Amy Winehouse has Emphysema at 24?

Also you control your habits,not the other way round.

You're absolutely correct.

You DO control your habits.

You DON'T control an addiction, it controls you.

That's where you and I disagree. I do agree with you in the regards that I have zero sympathy, empathy, pity, etc... for her or any other actor/singer/wongwriter/famous person who got into this situation.

They can blame it on their work schedule, they can blame it on their managers, they can blame it on whomever they wish too. Ultimately, the only person they can really blame is themselves. These people have the means and the resources to clean themselves up and don't.

Granted, I said an addiction controls you but even addicts who have hit rock bottom have turned their lives around. Hopefully she will be able to do this but not for one minute will I give her or anyone else that is famous, a smidgeon of empathy, sympathy, pity, etc.

Side rant:

Everyone sat back and watched as Whitney Houston trashed her life with drugs.

Everyone sat back and watched as Brittany Spears trashed her life until finally her father stepped in. Which I whole heartedly approved of.

Everyone sat back and watched as Robert Downey Jr was given chance after chance and blew them all. I hope his latest run through rehab holds. But if past performance is proof, it's only a matter of time.

Hell, I remember, barely, Betty Ford ruining her life with alcohol and she was the First Lady.

No one is immune to this crap.

Until we as a society (and I'm only speaking about America now) say this is the line and you can't cross it will we be able to actually move beyond this crap.

I'm so sick of people saying:

It's only pot. It's not deadly. Have your doctor operate on you while he's high.

It's only alcohol. Mind your own business. Tell that to the vitctim of a drunk driver.

It's only Meth. I'll never end up like that. Just wait.

I will not apologize for my attitude. From personal things that have happened to me while growing up, I will never, let me repeat, never have anything to do with anyone who is a drug addict. Who is an alcoholic.

If I find out that one of my friends is a pot smoker. I no longer associate with that person. If I find out a friend is an alcoholic, they are no longer a friend.

I found that it cut my social life down to almost nothing but I also found out that my stress level was reduced, the quality of friends that I've made since then has grown and my career has exploded in a good manner.

All in all, I see that as a very postive win.
I wouldnt really call her a beautiful woman...You cant feel sorry for people who harm themselves.Had she contracted a respiratory disease because of bad working conditions she would have my sympathy,but -it might sound self-righteous-how can you extend it to junkies,or alcoholics and other bad elements of society?

Easy, because they deserve it. Your comment was entirely self-righteous. There are a host of adversities that lead people to addiction that you could sit comfortably at your computer and say "I would never" but that's leaving the other person's shoes in the closet, not even considering a walk in them. I'm not justifying self-destructive behavior, but there are some people on this planet who don't stand a fucking chance at a normal life and their hardship begins at birth.

Janis, Jim, Jimi, Billie, these entertainers led troubled personal lives, coupled with careers that we couldn't imagine, being in the spotlight, pressure from outside and within, personal demons. Sadly its always the true talents who fade too early, while the over-produced, vocally-enhanced pop drones thrive in abundance. Amy is a rare talent, instrospective, honest lyrics and a charismatic voice. I hope the best for her and she has every ounce of sympathy I can afford.
marleyisalegend my life hasnt been easy,i had a personal tragedy a few years ago,my job is tough and doesnt pay well...but i havent fallen down the path of any addiction.She is rich and famous...what was the fucking tragedy that caused her to want to destroy herself?She hardly grew up poor,or in a period of hardships.She was obviously just another spoiled child with money...Also a question for all you sympathetic people.Do you donate to charity what you dont need or give change to the homeless in the street,or give blood regularly for those who need it and so many other things that society needs?I'd rather be self-righteous than walk the narrow line between sympathy and hypocrisy.
Addiction is physiological! The woman has something within her organically that has taken this out of her control. I do hope that someone can help her before it is too late. Too often people with power or prestige have enough independence so they will give the finger to those who are trying to help them. This is not a new thing. Frank Sinatra himself admitted that if he had gotten his Bi-Polar disorder treated years earlier he would never have left his first wife or made many of the negative life decisions he made. One of the results of his condition however was the forming of the rat pack. His buddies stayed up with him and eventually created a performing team around his manic periods where he would not go to bed for days. It is unfortunate however that we can see what a toll it took on each of their lives as well.
My cousin Drank herself to death at age 27.My aunt and uncle sent her to rehab after rehab.She didnt want help.she never thought she had a problem.She died x-mas eve.It was awful.I only pray Amy will see what she is doing to herself and stick to a treatment program before its too late.
marleyisalegend my life hasnt been easy,i had a personal tragedy a few years ago,my job is tough and doesnt pay well...but i havent fallen down the path of any addiction.She is rich and famous...what was the fucking tragedy that caused her to want to destroy herself?She hardly grew up poor,or in a period of hardships.She was obviously just another spoiled child with money...Also a question for all you sympathetic people.Do you donate to charity what you dont need or give change to the homeless in the street,or give blood regularly for those who need it and so many other things that society needs?I'd rather be self-righteous than walk the narrow line between sympathy and hypocrisy.

