What tends to feel better for you, sex or masturbation? sex
Your 5 favorite spots to be stimulated. frenulum, corona, perineum, anus, prostate
Have you ever had your prostate stimulated? yes
Have you ever had an orgasm from anywhere other than your genitals? yes
Are you well-acquainted with your G-spot? yes
Are handjobs boring, or underrated? neither. they are fun.
Do you like having your balls touched? yes
Do you like having your nipples touched? yes
Do you like having your anus touched? yes
Have you ever been fisted? yes
Do you like mild roughness (scratching, spanking, hair-pulling, etc.)? in the right situation
Do you have any kinks? probably
Are you into anything under the BDSM umbrella? might consider locking up my dick one day but i would have to hold the key myself
Do you pee in the shower? whose shower?
Do you ever masturbate in the shower? i did as a kid but not lately
Have you had sex in the shower? yes
Do you like being naked? yes (i am right now)
Do you sleep partially/fully naked? yes
Have you ever to a nude beach, naked party, or other situation involving casual nudity? yes
Are you comfortable with partners seeing you nude in non-sexual contexts? yes
Have you ever showered with someone (non-sexually)? at the gym? sure. "privately" sure.
Do you care if a partner sees you going to the bathroom? no
Do you have naked pictures/videos of yourself? If yes, have you sent them to anyone? Are they online? yes, yes, yes
How many sexual partners have you had? low 20s
How often do you masturbate? daily or sometimes skip days
What position do you typically masturbate in (laying on back, on stomach, sitting up, etc.)? sitting, laying on my back. laying on my side
Describe your masturbation routine, technique, etc. Think sexy thoughts to start the juices flowing and use fingers to massage my glans. once precum is flowing rub that over my penis and stroke gently. sometimes use lube, sometimes use spit. depending
What do you masturbate to (porn, smut, imagination, etc.)? yes lol
Have you ever masturbated to the point you got sore? yes when i was younger
Your thoughts the first time you got up close and personal with the opposite set of genitals? uh, my 30s
What kind of underwear do you normally wear? usually WildmanT briefs (see gallery) or a jockstrap at the gym
Do you ever go commando? yes about 75% of the time.
Have you ever had a wet dream/orgasmed in your sleep? I'm pretty sure i have judging by the "stain" on my sheets, but i do not recall specifics
How big is your penis? 7x7. Too fat for many uses.
Does your penis curve at all? slightly upward
Are you circumcised or no? Are you happy with it? short foreskin. it's what i have.
Are you turned on or off by foreskin, or don’t care? on
Do you find genitals physically attractive, or weird/gross, or not feel strongly either way? attractive
Do you like the way your genitals look? yes
Would you be able to pick out your genitals from a lineup? yes
Do you like your butt? yes
What do you do with your pubic hair (shave, trim, wax, nothing, etc.)? wax
Do you care/have a preference what partners do with their pubic hair? i prefer shorter or none
Do you tuck your penis a certain way (i.e. left or right) when you get dressed? usually straight down and over my balls
Do you have or want any genital piercings? Do you like any on other people? I have a Prince Albert. On the right person they're hot.
What is the quickest you’ve ever brought yourself (or been brought) to orgasm? again, as a younger person maybe 2 minutes
Do you ever “edge” (repeatedly stop and start) when masturbating? yes
What’s the longest masturbation session you’ve had? Longest sex session? uh, hours. i didn't time them.
What’s the most orgasms you’ve had in one session (of anything)? 6
Do your orgasms tend to be full-body, or crotch-centric? somewhere between?
Spit or swallow? swallow
When you ejaculate, do you more shoot or dribble? since the PA more gush than shoot or dribble
Is it hot or gross to get ejaculated on? hot
Have you ever had sex in a public place? yes
Have you ever had sex/masturbated while somebody was sleeping near you? yes
Strangest/most unique place you’ve had sex? How about masturbated? the pool at a friend's house. the dressing room of a department store (into my sock)
Have you had any sexual experiences that were downright gross? ugh. yes.
Are you particularly “vocal” when masturbating/having sex? depends on the partner/situation. i like to be able to be loud but i have had plenty of practice being very quiet
Have you ever been caught masturbating/having sex? yes
Have you had or do you want to have a threesome (or foursome, or more)? absolutely have had three, four, moresome
Have you ever used a homemade sex toy, or a regular object as a sex toy? sure
Can a dildo feel as good as a penis? not in my experience but i'd be willing to have someone show me how it could be done
What are your favorite positions? i love to top in missionary and to be milked while i'm on all fours
Your most embarrassing sexual experience? my first time was poor but i think that's probably pretty common
Have you ever had any genital injuries? no
Have you ever had a sexually transmitted infection? no
Do you think you’re “good” at sex, or your performance/skill could use improvement? i am always looking to improve. want to help me?
If you had the opposite set of genitals for a day, name 5 things you would do. try to see as much dick and naked men as i could. see what a female orgasm feels like. repeat steps one and two as needed
What’s something you like about your body? my genitals and my smile
What’s something you dislike about your body? my midsection although slimming down is not my favorite
What body parts do you find the sexiest? 1) balls, taint and ass 2) eyes 3) apollo's belt 4) abs
What was your most recent sexual thought? this is making me horny when can i get some?
Do you ever just play with your balls, penis, hole? yes
When was the last time you touched your genitals? my other hand is in my lap stroking/holding them right now
Do you often imagine people naked? yes but i have the opportunity to see them naked many times in real life rather than just my imagination