Amy Winehouse has Emphysema at 24?

Emphysema is a tragic finding; I feel bad for her even though it's mostly self-inflicted.

As I understand it, emphysema is essentially irreversible. My mother had a mild case of it; it was what got her to quit smoking. She said emphysema scared her more than cancer! Her doctor told her quitting smoking would stop or slow it's progression but there would be little if any reversal. Her doctor was right.
well its her own fault and so i have no sympathy for her

The fact that it is her fault (and it is), and feeling sorry for her (your choice) does not have to be mutually exclusive...

You can say that although it is her fault, you feel sorry for her.

Ask yourself this everyone... If this was your sister, brother, husband, wife, or significant other, would you give her support or give her the finger?
They told her she had emphysema. She said, no, no, no.
If in order to come to a conclusion on a matter or have an opinion on someone,you must know them and their history personally,then you cant have an opinion on anyone outside your immediate cycle of friends and relatives.If you belive that,it's ok,go ahead and follow that path...I disagree with that and belive i can have an opinion on anyone i wish to.
If in order to come to a conclusion on a matter or have an opinion on someone,you must know them and their history personally,then you cant have an opinion on anyone outside your immediate cycle of friends and relatives.If you belive that,it's ok,go ahead and follow that path...I disagree with that and belive i can have an opinion on anyone i wish to.

Of course, but opinions are like....

Do you seriously see no assumptions in your post?? No judgments?? You made statements about her life you can't possibly know. If your opinion were based on FACTS and not ASSUMPTIONS, I'd have had no issue, but just as bad was your implication that a hard life isn't an excuse for addiction. It's not an excuse, its one of the causes.
Ofcourse i am assuming.I dont know her and dont want to.With what i know about her i made my opinion.From there on it is like it or leave it.
Ofcourse i am assuming.I dont know her and dont want to.With what i know about her i made my opinion.From there on it is like it or leave it.

Do you realize how silly you look blabbering about an opinion that isn't in the slightest based on fact. Judging someone based on little exposure to who they really are, yet you make sweeping judgments and assessments of what her life's been like. Whats worse, you're sticking to and defending those wild, blind assumptions? Even I'm not that stubborn.

Not to mention the tastelessness of bashing a woman who was just diagnosed with emphysema.
What is confusing to me is that emphysema is a condition that tends to develop after many years of chronic exposure to smoke or other lung irritants. I'm also reading that if she doesn't stop she could be dead in 3 months. All of this seems like a very rapid progression of a disease that generally takes many years to develop.
^I imagine she must not have been checking up on herself. She's had fainting episodes sporadically for yeras,the first I read about was early last year. It's probably a case of going undetected and unchecked, much like her drug habit. If they weren't bothering to hog-tie her and drag her to a rehab facility, I doubt they were making sure she was being checked out at a hospital.
She knew the consequences of her actions before she performed them, yet continued anyway. That means she accepted the risks and all possible outcomes.
While it's not my place to say whether she deserved it or not, people clearly shouldn't feel sympathy for her. Her family and friends on the other hand? Yes.
marleyisalegend For God's sake give it a rest.Ok i give up...are you happy?You are absolutely right and i saw the error of my ways...I didn;t know we had a Christ-like figure in our midst.
What is confusing to me is that emphysema is a condition that tends to develop after many years of chronic exposure to smoke or other lung irritants. I'm also reading that if she doesn't stop she could be dead in 3 months. All of this seems like a very rapid progression of a disease that generally takes many years to develop.

Normally true, but wasn't she smoking crack and other stuff like that?
She was abusing her lungs far more than, say, the typical cigarette smoker does.
In any case, it's early emphysema.
She still has 70 percent lung function.
(I admit the three-months prediction sounds pretty exaggerated ... maybe they're trying to scare her into taking care of herself.)
marleyisalegend For God's sake give it a rest.Ok i give up...are you happy?You are absolutely right and i saw the error of my ways...I didn;t know we had a Christ-like figure in our midst.

Even worse, instead of acknowledging that you were wrong, you've posted a half-ass (unnecessary) apology and exaggerated my point. You'd be good at a debate, but terribly inefficient. I never proclaimed to be Christ-like, but since you had the balls to say what you said, have the balls to defend them.

A)You disrespected people who battle addiction
B)You made statements about Amy's life you couldn't possibly know to be true

I'm not worried about the first cuz anyone who can read saw that in your post, but what about B? On what was your assessment based that she's had a trauma-free life? You implied that because she didn't grow up poor that she couldn't have faced any adversities that would push her into addiction. Elaborate.

would she have such a distinctive voice if it wasn't for the smoking?

It's possible, but aside from the tone, it's her ability that's distinctive. She sings with dead-on, perfect pitch, and her runs and wonderfully executed and technically "proficient." Her phrasing is a throwback to the Ella's and Billie's of yesteryear. There's so much soul in her voice that the gravely, low tone is just one aspect of it.
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Call me callous but frankly I have no sympathy at all for addicts, well unless they are making real attempts at recovery.

I'm tired of hearing about Celebs in the news, most of them waste their talent, or have none at all and somehow make a living off of it. My father's brother was an addict, died of a heart attack only a month ago. My first reaction was actual relief because he didn't end up taking someone with him.

Having pity on someone is one thing, but when they do things that put other people in danger around them time and time again, nope sorry, no sympathy and I look at it as thinning the herd. Everyone feels bad for them, until they are DUI and run down a family walking along the sidewalk.
It's her ability that's distinctive. She sings with dead-on, perfect pitch, and her runs and wonderfully executed and technically "proficient." Her phrasing is a throwback to the Ella's and Billie's of yesteryear. There's so much soul in her voice that the gravely, low tone is just one aspect of it.

Of course it's her musicality and her projected imagery that count ... her ability, as you say.
But like any singer, she has to keep firm control of her column of air.
If her emphysema worsens, she might lose a great deal of power.
I've hardly listened to her, but now I realize that's my loss. YouTubin' her now.