself? If yes, have you sent them to anyone? Are they online?
a) yes. i send nude stuff to alot of ppl
How many sexual partners have you had?
a) oofff, alot. when im single, i fuck quite alot. i have a number in mind but im not gonna share it ha
How often do you masturbate?
a) typically 5 to 10 times a day. i need to.
What position do you typically masturbate in (laying on back, on stomach, sitting up, etc.)?
a) lying down or sitting up
Describe your masturbation routine, technique, etc.
a) i play with it, get hard, jerk off and cum haha
What do you masturbate to (porn, smut, imagination, etc.)?
a) porn and imagination
Have you ever masturbated to the point you got sore?
a) yes, happens alot too ha. thank god for handcreme ha
Your thoughts the first time you got up close and personal with the opposite set of genitals?
a) thought it smelled nice. licked it and it was so slimey but tasted good ha. pussy was nice
What kind of underwear do you normally wear?
a) briefs. gives me the freedom i need to move around
Do you ever go commando?
a) yes. especially in the summer
Have you ever had a wet dream/orgasmed in your sleep?
a) quite alot in my teens yes
How big is your penis?
a) 7.8 inches
Does your penis curve at all?
a) no
Are you circumcised or no? Are you happy with it?
a) uncut, and absolutely
Are you turned on or off by foreskin, or don’t care?
a) it depends. not every cut penis looks good unfortunately. but mot wvery uncut looks good either.
Do you find genitals physically attractive, or weird/gross, or not feel strongly either way?
a) of course i find them attractive, but it depends.
Do you like the way your genitals look?
a) absolutely. could do with bigger balls tho ha
Would you be able to pick out your genitals from a lineup?
a) yes.
Do you like your butt?
a) yeh its nice, firm and round

not too big not too small
What do you do with your pubic hair (shave, trim, wax, nothing, etc.)?
a) trim only
Do you care/have a preference what partners do with their pubic hair?
a) mh, i dont like smooth. we are men and not girls. but its just a preference.
Do you tuck your penis a certain way (i.e. left or right) when you get dressed?
a) no
Do you have or want any genital piercings? Do you like any on other people?
a) ouch, no and no
What is the quickest you’ve ever brought yourself (or been brought) to orgasm?
a) after a monthnof not jerking, i had sex with a girl i met at the club, quickly shot up her pussy. thankfully we both wrre drunk and laughed it off ha
Do you ever “edge” (repeatedly stop and start) when masturbating?
a) yess i lov
e it
What’s the longest masturbation session you’ve had? Longest sex session?
a) no idea. ha
What’s the most orgasms you’ve had in one session (of anything)?
a) also no idea ha
Do your orgasms tend to be full-body, or crotch-centric?
a) first one is crotch only, the more i cum the better it feels and the more my body tenses up and relaxes
Spit or swallow?
a) swallow, but ... ive had some rank cum in my mouth, so it depends. usually when the guy smokes i tend to spit it out.
When you ejaculate, do you more shoot or dribble?
a) shoot. always. after the 4th time it gets less and less.
Is it hot or gross to get ejaculated on?
a) i dont need it. im hairy and i dont like how it sticks to ya. but when im horny as fuck and i get railed i dont care. or if its a foursome
Have you ever had sex in a public place?
a) yes.
Have you ever had sex/masturbated while somebody was sleeping near you?
a) yes
Strangest/most unique place you’ve had sex? How about masturbated?
a) clothing store. fucked my gf in the wardrobe there. was banned for life ha
Have you had any sexual experiences that were downright gross?
a) yes.
Are you particularly “vocal” when masturbating/having sex?
a) voxal no. but i moan loudly
Have you ever been caught masturbating/having sex?
a) yes, plenty of times by parents
Have you had or do you want to have a threesome (or foursome, or more)?
a) yes. i have a group of ppl that meets up every weekend for group fun but during the winter it stops. due to snow etc
Have you ever used a homemade sex toy, or a regular object as a sex toy?
a) my clone a willy dick yes ha
Can a dildo feel as good as a penis?
a) no
What are your favorite positions?
a) missionary
Your most embarrassing sexual experience?
a) stayed over at a mates house after a party and we slept in the same room, like 5 ppl. and i thought i was fingering the girl i fancied and we proceeded to fuck. well. it was not the girl i fancied ha.
Have you ever had any genital injuries?
a) no
Have you ever had a sexually transmitted infection?
a) no
Do you think you’re “good” at sex, or your performance/skill could use improvement?
a) ah thats not for me to decide. ive been told that im good but i dont see myself when i fuck.
If you had the opposite set of genitals for a day, name 5 things you would do.
a) fuck myself with random objects in the house, let my neighbour have a go at my pussy, fuck all of my friends, fuck my former teacher and just get railed all day long haha
What’s something you like about your body?
a) i have a strong body. quite resilient. i dont bruise easily. altough i get sick alot ha especially this year. and i smell nice ha
What’s something you dislike about your body?
a) stretch marks from working out
What body parts do you find the sexiest?
a) thighs and arse
What was your most recent sexual thought?
a) have sex ha
Do you ever just play with your balls, penis, hole?
a) balls and dick yes. hole no
When was the last time you touched your genitals?
a) a minute ago haha
Do you often imagine people naked?
a) mh no not rly.