That's hardly a narrow line. I don't think its fair to compare your life to others. Many people live lives that are FREQUENTLY traumatic. Amy could've been abused for all you know, or experienced one or many of the tragedies you read about and go "oh my god." It's a sick fucking world out there and I hate when people go "My cat died and I didn't end up on drugs" or "I got laid off and I didn't end up on drugs." I could give you stories that'll make your head spin. Life isn't as easy as 'get up, dust yourself off.' If it were, there wouldn't be drugs or suicide or therapy or anything that indicates that we can't heal ourselves. This is the second self-righteous post in this thread. I had to figure as much, somebody like Amy makes a good scapegoat for people to point fingers and talk about how much better they are than her.

Judging by your comments, you clearly don't know enough about addiction or tragedy to write a paragraph. First of all, its common that people with traumatic experiences (all it takes is one) or illogical thinking develop an addiction, it doesn't have to be drugs. It can be sex, food, OC, anything. People battling addiction deserve our love and support because they're broken, they're incomplete. There's something they can't cope with, and there's a whole they're trying to fill. I find it grossly presumptuous that you've made such statements about her life when you probably only know her from afar. Growing up rich doesn't make you immune to the ills of the world, and I pray that you never become a politician because your narrow minded view of the world is ignorant and unrealistic. You're so judgmental I can't believe you'd waste your time posting about someone you probably think you're "immensely better than."
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Marley, you always hit the nail on the head with your observations, insights & summations. Im just too lazy to write all that!
Marley, you always hit the nail on the head with your observations, insights & summations. Im just too lazy to write all that!

LOL I'm not. I have zero tolerance for people who feel they're shit smells so good they can walk around telling other people what they should and shouldn't be doing. I NEVER EVER EVER justify a single thing Amy's done to herself, but pointing fingers going "you should've known better" is the least desirable response in these situation. People with that level of problem deserve NOTHING LESS than compassion and understanding, not judgment. I've had addicts in my family and I couldn't imagine someone being audacious enough to be so judgmental towards them. These kind of problems run deep and are intense and deserve more thought and analysis than "I've had it hard to and I'm not on crack." If it were that easy, drugs wouldn't exist to begin with.
I know enough about addictions and traumas,i just cant be bothered to write them.I am here to give my opinion not a university thesis.2nd,how do you know so much about her life?You're a relative or a close friend?I am terribly sorry if i offended someone you admire.3rd if i were narrow-minded and ignorant i would say something like "serves her right for being a Jew".I expressed my opinion based on the fact her addiction is on illegal things and she advertises it in her songs and interviews,which i find disgusting.Finally i posted because i was at home and had nothing else better to do...
I know enough about addictions and traumas,i just cant be bothered to write them.I am here to give my opinion not a university thesis.2nd,how do you know so much about her life?You're a relative or a close friend?I am terribly sorry if i offended someone you admire.3rd if i were narrow-minded and ignorant i would say something like "serves her right for being a Jew".I expressed my opinion based on the fact her addiction is on illegal things and she advertises it in her songs and interviews,which i find disgusting.Finally i posted because i was at home and had nothing else better to do...

I truly question the first statement given the things you said earlier. It's arguable that your opinion of her was

A)Outlandish in that you made sweeping assumptions about her life
B)Sounded atleast slightly judgmental
At least she is in the hospital for a week and off crack for a while. I hope she gets better or at least does not get worse.
As i refrain from making statements about your knowledge and experiences,i'd suggest you do the same about mine.A basis of any conversation is the acceptance that you are on the same level with the other and accept his opinion,even if you disagree.If you dont want to accept it,you dont continue a conversation since it is pointless.
Clearly you are quite self-opinionated and arrogant,since you started attacking a poster who has an opinion different from what you wanted to read.
Well, this situation may turn her life around or make it worse. I think that Amy Winehouse suffers self-esteem issues. You never know what is going on with her life and how she got into drugs. I can empathize. Sometimes life is a bit too much and people deal with it medicinally...(street chems or legal doctor prescribed chems.)

She needs something life changing and life affirming. How she chooses to deal is her choice. Maybe people can learn from her mistakes. Maybe not get too caught up in with wrong peeps and getting hooked on drugs. Maybe learn that life can be a great thing. We have to really appreciate things.

People don't really like to be judged. We all make mistakes. We are human.
Although I knew she had an addiction to cocaine and smoked a lot, the news of her illness still shocked me. I sincerely hope she regains control over her life and makes a full recovery.

I'm no doctor, but isn't emphysema a degenerative disease? Are there any after-effects?
I know this will read as crass, but my interest in Amy is purely selfish. I'd love to see her healthy and well so she makes more music. I love her voice and love her songs. I think she's remarkable and original as a singer and she has a sound you just don't hear much anymore. Her addiction is unfortunate but so many performers, and well so many people in general are addicted to something. So yeah, I hope she gets better and makes a stockpile of songs like Tupac, so the can release her music for the next 15 years, just in case.
As i refrain from making statements about your knowledge and experiences,i'd suggest you do the same about mine.A basis of any conversation is the acceptance that you are on the same level with the other and accept his opinion,even if you disagree.If you dont want to accept it,you dont continue a conversation since it is pointless.
Clearly you are quite self-opinionated and arrogant,since you started attacking a poster who has an opinion different from what you wanted to read.

Opinionate, arrogant, self-righteous, these are all common words people use to deflect when they're called out. I didn't have any major grievances with you, but your post was the definition of judgmental. It's not that you disagreed with me, it's that you made MARGINAL assumptions about her life and judged her. My response was strongly worded, but it wasn't the same type of attack you employed against Amy, and anyone who struggles with addiction.